KiDZ ROCK OUT staff and members are professional and they are also experiencing persons in their areas. They are well positioned in the organization and did not need any further education. A final decision in the organization is made after the consent of the all the members of the board and keen observations about the budget. The main source of funding of KiDZ ROCK OUT is donations and fundraising campaigns as other nonprofit organizations do. 5.4 Organizational Relationship: KiDZ ROCK OUT has divided its clients into different segments according to their availability and power to donate. In the partner program, you can join this organization with joint venture and provide the more children so they may get benefits. Furthermore, you can join
The Boys and Girls Club always makes sure to see progress in their organization and also keep track of their progress. For example, the organization possesses annual reports that show their progression and incoming revenue. In 2011, the Boys and Girls Clubs were named the number one youth organization for the 18th year in a row by The Chronicle of Philanthropy. To keep up the quality of the organization and the positive image, The Boys and Girls Clubs have professional paid employees that work hard every day to accommodate the needs of their members. As mentioned before, the organization possesses an intelligent and professional board.
“Boyz n the hood” takes place in South Central Los Angeles in 1984. The main actors in the movie are Cuba Gooding Jr as Tre, Morris Chestnut as Ricky, and Ice Cube as Doughboy. In the beginning of the movie it says, “One out of twenty-one Black American males will be murdered in their lifetime” followed by “Most will die at the hands of another black male”. Later it shows the main characters in the movie Tre, Ricky and Doughboy as kids each of them having plans in life. Ricky’s dream is to become a football player and Tre going to college and doughboy still not deciding what he wants to do in life.
Rock and roll was not just a new generation of music; it was music that created a new generation. Rock and roll had a transformative effect on American society because it encouraged younger people to break out of the more conservative American mold, increased the use of technology in daily life, as well as implemented civil rights movements that bolstered minority groups and races.
Situated predominantly in urban areas, gangs are becoming a major problem in today's society. The youth and adults are turning into gang members often times to leave behind the current situation they are living now. Many people who aren't familiar or affiliated with gang members are known to be curious as to why it is that the youth and adults join a gang. Some answers might be the current situation, obtaining social status, sense of protection, amongst other personal reasons. Everyone who joins a gang has different situations about why they decide to associate with gang members. In the novel, G-Dog and the Homeboys by Celeste Fremon, focuses on the gang members about East Los Angeles. This book draws the attention on the youth residing within the East Los Angeles territory and a look at the East Los Angeles gang members and how they play a major role in the book as one of the Latino gangs in East Los Angeles.
Within the content of this paper, I will be describing the four theories learned from the readings this week. The theory’s that will be covered are Racial Identity Theory, Social Capital Theory, Critical Race Theory, and what Cultural Competency is. I will also provide examples of each theory along with a brief video and movie clips to further demonstrate my comprehension.
The movie Boyz in the Hood premiered in theaters in 1991. It was written and directed by John Singleton. It was also nominated for best director, and best original screen play. This paper will explore the four aspects and causes of gang violence. For instance, how youth are affected in these four environments, single parent households, gun, and gang violence, lastly education. Boyz in the hood depicts gang culture and demonstrates it though the story line protagonist, Tre. This movie shows the life of the character Tre and what he observed while growing up in south central L.A. As seen in the movie, Reva, a single mother made every attempt to make sure that her son did not involve himself in such dangerous and highly contagious acts within the black community. She ultimately makes the decision to have him live with his father. The scene opens with a young Tre fighting at school. There his teacher believed so strongly in him that she worried about his future. To therefore Reva decides to send him to his dad. Another scene shows where doughboy, Ice Cube went to jail for stealing and years later when he was released he joined a gang.
Some challenges between anti-social behaviors and geographic are evident in the film Boyz n the Hood. It a 90’s films created by John Singleton, about a boy Tre styles who is sent to live with his father Furious styles in South Central Los Angeles after he got into a fight at school. At his father 's house, he is taught morals and values of being a respected man. On the other hand, his friends Ricky and Doughboy who are half-brothers has a different upbringing with no real support system, resulting in forming a gang, involvement with drugs and a tragic ending. This film is based on the African American experience in terms of environmental conditions which results in a great deal of African American males being pushed into the criminal justice system.
