The Leopold KOSTAL GmbH is an independent, globally orientated family-run company, which was founded in 1912 in Ludenscheid. Around 1927, they developed and produced products for automobiles for the first time. In 1973, Helmut Kostal decided to start the first overseas KOSTAL plant in Mexico to allow the company to grow internationally. In 2017, an annual turnover of € 2,470 million is planned. This would be a plus of € 106 million compared to the previous year of 2016. The aim of the KOSTAL Group is to employ 17,959 employees this year, of which around 81% are active abroad. The constant competitive pressure on the global market requires a way of thinking that goes beyond the boundaries of Germany. Kostal is represented on four continents …show more content…
KOSTAL is and remains 100% a family-run private enterprise. Independence is therefore at the forefront of corporate philosophy. Another principle is family management, there should be at least one family member in the executive management. KOSTAL offers maximum global integration and an enormous competitive pressure, which can only be drowned by providing globally uniform services at competitive prices. Another guiding principle of KOSTAL is that it does not seek short-term profitability, but pursues long-term profitable …show more content…
The assembly line is designed in such a way that the motions of the workers are minimized to the extent possible. The parts are transferred in sequence between stations through conveyors. The production line is explained with a brief description of the processes carried out in each station. The figure7 shows the assembly line with manual and automatic stations. Station 1, 4 and 8 are manual stations and the rest of the stations are automated. The processes carried out in each station is described
One of the biggest needs for improvement was the assembly process. Although several changes were made throughout the years, quality and efficiency still fell below expectations. Hinrichs implemented the newly developed assembly which consists of two separate work stations that allowed operators in the adjacent stations to share the expensive balancer machine. These assembly cells were much more efficient as workers were no longer forced to wait for another person or machine in the process. Each cell was built like the other with quick turn set-up which created flexibility in the process while also reducing tooling inventory by almost a half. Now cells
(The graphic shows the mass production rate of cars by using an assembly line that could have required a larger work force) (Document 4). One method to manufacture a product that became very popular is the assembly line which made the rate of production per person much greater. It required
A product would be sent to a worker who would perform a certain task and then moved on to another worker who would perform a different task. The idea was that all of the employees would have their own individual tasks to perform on one product to increase production speed and efficiency. The assembly line was first used and perfected in the automobile industry by Henry Ford. This sparked a rise in automobile sales which ultimately changed how people lived their day
As the developer of the assembly line, Ford dealt with a similar dilemma to Harold’s during his career. Assembly line
Since the current assembly line layout should achieving 100% line efficiency when running at maximum capacity of 215 units. Thus, to operate at target 300 units/day, the current assembly line needs to redesign.
Encyclopedia Britannica had Ford write a piece for its latest edition. Ford had one of his employees write the piece on mass production. It was this very article that coined the term Fordism. The moving assembly line is basically assigning each person a specific job and then having them do it all the time.
The assembly line needs to produce 6 units per hour and there is room for only four workstations. The tasks and the order in which they must be performed are shown in the following table. Tasks cannot be split, and it would be too expensive to duplicate any task.
Assembly line overview: This assembly line has 5 zone and they are wiring and tubing, interior, chasee, exterior and complex. Each process within that specific zone gets thoroughly examined by an associate before it travels in lorry to the next zone. Numerous build sheets escort each vehicle through assembly. A build sheet classifies the appropriate parts to install on the units and helps associates approve quality as the vehicle move through production.
With assembly-line production, job skills become highly specific to the technology and procedures used in a given plant. Such jobs are considered semi-skilled because they require a specific skill but one that can be learned in a relatively short time... The organizations of production around an assembly line…and other forms of advanced mechanization are organized under scientific management [where]…the worker was to execute diligently a set of motions engineered to ensure the most efficient performance of a given task. (Hodson, R. & Sullivan, T.A., 2008, p. 27)
Compass Group is an international public listed company based in Britain. Head quartered in Chertsey, Surrey the company was founded by Jack Bateman in 1941. It concentrates on food catering, maintenance and cleaning, managing properties, etc. The company initially was known under the name of Factory Canteens Limited and then was renamed as Bateman catering. With operations ranging in more than 50 countries employing 500,000 people, compass group currently is the world’s largest food and catering supplier. (, 2015). The company supplies to office spaces, educational establishments, hospitals, oil rigs, old age homes, sports organizations, etc. The company has been listed in London Stock Exchange in 1988. (,
We analyzed a Toshiba assembly line plan for a new subnotebook computer. The engineering section manager, Toshihiro Nakamura, wants to make changes to the line process as designed by the engineers. The basic assembly line equipment and space already exist within the Toshiba plant, so the subnotebook assembly process must conform to those preexisting constraints. Specifically, the assembly line is a straight 14.4-meter conveyor system that can accommodate 8 to 12 workers plus one supporter to aid in the assembly process. The employees work at assembling for 7.5 hours a day. The computers are assembled from
The third core competency is Boeing’s dynamic assembly line. This was a valuable change to Boeing because it reduced assembly time by 50%, or from 22 days down to 11 days. The planes move 80 feet every shift and lights determine the status of the assembly line. Dynamic assembly lines are costly to imitate and rare due to the size of the plant and the components used in order to pull such a large craft throughout the building. The only substitute of a dynamic assembly line is a static assembly line, and the dynamic one performs much more efficiently.
The increased use of assembly lines in production is a prime example of depersonalization within bureaucracy.
−−−Preliminary study of an automotive assembly plant for high volume production(1300cars/day with 2 type of cars, 4 doors and 2 doors respectivly, and flexible in volume, 3 shifts of workers)
There are several departments on a production line, which are separated into different functional areas, with different workstations and teams. Machines at Mazak are transported by monorail, however they are not built on the production line formed by a single action assembly line as used in producing of cars, but only being