I also thought Mrs. E.B.'s diet was deficient in vitamins D and E. Vitamin D is found in only a few foods I think replacing the coffee and wine with milk is a good idea especially since it is fortified with vitamin D. The one thing she does have in her diet is vitamin A the casserole she eats contains meat, green beans, carrots, or corn. Vitamin A is important for immune function, bone health, and vision. After reading the chapter i found that alcohol consumption actually depletes Vitamin A in the body. Since Mrs. E.B. drinks a lot of wine i think it would be in her best interest to cut down the amount of wine she drinks.
To determine the level of my fiber intake from a 3 day sample of my diet, I performed a Prospective Diet Analysis. On average, I consumed 22.3 grams of fiber, just missing the recommendation of 25 grams. Coherent to the findings of the related studies, my cholesterol intake decreased and by the third day totaled 124.5 mg, which relates to 42% of the Daily Recommended Intake of 300 mg.
In “Escape from the Western Diet”, the writer Michael Pollan is making points as to why we should avoid the Western Diet. Understanding the problems of the Western Diet and solutions to escape from it is the main idea of this article. He reminds us of many different scientific theories that demonstrations how the Western Diet is behind the large number of diseases that follow to those who eat it. Those theories were the “lipid hypothesis”, the “carbohydrate hypothesis” and the “neolipid hypothesis”. Michael Pollan believed that all the theories and scientific explanations were not going to prevent the chronic diseases from the Western diet. And the only solution
Two friends of yours, Janine and Mitchell, join you at lunch. During your conversation, Janine comments on Mitchell’s choice of food: a small bowl of cottage cheese, a chicken salad with vinegar and oil dressing, and a glass of ice water.
“Eat food, not too much, and mostly plants.” (426 Pollan) Michael Pollan states these three rules on how to eat, in his article Escape From the Western Diet. Pollan believes that our culture is slave to the food industry and we must start to make better decisions about what and how we eat. Mary Maxfields article, Revisiting the Moralization of Eating, completely counters this logic by stating “Trust yourself. Trust your body. Meet your need.” (446 Maxfield) Maxfield believes that you should not moralize food and just simply eat what you desire. In this article Maxfeld advocates her opinions on the moralization of food and demonstrates many studies to back them up with.
In comparison with my DRIs, my intake of kcalories from carbohydrates, protein, and fat are all within or below the recommended ranges. When I compared my Macronutrient Distribution to my DRI, I realized that I was very close to recommended amount of fat intake. One thing that I could improve on is my protein consumption. My carbohydrate intake is also something I can improve on being that it was below the daily-recommended intake. Looking at my Energy Balance report and comparing the calories that I consumed versus my energy expenditure I can interpret that I did not burn any of the calories that I consumed. Over the summer my goal was to do at least an hour of cardio daily. Since the semester has started I have fallen off. Therefore, I am creating a plan in which I will incorporate cardio into
Many Americans are suffering from nutrition issues. There are approximately 12.5 million children and adolescents aged 2-19 years that are obese (CDC). The proper health and nutrition for children is very critical to their growth and development. The media and its promotion of junk food is one way that affects obese children. Within this paper, I will discuss the long and short term impacts of obesity on children, their growth and development, describe a specific child who is affected by obesity, and give three ways to combat obesity that involves collaboration among schools, families, and communities.
In the present day of technology virtual reality is becoming a new trend. The ability to explore places without going there for real. Ray Bradbury famous author of predictive science fiction wrote a short story on the use of technology in such a way. The Veldt by Ray Bradbury tells the story of a family of four, two kids and their parents. The story focuses on a piece of technology known as the nursey which create virtual scenery for the kids, but the parents begin to suspect something wrong is going on with it. Ray Bradbury does a fantastic job of conveying the sense of detachment of the family due to the presence of the nursey and the house’s technology. The Veldt does good job of satirizing technology and its consequence on family interaction or human interaction in general.
