PolyMet is planning to develop a sulfide mine on public land close to Hoyt Lakes and Babbitt. If they acquire the necesary permits to begin mining, they will remove copper, nickel, and other precious metals from three mines on site. They will mine for 20 years, extracting 72 million pounds of copper, 15 million of nickel, and 106,000 ounces of other precious metals a year, which will leave an estimated 500 years of pollution. Polymet plans to contain the waste at the mine site by placing it in a stockpile with a groundwater containment system. After completing the 20 years, they will backfill the waste into the mining pit. At the processing plant, they will contain the contaminated water by using reverse osmosis, a process that forces
The EPA agreed to clean up Nahant Marsh in 1999. It was estimated that the clean up would cost $2,000,000. The water level had to be lowered to remove lead pellets so a pipe was used to drain the marsh until a pump was required. Once the water level was low enough they brought in an excavator and excavated and hauled the soil to a stockpile area where it dried out and was hauled to the landfill. In order to render the metal insoluble found in the soil a phosphate-based stabilization chemical was mixed into the soil. After the soil was treated it was removed and then the ground was graded and smoothed so grasses could be
I would have to say that from the reading that it can be very harmful for the coal mining chemicals to seep into the ground into our drinking water.
The main pollutant of surface water in the mid-Atlantic region is Acid Mine Drainage, AMD, also called Abandoned Mine Drainage. AMD is a nonpoint source pollution that has degraded more than 4,500 stream miles, in just the mid-Atlantic region, due to the drainage of metal-rich water from mining activities (Jacobs). The runoff is extremely acidic due to the exposure of pyrite containing rocks, a sulfur bearing mineral (FeS2), during mining activities, and the chemical reactions associated with the contact of air and water with such rocks. As a result of such chemical reactions, sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is produced. Several chemical reactions take place and are as follows:
Clean coal technology usually addresses atmospheric problems resulting from burning coal. Historically, the primary focus was on sulfur dioxide and particulates, since it is the most important gas in the causation of acid rain. More recent focus has been on carbon dioxide (due to its impact on global warming) as well as other pollutants. Concerns exist regarding the economic viability of these technologies and the timeframe of delivery, potentially high hidden economic costs in terms of social and environmental damage, and the costs and viability of disposing of removed carbon and other toxic matter. More, the byproducts of coal power production range from fly ash sludge ponds full of mercury, arsenic, and sulfur in unlined ponds that can leak into the water supply.
What some people may be worried about is the fact that this mine could destroy the wonderful peace of the Boundary Waters, for at least 20 years while PolyMet does their mining. The Boundary Waters are located in one of the 12 places on Earth where you can go 15 minutes without hearing human noise. You can ask pretty much anyone who has been to the Boundary Waters, and they will tell you just how peaceful and serene it is. I honestly think 20 years worth of jobs in that area cannot match up to the amazing environment that is already there.
Imagine drifting slowly on a canoe while fishing one of Minnesota's crystal clear waters on a beautiful, sunny day. Now imagine being interrupted by the loud, ongoing sounds of drilling and being told the fish were too dangerous to eat. This is only one of many potential harms of sulfide mining. PolyMet, a new mining company would like to bring sulfide mining, also known as copper-nickel mining to Minnesota. This would involve the extraction of copper and various other metals from sulfide, hence the name. The sulfide that comes out of this type of mining can have serious consequences on the environment. Events that occurred in the past and facts mentioned in the books titled Taconite Dreams by Jeffrey Manuel and Fractured Land by Lisa
Is Mayella Powerful in “To Kill a Mockingbird”? Mayella is powerful due to the fact she won in court and was able to have the court convict Tom Robinson guilty of raping her. The way she handled court was not a mature thing to do, but it was smart.She did not only win because she was wise about what she said, but because she was a white female. This played a huge roll in the courtroom and was one of the major components why she won. Mayella had to do what was best for her future, because she did not want to reflect her Dad’s lifestyle in any way. “ One corner of the yard, though, bewildered Maycomb. Against the fence, in a line, were six… jars holding brilliant red geraniums, cared for… tenderly… People said they were Mayella Ewell’s.” This excerpt is from the book and it is trying to explain how Mayella cares for the red geraniums and it shows how she has hope for a better life for herself. She really doesn’t enjoy the way she lives now, with her father harassing her, she wants to be happy. The red geraniums are a symbol for hope. This helps the reader to believe she is not weak, but she is powerful.