John Singleton’s Boyz N the Hood is an American teen drama film released in 1991 that focuses on three black teens who live in the dangerous neighbourhood of Crenshaw, Los Angeles. The main characters Doughboy, his half-brother Ricky, and their friend Tre grow up together but meet drastically different fates as young adults. As Swanson (2011) points out, it is important to understand the tension within black communities in Los Angeles at the time of the film’s release; the Rodney King beating had taken place only months before and LA’s gang wars were reaching a peak. As a Los Angeles native, Singleton’s goal with the film was to alert people about the situation around them, as he said: “I couldn’t rhyme. I wasn’t a rapper. So I made this movie” (Swanson 2011). To reflect the environment as accurately as possible, the film was shot on the streets of South Los Angeles, so the crew was just as on edge as their characters would be; there were even threats of gun violence from local gang members.
Prior to the 1990s, there were not any female Rock ‘N’ Roll musicians, however, there was one, Cobra, the first female Rock ‘N’ Roll band. Many female artists came out in the 1990s and “many famous female singers of that time… became rather famous because of their powerful and uninhibited (benfang) voices. With their powerful voices, these female singers conformed to the orthodox communist, masculine females image” (Baranovitch, 145). One of the songs I enjoyed was Do As You Wish, translated as Follow One’s Heart’s Desire, by Luo Qui. This song was from when she was in her band Compass, which she became the lead singer of in 1991. I liked the overall musicality of the song and that it was upbeat, following with a positive message about being
artist Fetty Wap, what we don’t know is what happened to the stars eye. In interviews he was asked numerous times what happened to his eye the artist just laughs and ignores the question. Fetty Wap in my opinion is trash and idc what happen to his eye. He foolishly says the same thing every song. What has this world come to. I have no info on his eye this honestly was a foolish topic but imma make the best of it.
“Questioning anything and everything, to me, is punk rock,” said Henry Rollins, the singer and lyricist of punk band Black Flag. Punk music gave a voice to the “blank generation” of teens and young adults who were angry about their situations and questioned the failing society around them. This is the core sentiment of punk rock bands, whether from the United States or the United Kingdom. These bands realized that hippie approach of “peace and love” had failed and that a more aggressive and direct approach was needed to convey the feelings of their generation.
Kids R Kids was founded on strong values, and built on the principle "Hug First, Then Teach." From their first daycare, they have put an emphasis on providing a well-rounded experience for the children in their care focusing social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development. Their teachers are dedicated to
The film Boyz ‘n the Hood, directed by John Singleton is more than just a Hollywood blockbuster. The film incorporates numerous criminological theories and also demonstrates the concepts of conformity and deviance. This paper will analyze the characters of Tre, Ricky, Doughboy, Furious and other friends and family and show how criminological theories and the concepts of conformity and deviance play a part in their lives.
Once they have had the chance to run their program in a school they can then make improvements and even expand to other schools in the area. Schools also benefit as the children are gaining experience which they might have not previously been exposed to had there been no local groups integrated into the school. Schools need more support than what they get from the Government as although they provide children with education funding for activities and trips out of school can be found difficult. Local groups made up of parents and residents of the neighbourhood can work together to help the schools in the local area. Forming a group of parents to help in their local school can benefit the school in many different ways as ideas and advice from parents, from different backgrounds, may help the experience of children with new clubs. Local groups of volunteers can benefit schools by helping with events and trips where adult supervision is required. This benefits school children as it allows them to participate in the events and to be around adults that they can look up to. As well as schools being involved in more events and activities they can also benefit from the help of local groups by bringing the community and school together and by gaining
What subculture combines glam metal, punk rock, and gothic rock fashion? (Marasigan,). The subculture that I have chosen is glam rock. Goth Gamers and Grrrls defines and subculture as “a social subgroup distinguishable from mainstream culture by its non-normative values, beliefs, symbols, activities, and often in the case of youth, style and music” (3). Since glam rock subculture has a long history of evolution and is common among all ages, glam rock is a unique subculture with many interesting aspects.