Proper nutrition is important in maintaining a long and healthy life. Most Americans are rushed due to their busy work schedules, and do not take the time to plan their diets properly. Like me, most Americans are unaware of the importance of eating a healthy diet and consume too many foods without the proper nutrients. Throughout my life I have been fortunate. I have not had any major health problems, and have been able to consume most foods without having to worry about gaining weight. These last two years, however, I started to gain weight and have become concerned with my diet. Changing my poor eating habits has been difficult for me, however, having this assignment has taught me that it is not as difficult as I previously
Culture can be seen through many variations of media, one being a country’s newspaper. The Madagascar Tribune exemplifies one of their core values being health. Unfortunately stated in the Madagascar Tribune, some paramedicals in rural areas are threatening to leave due to the affects the job has on their personal life. This would leave some without emergency health care. Other core values include political views and economy stability. These values can be seen in stories about mining, political leaders and export goods. America’s core values do include politics and the economy, but they are not the only two.
Nutrition, I have learned plays a big part in our life. To be honest I was clueless about how much nutrition affected our everyday lives. I love going to the gym working out, now that I know what should go into my diet I think I will see a lot more improvement. I occasionally follow the latest diet fads because I believed it would be better for my health, but in turn it really hurt more than it helped! This Diet Analysis project has been extremely useful course because I can personally relate to it and can use much of the information learned to my daily routines. The Diet Analysis project was a real eye opener because it let me see what exactly I was putting into my diet.
A genius scientist invents a pill that “cures” transgender people, but is targeted by the Warriors for Social Justice, and he has to find a way to redeem himself. BRIEF SYNOPSIS: MYERS DRIBBLE (25) has always wanted to be a scientist, even though his father, SOOPY, did not approve. Now, Myers gets the chance to work with scientist, Dr. JEWSTEIN (45). Myers is very excited to announce that he has come up with a new pill. It’s the transgender cure.
In life, many people participate in various daily events and activities that help them enjoy being who they are. People may enjoy getting together with friends, going to the mall, going to an amusement park or simply finding relaxation in nature. However, a big part of everyone’s life is of course eating and many people find pleasure in doing so. Eating is a very enjoyable and delectable must for everyone but should be done so, like everything in life, in a smart and intelligent way. Being smart and perceptive when eating is a large part of nutrition.
The three-day diet analysis was interesting. There were many positive attributes to it and definitely negative ones. Over the course of the three days, which were Friday, Saturday and Sunday: and figured this would give a good depiction of what I was consuming on a regular basis. In some places I was consuming more than I should be and in some I was consuming less than I should be. There were also those places were I was getting just the right amount. It is so interesting to me to be able to find out what I am consuming and how I am consuming it. Being an active male, it was most interesting of what I ate, what my average of the three days were, and the plan on how I would correct the way I eat to make it a more healthier lifestyle.
The Western Diet mainly consists of fried foods, refined grains, sugar, high carbohydrate and fats, and meats (3). It has been hypothesized that having a Western Diet increases one’s chances for developing depression. There has been a great deal of research into why the western diet increase’s one chance of having depression. A common sense reason maybe that the Western Diet consisted of large amounts carbohydrates, fats and sugars which promotes obesity and then causes depression (1). More scientific evidence suggest that having a improper diet like the Western Diet negatively affects peripheral and central dopamine, which are neurotransmitters (chemical which transmit signals across the synapse from the nerve cell to the target cell)
One of the most unhealthy diets in the world is that of an American. It is made up of processed foods and a good amount of television. America easily has the most fast food restaurants in the entire world. Leave it to McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King or any other fast-food restaurant to serve extremely cheap and even unhealthier food at any time during the day or night. ”It tastes good so why not?” That seems to be the question many people are asking now-a-days. Because it is so easily accessible and processed, it is made to be very tasty and extremely unhealthy. Many Americans find his or herself indulging on the these fatty foods of America on a day-to-day basis. While it may taste good at the time, it has a terrible effect on your body