Just in time for the hot Southern California summer, Ridgeline Splash Pad had its grand opening to the public on July 3rd, 2017. A long-awaited improvement to the neighborhood, the Splash Pad gives new life to Ridgeline Park and has quickly become the centerpiece for children in this Corona community. A unique challenge to this project was its timeframe. With only a 10-week window to completion, there was no room for error. The 38,000-square foot site was amended with new soil and over 26,000 square feet of sod was installed. Equipment structure, surge tank, hardscape paving, and lighting was also added. Site amenities like restrooms, outdoor showers, shade structures, for attentive parents, as well as a landscaped picnic area with fountains
The proposed Pohick Creek watershed stream restoration project PC9249 is located northwest of Parliament Drive and east of Queen Victoria Court in Burke, VA, which is in Fairfax County. This project was designated as a 10-year high priority project in 2010 due to erosion, location of the adjacent neighborhoods, and the invested interest of the surrounding communities. Presently, only the design for the restoration project has been funded and was completed in May 2015. Although it has been over a year since the concept design was completed, the construction funding is still pending. Based on the cost-benefit analysis, the survey results and the site evaluation, I recommend Fairfax County assist Southport and Signal Hill Homeowner Associations (HOA) to receive immediate funding for the construction costs ($1,990,000) of the Pohick Creek at Queen Victoria (PC9249) stream restoration project.
The aim of this report is to determine whether a 6 slide water park should be built on lake Doonella or an eco friendly tourist resort. The three factors that need be considered before the star on construction begins are the environment and all the plants and wildlife currently living in the area, the business and tourism impact on the local council area, as well as the socialisation factors within the local community. To support this report, statistics and facts were gathered through observations. Then thoughrally analysed to determine which new holiday experience would best suit Lake Doonella Noosa.
Through the northwestern portion of the site a manmade walking path has been established for recreation purposes adjacent to the lowest point of the meadow. Despite there being a drainage culvert for carrying rainwater under the pathway, there is noticeable erosion of the path itself, suggesting that with ample rainfall such a culvert is insufficient, allowing rainwater to flow up and over the path (Figure 8). This also draws into question the stability of the local area in terms of landslides and mass wasting. Because the slope is greater than 25% it is very likely that mass wasting occurs in the area. Slopes in the surrounding area are not steep enough for rock falls but with consistent heavy rainfall a mudslide of clay and rock is possible, which could threaten recreational users of the park. Because Taylor Mountain is a public open space preserve there is cause for concern when designing/building structures associated with recreational use. Precautions must be taken when building to avoid hazards of mass wasting and erosion. However, due to the nature of the preserve it is highly unlikely that any type of large structure or septic system would be permitted. Noise pollution in this area is very mild with only the occasional truck being heard on the 101 highway to the west. Unfortunately, a new fire station is to be built within .6 miles and some local fauna may become disturbed by the wail of sirens. Be advised that a sound barrier should be constructed around the fire station in order to minimize disturbance of wildlife. One important note is that it was recommended in a biotic assessment that, “one of the proposed trails be removed from the plan (on Taylor Mountain) to avoid impacts to deer in the oak woodland, and that another be realigned to avoid wetlands” (Waaland, pg.1). In doing so further disruption of wildlife habitat can be
The lot has a relatively square shape, and level with road access directly off of the Bull Run Road. The subject lot is surrounded by improved lots on three sides, one of which includes the appellant's residence. The subject lot was made buildable in 2015 due to the fact that the owner had paid valid market price of $452,000, and the lot is adjoined to improved lots and comparable vacant lots which are considered buildable and have approved septic fields. Consequently, its assessed value was increased from $60,000 to $311,000. The new improved lots in the area are approved for above ground septic
Throughout the last couple months, spending large amounts of time with your household on Meadow Vale, I have selected specific issues that should be addressed about your property and my corresponding recommendations. I have carefully developed these recommendations, in order for your property to flourish in the upcoming years and to overall improve current procedures being undertaken at Meadow vale.
In 2011, REI partnered with The Nature Conservancy to implement an afforestation project on the Bayou Bartholomew property in Louisiana, which will restore forest continuity with the adjacent Chemin-a-Haut State Park. Funding provided voluntarily by REI Adventures will finance the future retirement of carbon offsets from this project. Through this effort, REI supported The Nature Conservancy 's restoration of this forest ecosystem, as well as the design of a carbon project.
The deck will be constructed according to the Homeowners' approved architectural plans that meet County construction requirements, including zoning (setbacks) and safety, as well as the Homeowners' Association (HOA) covenants and restrictions. Deck construction will be completed for no more than $10,000 and the site will be cleaned and turned over to the Homeowner no later than 4:00pm local time on 3 July 2012. The deck will be deemed complete when the County's inspector and Homeowner sign off on the construction.
Memorial Field is a deeply underutilized area of land. While the wetland area near the field is under reconstruction, Memorial Field remains ignored. While this area of land is neglected, it faces many issues and will face many issues in the future. One problem Memorial Field could potentially face is erosion. This process occurs when one of the natural agents of erosion wears away at the land or rock. Erosion affects not only people, but the living organisms, and the overall area of Memorial Field.
Dealing with flooding has been an all too often occurrence for those who live or work around the western suburbs of Chicago. Parking lots are often underwater making them unsafe to enter and effectively shutting down the Schools and businesses in the area. Standing water is found around every corner causing roads to become barricaded off. I have personally watched cars floating down the street. Finally, the local residents and governments have had enough, they've reached a decision. One of the parks in the area will be torn down to make room for an emergency runoff pond. The chosen park is Armstrong Park, which includes the natural walking path park called Lake George. Adding the runoff pond will vastly improve the surrounding communities
An up-to-date survey of the entire property which shows the existing improvements and the location of all wetlands and poorly and very poorly drained soils (including wetland flag numbers), wetland buffer, and 12’ primary structure setback from the buffer edge. The survey should be prepared by a licensed surveyor. For properties where the wetland delineation is older than 3 years, the professional who did the original delineation should reconfirm the accuracy of the boundaries in writing as part of the application. The Conservation Commission reserves the right to request documentation/notes for any wetlands delineation.
* Old sites, such as the Garden festival site has been which had now been derelict for 20 years has been purchased for re - re development. This shows continued investment and development in the area highlighting the success of the scheme.
Associated activities may include installing drainage systems, grading slopes, ditching for storm drainages, and conduits for service utilities. The disturbance of natural patterns of runoff and rainwater infiltration through modified drainage can lead to the concentration of water flow at sites that previously only took direct rainwater infiltration; this can result in rapid forming cover-subsidence sinkholes (Waltham et al, 2005, p. 159). The many impervious surfaces used in modified drainage activities also impedes groundwater recharge, which can consequently lower the water
During the construction phase, there will be a lot happening all over. This may vary from the actual erecting of the building, to the transport of goods, to the extraction of materials needed, etc. There will be a lot of damage done to the o-zone layer, a lot of habitat and biodiversity destroyed, amongst other things.
Putting in place a process for due diligence will help identify which clients are most valuable to Swell Spaces. This tool seeks to standardize the partially documented system Swell Spaces currently uses with potential client during on-boarding process. This chart pairs with the client criteria and scorecard to help ensure a consistent vetting process, even with the increasing delegation of duties to the operations manager.
Firstly I would check for hazards around the playground, deciding where improvements are needed and in what areas, I would then develop a plan of action that specifies any actions required for the improvements to be made. I would need to check the playground for: