Per Reporter:
Randy came in today, 11/6/17 with a spiral fracture to his left leg. The nurse practitioner (Shunnia) and doctors (Dr. Stock, and Dr. Rulewitz) are concerned while how Randy’s leg is broke. Mom (Kendal) said Randy and another sibling was playing there was water on the floor from the icemaker. The family moved into the home last week. The child fell. The incident took place today. Reporter stated the child’s leg look like someone twisted it. It is unknown if someone did twist the child’s leg. Mom thought it was the child’s foot. His fracture is on the front of his tibia from his knee to his ankle. Randy went to another unknown clinic and he was sent to North MS Medical center. He is in pain. Reporter informed mom she would have
RP stated law enforcement received a call from an anonymous caller stated an employee, Shemaiah Messengale grabbed the child Marley's arm which is fractured. Law enforcement contacted the child's mother to verify injuries. It was disclosed the child had suffered 4 fractures to her elbow and wrist. The RP stated law enforcement spoke with owner/licensee of the facility and the employee accused of causing the injury. They reported Marley sustained the injuries accidentally when she fell from slide. The RP stated the child was treated at Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) by Dr. Lindsey Andras who determined the injuries are consistent with a fall. Law enforcement did not speak with treating doctor to confirm the information. The RP disclosed
Initially we had difficulty obtaining his discharge orders as the hospital care manager replied she had forwarded the documentation, but neither I nor Mrs. Bianco had received a copy. Mrs. Bianco made a visit to Mills Creek and met with Mr. Smith at that time she was made aware of an appointment that Mr. Smith attended. Mr. Smith attended a physician appointment on June 28, 2017 with Dr. Leonard, Orthopedic trauma. Mills Creek assisted with the transportation and a mobile x-ray unit was coordinated to obtain x-rays of the femur at the facility as Mr. Smith didn’t bring his slide board to the appointment and couldn’t get onto the radiology table.
On this date and time this caseworker met with Latonya Myles for a follow up visit. At this time this caseworker observed Jacoreyn to be clean. healthy and adequately dressed. The marking cause by the fall on Jacoreyn forehead had fully healed and his skin has return to its normal color. The caseworker observed Jacoreyn walking and playing with his tablet along with his brother Jaylin. Ms. Myles reported that Jacoreyn head has heal well and she has not had any problems. Ms. Myles reported no concerns. Ms. Myles gave the caseworker permission to speak with her son Jaylin.
In November 1960, Dorrence Darling II, a minor (Plaintiff) was brought in to the Charleston Community Memorial Hospital (Defendant) by his father, after breaking his leg during a football game. The on call Physician, Dr. Alexander (Defendant) tended to Darling in the emergency room. Dr. Alexander began by putting the leg in traction, setting the break, and applied a plaster cast. The next day Darling's toes had become dark, swollen and cold to the touch. Darling was in a great deal of pain and voiced this to the Dr. and attending nursing staff. Dr. Alexander made some adjustments to the cast around the toes to relieve some of the pressure.
The reporter stated on 12/05/15 the victim was brought to the emergency room and diagnosed with pneumonia. According to the reporter, Braxtyn’s condition is serious but it’s unknown if it’s life threatening. Ms. Donaldson stated South Central is unable to provide Braxtyn with the care he needs so he’s being transported by ground to UMC in Jackson, MS. At this time er doctor’s have expressed concerns about his mother accompanying him to UMC. Per the reporter, Ms. Williams has not been compliant with the medical needs the child is having at this time. The reporter stated Braxtyn requires an oxygen mask but his mother refuses to keep the mask to his face. The reporter stated Essences continues to leave the room and Braxtyn unattended, she’s not
On page 98 of the novel is an important passage that clarifies the reader’s understanding of the true direction in which Randy’s moral compass points—set at a point in the story shortly after the first few hydrogen bombs drop and chaos begins to erupt, this passage shows us Randy’s internal struggle with the “every man for himself” mentality he deems necessary to survive. While he knows that his first priority is ensuring the safety of his family, his sister-in-law Helen and her children, he still stops the car and gets out to inspect the damage caused by a wreck on the side of the road. He thinks himself “soft and stupid” for doing so, but goes through with the act because he’s unable to repress the instinct to check on the accident.
When he came into jr. high he started his football career. He played for the Blackfoot Eagles and the Snake River Ravens. During his 8th grade year he broke his hip while in football practice. After this happened his family went on their hunting trip. He told his parents that something was wrong with it; however they told him he was just fine. After the hunting trip he went to the doctor to get an x-ray done. Right after the x-ray the doctor came in and told him that he needed to be at the hospital at 3 a.m. the following morning. After the hip was
As requested, I have reviewed the facts of the above-captioned file, along with the applicable law and summarized same in this memorandum. Mrs. Mary Smith suffered an injury to her right ankle in an automobile accident on 10/3/95. After surgery and months of rehabilitation, Mrs. Smith still suffers daily. I have researched the facts regarding a personal injury action against Paul Joseph, as well as a medical malpractice action against the medical providers.
