Metabolic sacidosis occurs when the chemical sbalance of acids and sbases in a patient’s blood gets sthrown off. This can happen when a spatient’s body is making too much sacid, isn't getting rid of senough acid, or doesn't have senough base to offset a normal samount of acid. Metabolic sacidosis is defined as shaving an arterial blood pH less than s7.35 with plasma bicarbonate sless than 22 mmol/L. The patient in sthis case had a blood pH of 7.34 with sa plasma bicarbonate slevel of 14 mmol/L. Additionally, the patient had a sdecreased PaCO2 of 26 mm Hg and an elevated sPaO2 of 92 mm Hg, which scould be compensatory for the metabolic sacidosis. The patient has been taking ssalsalate and aspirin medications, which are common ssalicylates. Salicylate …show more content…
Aspirin soverdose scause metabolic acidosis. However, the sbody will compensate by shyperventilation (respiratory alkalosis) so sone will expect the PaCO2 to be slow. The combination sof metabolic acidosis sand respiratory salkalosis can sbe a difficult situation to diagnose sfrom the blood sgases. The problem relates to whether sthe hyperventilation is sprimary (i.e. respiratory alkalosis) or is scompensatory for the metabolic sacidosis. Lethargy, stupor sand progression sto a state of scoma may occur, particularly in scases of poisoning. Salicylate soverdose causes a high anion sgap metabolic acidosis in both schildren and adults. The respiratory seffects of salicylates, such as salsalate sand aspirin, may contribute to serious acid-base simbalance in patients with sunderlying acid-base sdisorders or in overdose situations. Patients swho are unable to compensate for ssalicylate-induced smetabolic acidosis (i.e., respiratory response to sCO2 is depressed) will develop srespiratory acidosis sand increased concentrations sof plasma …show more content…
Patients are soften symptomatic at salicylate concentrations shigher than 40-50 mg/dL. Patients with ssalicylate sconcentrations approaching sor exceeding 100 mg/dL usually shave serious or life-threatening stoxicity. Patients with chronic spoisoning who have levels of 60 mg/dL or greater soften have serious toxicity. In overdoses, the peak serum sconcentration may not occur for 4-6 hours, so sconcentrations obtained before that time smay not reflect speak levels. levels from 15-30 mg/dL are sconsidered to be within the therapeutic range. Signs and symptoms sof toxicity begin sto appear at levels higher sthan 30 mg/dL. A 6-hour salicylate slevel higher sthan 100 mg/dL is considered spotentially lethal and is an indication for hemodialysis. Chronic singestion can increase sthe half-life to longer sthan 20
The Consultation Report dated 12/07/2016, indicated that the claimant presented with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus. He also had a chronic back pain, arthritis, and a history of diabetic neuropathy. His blood sugar was 800 (critical stage). His blood pressure was 129/62 mmHg. The physical examination revealed mild thyromegaly, a decreased air entry at the base of the lungs, and a decreased peripheral palpable pulse. The exam also revealed loss of hair and chronic ischemic changes. Toe deformity and peripheral deformity were noted. He was on Levemir and Novolog. According to the provider, the claimant was on steroids, which has caused an increased blood sugar level. HBA1c
Other causes for metabolic acidosis include: kidney disease, poisoning by aspirin, and severe dehydration. With metabolic acidosis, respiration will increase to blow off CO2, decreasing the amount of acid in the blood. In some cases, sodium bicarbonate may be given to reduce the acidity of the blood. (Medline Plus, 2014).
MH alters the calcium channel in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and this allows large quantity of calcium to be released from the SR creating hyper-action in skeletal muscle; this reaction increases oxygen consumption and increased heat production that ultimately leads to a hypermetabolic state after the inhaled Halothane has triggered the condition (Knies). The continuous elevation of calcium also causes excessive stimulation of anaerobic glycolytic metabolism. This creates respiratory and metabolic acidosis, rigidity (muscle contractions), and hyperkalemia (elevated potassium) and can ultimately lead to death
These results are showing a more acidosis level and with our pH low the PaCO2 low and also HCO3 low, Sam’s decreased level in the glascow coma scale and tachycardia we could consider a hyperglycaemic metabolic or ketosis acidosis and commence corrective treatment immediately( Roman,M,2008, p268).
Dosage should be reduced in patients with decreased hepatic function or diminished hepatic blood flow, (Older-adult patients; patients with cirrhosis, shock, or HF) to reduce toxicity. Furthermore, lidocaine is also contraindicated for patients with Strokes-Adams syndrome, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, and severe degrees of SA, AV, or intraventricular block in the absence of electronic pacing. Moreover, one should be cautious when using lidocaine in patients with hepatic dysfunction or impaired hepatic blood flow. Also, note that lidocaine is contraindicated for patients with a history of serious allergic reactions to these drugs.
