
Case Study Of Phantom Pain ( Phantom Limb Pain ( PLP )

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Phantom pain (Phantom limb pain [PLP])
PLP is one of those strange afflictions of the human body which can be caused by a number of instances. Although surgery and the removal of limbs, hence the name, are the primary and most common way of developing PLP, there are numerous other ways which can bring PLP on, albeit not in as severe ways; these ways include, but are not limited to Touch, Urination or defecation, Sexual intercourse, Angina, Cigarette smoking, Changes in barometric pressure, Herpes zoster, Exposure to cold, and almost any other instance where you experience a feeling through your nervous system. To reiterate, while it is one hundred percent possible to develop PLP through any of those listed, the chances of such a thing is …show more content…

Almost, down to around 2-10% do not, everyone experiences phantom pains at some point after surgery; of the 90-98% people that do develop PLP, 75% feel it as soon as the anesthesia wears off, and the remaining 25% after a few days or weeks. As far as we are aware, ethnicity, gender, and age do not seem to affect phantom pains at all; neither in its onset nor duration, though it has not been fully explored yet.
PLP, like all pains, does not have a uniform amount of time for it to “go away”, rather, it tends to be anywhere between seconds to years, though more often than not, it diminishes in about six months without therapy of some kind.

PLP has been around for as long as limbs were removed, however, we have only recently begun developing the technology and understanding to begin work on it, but even then, research is still in it’s infancy.
The truth of the matter is, PLP is not an easy affliction to study. However, we are aware of some aspects of the affliction, such as, as more of the limb is amputated, the greater chance of moderate to severe phantom pains. Unfortunately, in the end, we just do not know enough about PLP. In most cases, the pains end, or at least mitigate within about two years, though persistent cases, ~5%, may continue for even longer; but even in these persistent cases, the pains become

While no drugs have been made specifically for

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