Once these mines were abandoned water slowly began to fill these mines. The water came in contact with all of the leftover minerals, including sulfide, and chemicals began to dissolve into the water. This process of dissolving chemicals into the water essentially turned the water into acid (1). Once the mines finally filled, water began to pour out of the mines into the surrounding area, mostly into a body of water now known as “Tar Creek” (1). This creek then spread the contaminated water throughout the community and into numerous water sources.
It is profitable for the Rubber group as a whole to continue producing butyl and halobutyl.
I learned that mines were abandoned and in this case we have the responsible helping out. In other cases like the Gold King Mine in Colorado that it was used in the early 1900’s, the responsible that abandoned the mines were from Canada and are no were to be found. The problem with these mines is that when they extract all the uranium and there is no need for the mines, these mines need to be abandoned and closed. Unfortunately, there was no cleanup process when the mines were abandoned. Leaving the areas contaminated and the water from the rain transporting the contamination to other areas. 100 years ago, there was no standard on how to properly abandon a mine. Now days, the EPA and the state environmental departments are responsible to enforce the proper abandonment procedures and make sure the closure will not contaminate nearby areas or the water used for drinking, crops, and other human and animal uses. The runoff of the mine contamination can increase the total dissolve solids (TDS) in the nearby waters, making it non usable for human consumption and fish
Shame that is brought down on someone is meant to make them weak and regretful, but it can also make them a stronger, more independent person motivated to make their society better. In the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, he explores how Hester transforms her shame and successfully changes the way other people in her Puritan society perceive her. By Hester choosing to become an outsider living on the edge of town she shows the people of Boston that she is not sinful but is charitable and has an open heart. Furthermore, Hester’s unique and insightful daughter Pearl, makes her a stronger, more-questioning individual able to look at things in a different way than her Puritan society does. Additionally, Hester is not verbally rebellious but
Water contamination is the next major concern of environmental groups. The Environmental Protection Agency, the governmental regulatory agency created in 1970 to manage the enforcement of environmental policy, states its concerns in a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2009 (United). Specifically addressing mines in West Virginia and Kentucky, the EPA expressed serious concerns over water pollution from strip mining (“EPA”). The rupture of an ash dike at the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Kingston Fossil Plant in Roane County, TN on December 22, 2008 granted credibility to the EPA’s concerns. In an article published by in Environmental Health Perspectives, Rhitu Chatterjee comments on the poisonous substances contained in ash produced from processing coal, listing
Polyface is an economically and sustainable family-owned farm evolved during the transition from a stereotypical polyculture configuration to less labor-intensive single output farms. Started in the year 1961, it was formally taken over by Salatin in the year 1982. It has a 550-acre property (100 acres of pasture and 450 acres of woodland) in Virginia. There were 6 full-time employees with the farm:
Another threat to the environment is acid mine drainage (also known as acid rock drainage). Acid mine drainage is "the outflow of acidic water from a mining site." This acid is formed by the oxidation of iron sulfide. The oxidation occurs when iron sulfide is exposed to the air or to dissolved oxygen in the water, which causes the iron to rust and the sulfur reacts with the water to forum sulfuric acid (Coil, D., McKittrick, E., and Higman, B., 2010). Figure 2 illustrates the sulfuric acid that is formed.
In 1995 James Wolfensohn was appointed president of the World Bank. With this new opportunity he designed a plan in hopes of reducing poverty through debt forgiveness. The plan was called the highly indebted poor countries (HIPC) initiative Countries would be eligible for this plan if they had unsustainable debt, debt ranging from 200-250% of their export earnings. The first stage of HIPC involved a structural adjustment for 3 years until the Decision Point was reached, if the debt was still unsustainable there would be a 67% cancellation. The country would then enter stage two which included another 3 years of adjustment until the completion point, 80% debt reduction and debt owed to the IMF would be cancelled by taking out of the HIPC