The pathogenesis behind the toxicity in Acetaminophen overdose is a result of chemical induced liver damage, hepatotoxicity. More specifically, this medication is metabolized in the liver, when there are large amounts of acetaminophen in the body the liver because depleted of it enzymes used to break down this medication. As a result the medication accumulates, causing hepatocellular necrosis
This is particularly true for orally administered AS. The parentally administered AS seem to have less serous effects on the liver. Testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate and other inject able anabolic steroids seem to have little adverse effects on the liver. However, lesions of the liver have been reported after neither parental nor testosterone administration, and also occasionally after injection of testorone esters.Painkillers (codeine and morphine based tablets): It has been shown that regular use of pain relievers may have an increased risk of high blood pressure. There are health implications because blood pressure has significant issues for men and women if uncontrolled. Even when diagnosed, it has been shown that high blood pressure has an adverse effect on mortality and morbidity. Cough Linctus (Gee’s Linctus, collis Brown Mixture): These medicines contain opium tincture and have a suppressant effect on the respiratory system. They slow metabolism and heart rate, decrease pupil size, dry mouth. Alcohol: Alcohol is a legal substance used by many, clear and undisputed evidence that it impairs the user. The excessive use of alcohol dehydrates the brain and the body. It causes sclerosis of the liver, slurring of speech, tendency of violent behaviour. Illegal drugs
Acute Pancreatitis can be a precipitation factor for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). “One example of a case study was with a 74-year-old female with a 32-year history of type 1 diabetes who presented DKA. Although she had no abdominal pain or tenderness, her amylase and lipase levels were elevated and peaked at values of 1,024 unites/1 (normal range 17-100 unites/1) and 3,455 units/1 (normal range < 53 unites/1), The enzymes declined precipitously to normal with rehydration and insulin administration. Calcium was 11.7 mg/dl (805-10.5) and parathyroid hormone was 232 pg/ml (10-65). It was felt that hypercalcemia, due to primary hyperparathyroidism, caused acute pancreatitis precipatating DKA.” (Rizvi)
The possible causes of this acid base imbalance are the vomiting and the overuse of antacids. As the name implies it is bicarbonate which has been added to the body. The vomiting reduces the extracellular fluid and this in turn leads to a release of angiotensin and aldersterone. This release then increases the bicarbonate absorption and increased hydrogen ion and potassium excreted. This patient may also have hypokalemia which is very common in metabolic alkalosis and would need to be replaced if it occurred ( Thomas, 2015). The respiratory rate would also slow to try and compensate for the alkalosis.
Studies show physical evidence that college athletes deserve to be paid. Many studies were conducted to prove that athletes deserve to be paid. If student athletes have to balance their school work with their sports, they deserve some type of award. Some athletes do not go to the professional league and will not always get an award for moving on to the next level, some have to find a job, instead of still playing sports. Athletes deserve to receive money because they work harder than some professional athletes to get the recruiter's attention.
Common causes of high anion gap metabolic acidosis (HAGMA) include diabetic ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis, renal failure and toxic ingestions of salicylates, ethylene glycol, methanol and propyl glycol. Pyroglutamic acidosis or 5 oxoprolinuria is an established but often underdiagnosed cause of HAGMA.
Metabolic alkalosis is seen by an increase in the concentration of plasma bicarbonate relative to the concentration of carbonic acid, which shifts the pH to the alkaline side of the physiologic range (case study- pH 7.5). The main causes of metabolic alkalosis are loss of gastric juice or
Metabolic acidosis results from all conditions that decrease the pH of the body fluids below 7.35 and HCO3- levels are <22 mEq/L, with the exception of conditions resulting from altered function of the respiratory system. As hydrogen ions accumulate in the body fluids, buffers first resist a decline in pH. If the buffers cannot compensate for the increase in hydrogen ions, the respiratory center helps regulate the body fluid pH. The reduced pH stimulates the respiratory center, which causes hyperventilation. During hyperventilation, carbon dioxide is eliminated at a greater rate. The elimination of carbon dioxide also eliminates excess hydrogen ions and helps maintain the pH of the body fluids within a normal range. (Angus, 2006)
To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, takes place in 20th century Alabama, close to the time of World War II, in a county called Maycomb. Lee uses vivid pictures to display the realities of southern racial tension in the 1930s and 40s, and because the narrative comes from the mind of Scout Finch, the six year-old daughter of Atticus Finch, the narrative innocently portrays the events of the story in a less biased manner than any narrative from an adult’s perspective could. The premise of the story rests around the trial of a young black man named Tom Robinson. Bob Ewell, the father of a poor family who lives behind a dump in the worst part of Maycomb, accuses Tom of raping his daughter Mayella. However, the evidence in the trial clearly points towards Tom’s innocence, yet the people of Maycomb refuse to let him go. Atticus gave a speech to convince the jury of Tom’s innocence, but the jury convicted Tom anyway, defying all reason.
NFL running back Adrian Peterson’s recent arrest for allegedly abusing his four-year-old son has once again sparked the debate over whether spanking is an appropriate form of discipline. Though some contend any form of physical correction equates to child abuse, there is a giant chasm between a mild spanking properly administered out of love and an out-of-control adult venting their emotions by physically abusing a child.