Yes, Tavion’s mother’s statement of concern about the suspicion of abuse should warrant a valid reason to lunch investigation in the child injury. Moreover, the emergency department staff had suspicion about the Tavion’s injury due to the fact injury is not consistence with an injury sustained in park playground. Hospitals are mandate by law to report any suspicion of child abuse; the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act enacted in 1974 was designed to encourage the reporting of child abuse cases, and prevention. In addition, most states have enacted laws to further protect abuse children, and most states protect the individual required to report cases of suspected child abuse; the following individual are eligible to report suspected cases of abuse include healthcare administrators, physicians, interns, registered nurse, chiropractors, social service workers, psychologists, dentists, osteopaths, optometrists, podiatrists, mental health professionals, and volunteer in healthcare facilities (Pozgar, 2014).
I didn't mind since I would only watch her every other day except weekends. I am CPR certified and I've had experience before with babies her age before, so I knew what to do and if I had any questions I would call. One day as I was watching Kylie on a Tuesday afternoon, I called her father in panic saying that Kylie was crying out and I didn't know what was wrong. So he came home and rushed her to the hospital. He had called his wife and she rushed back home from her trip. Her father rushed her to the ER to figure out what could be the underlying problem The X-ray showed that she had a fracture in her right leg the doctor has diagnosed Kylie with Rickets, until they did x-rays on her whole body and found out she had 8 other fractures on her as well. The hospital staff suspected child abuse. One doctor at the ER thought it was a birth injury but that wasn't the case because it only took Jan 4 pushes to get Kylie out of her. Dr. Michael Holick who is a specialist in Vitamin D deficiencies found that the key to diagnosing her daughter lied with Jan. he had asked her questions like, "Are you able to extend your arm all the way?" and she couldn't. Come to find out Dr. Holick told her lacked collagen which explained her fainting spells. This
Today, at Launch Trampoline Park in Watertown, there was a medical incident involving Sam Greenblatt, a Sudbury Adventure camper. Sam was jumping on a trampoline while playing volleyball when he lost his footing and landed chest first on the trampoline. Sam complained about pain on the left side of his stomach and reported to be in extreme pain. Tim and Jackie reported that his hands were trembling when holding ice on his side. Sam rated his pain a 7/10 and also had a hard time sitting down and even had a trembling voice. Tim, Jackie, and Sam immediately called both parents multiple times but received no answer. Tim then contacted Sam’s aunt who gave permission to call an ambulance but felt as if he was most likely
1:10pm- IRTC called the source who validated the narrative and expressed that the injury was observed yesterday (11/27/17). Source voiced that the injury appeared to be more like a rash; since the child has a history of eczema, they didn’t think much of it. Source uttered that the subject child’s mother called inquiring about the injury and wanted to know if the subject child fell at the daycare. Source stated that the child did not fall, but it was recommended for the child to be brought for a medical assessment. Source indicated that they received a return call from the subject child’s mother stating that the medical provider reported that the injury appears to have been sustained by a fall or possibly by another child. Source reiterated that the child did not fall at the daycare. Source added that besides the subject child, there are two active children residing at the case address.
If this scenario happened in an outpatient clinic or urgent care center and there were physicians who were more dedicated to patient safety a report to child protective services may have been made regarding the child’s injuries. This child deserves to have her rights observed and
During the home health observation day, there were several opportunities to observe a variety of patients with varying levels of functioning ability, different illnesses, and different needs and levels of interaction with the nurse. The first patient seen was a seventy-three year old Caucasian female with an ulcer on her right heel. Several weeks prior, she had scratched her left leg and she also had several small wounds on her left leg. The orders were to clean and redress the ulcer. She has a history of end stage renal disease, pneumonia, weakness, diabetes, dialysis, and right hip fracture. Upon entering the home, the patient was found to be sitting in a wheel chair in the living room watching television with her husband close by her side. She greeted the nurse with a smile and began to update her on her current condition. Her heel was “hurting” and she rated her pain an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. She also had some “swelling” that she could not “get to go away; because, she could not get up and walk. They need to fix my foot so that I can get up and get around.” She told the nurse that she had been to see the doctor “yesterday” and the doctor had given her a written order that she wanted her to see. The order was written for an evaluation for a soft pressure shoe fitting. The nurse read the order to
Randy’s behavior with respect to Kaye is not out of the ordinary. Actually a recent “study found that an overwhelming majority (85%) of employees at all levels experience conflict to some degree. ”[1] It is obvious from the passage that a distinct conflict exists with Kaye.