IGN (In Game Name): Precisionings
Age: 14
Timezone: EST
Country: Canada
Do you have a good quality mic?: Yes
Do you have Telegram & Teamspeak?: Yes
How many hours can you put in the server per week: 35 Hours
Any previous punishments on Faithful?: No
Any past experiences in being a staff member:
Yes I’ve worked on many servers.
Rank: Trial-Mod
Players: 50-100
I was staff on cipher for 2 months. It was a great experience. They taught me leadership, how to screen share. And make sure that no one loses their temper on anyone.
Rank: Co-Owner
Players: 100-200
The server wasn’t really known when I was staff on there. But they shut down after I resigned a few days later after i got promoted to Co-owner I guess they
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A staff member is a person who devotes much of their time just to help other players in need. It truly is fascinating to me. I, just like many other staff members, am extremely passionate about making the community a better place for everyone. I have been playing this game for 7 years and this is my 6th year being involved in the hcf community. I have seen much bias, discrimination, and overall hate towards people just because they are not "known enough." But in my eyes, everyone within the hcf community is an equal, and should be treated like one. This means giving second chances for improvement or change if requested, banning a famous player even though I may get hate, or even just moving people in teamspeak evenly, to be sure no one gets upset. I strive to provide the best playing experience possible for any player regardless of his or hers ranking within the community. If our players are happy, than I am happy. I will make sure that each player who joins the network will be met with kind words and best regards. I plan to help as many people possible through simple actions such as answering a question in chat, or providing additional information even though it may take a longer amount of time to complete. I've learned over my many years that if you provide a unique experience for any and all players, those players on the network will always log out at the end of the day with a smile on their face. I believe
When I was in Cyclone V1 staff members were kinda mean, at some points they would stop responding, but the thing was they weren't even AFK you can see them PvPing. I would never do that as a staff member I promise I will live up to my Rank, and NEVER - ever abuse my power. I am also very generous to people I used to give them money when they needed it that's probably why it took so long for me to rank up. I know how to stop scammers in their tracks, and how to get the truth. I can give advice to help people get the solution with no problems. Staff isn't just a thing that you should just get from doing nothing, it is something that is given to people who are trustworthy and deserve to be one. I know my responsibilities as a Staff, and I know just because I'm Staff I can't do whatever I want. If people need help with any problem I am there to help them. I can build to a certain extent. I can build small houses and a couple of other things, but sadly that's basically all. I like spending my time on the forums, responding to other peoples applications and giving them feedback to the best of my abilities. I make sure not to criticize them and not to make them feel bad. I like reading applications because it gives me insight into how a person handles different situations. I'm a very friendly person, and love chatting with people in chat and just talking to them. It would be a privilege too be a part of the Staff team on
Have you had any past staff experience? Yes, I have had past experience on YofouHCF, HCFHQ, Hcfzone, and WarfineHCF. I have been a staff member on all of these servers for more than 3 months.
I have a lot of staff experience on my role of playing this game. To start this section, I was first staff on a small prison server. This was the first server I was actually staff on. On this server I applied in the early makings of the server and achieved a Helper promotion. This server was in BETA so only staff could join, there was a major amount of people in the staff team so It got around 10 players a day. From that day I got helper I went all the way from Helper to Administrator+. Admin+ was basically the highest rank on their server other than Owner / Co-Owner. On the server I helped the owner with plugins, and the staff team. I was a staff manager there and I took my job seriously and I was staff for around 2 months. From there I unfortunately resigned as the server died out and I lost contact
Helper where I was for the longest time helping many people and dealing with hackers and spammers every kind of situation a helper would deal with. The server ran into financial issues and shut down because of that sadly. I would've been there for much longer if the server had not run into such issues and would've continued to help and learn there.
I never start another task without finishing the other to the best of my ability. I work hard in everything I do. I strive to be the best person I can be, improving myself in my academic and school life, social life, sports life, and gaming life. I am also very good at adjusting to somebody's skill level. If someone needs help with a math problem, I can help them. If someone needs help teleporting to their base, or their rank or item hasn't registered yet, I can assist them. If someone is new to the server, I can help welcome them in the hub, and give them guidance on their way to becoming a legend on the server, or even if they are only looking through servers and I help them, and if they enjoy their experience, they can tell their friends, and you can have a new twenty to thirty players. First impressions are very important to me. When I joined the server a player was being racist to me through /m, and bluejeanstogo helped me by warning the player or some other form of "scolding" or punishment, and I knew that this was the server for me. You should choose me because not only will I make a good first impression on new players, but I will continue to keep up the same attitude, helping people the whole time I am a member of the staff team. I mentioned earlier that I wasn't very active on the Teamspeak server. If I am recruited to the staff team, I can be more active,
I was staff on there for about a week where I learned to be kind to others. And realizing that I should understand our disagreements and just let silly reasons go. Even if it's serious there should always be some forgiveness. This was most likely the biggest server I was ever staff on. Reaching around 1k+ players on sotw and the day after. It had multiple servers Clans and Guilds and kitmap, which was one of the reasons I retired there were no staff on to ever help out. There would be 2 staff members in teamspeak like 6 in one room playing CS:GO and the rest never playing, It was always me and Clacking I wish that It could have more staff members like him since he always helped out.
Have you been staff on any other server?: Yes, I have been staff on servers such as Minestrap and some smaller servers, details will be below.
This server was an HCF server like 1-2 years ago. This experience was really fun and was a big part of staffing to me. I learned how to SS a bit, and caught many hackers. The server shut down due to not having many players but I belived they should have continued since you shouldn't ever give up on everyone and work harder.
Yes, I have been staff on a server called HGKits. HGKits was a server that was based on the McPvP's hunger game kits. I was Mod+ in the end when sadly I had to resign because the owner quit the server due to the lack of funds at the end. (My IGN on that server was Crummzyy). I have also been developer on a server called SparkzPvP but that server also went because the owner quit Minecraft. However I do not currently develop today since I have
Past Experience: My past experience was mentioned in ''Have you been staff on any other server'' so here the names of those servers they
About 3 months later the server started to become inactive and I was one of the only few people there. I then left the server for good because it was pointless, the owner and all the staff never even went on the server and eventually the server was not updated and it's been left ever since.
Are you staff on any other servers currently: No I am not, but sure have in the past
If I get staff I will not abuse or be disrespectful. I will do everything I can to make sure the people on the server are playing fairly and treating each other with respect. If I see someone being disrespectful I will warn them. If they continue I will get a staff with a higher rank on to deal with them.
Ok, let's get started. I want to become a staff member simply because I love to help people. I sometimes see people asking questions that unfortunately do not get answered. I strive to help people in need, whether if it is help for a command, information on the server, or in need of a staff member. I do my best even when I have limited power and impact on the players. With having a lot of experience with owning and being staff on servers under my belt, I will carry that over to this server and help you guys out! Personally, I think my leadership and decision making skills are great and can benefit the server in many ways. While striving to be a role model to the players, I do not cuss, swear, refer to inappropriate things. I have ways of interrogation for when I think members are hacking/modding and have crafty ways of "tricking" them into admission of hacking!
Why do you want to become Staff? I want to become staff for one reason and that reason is to help others. For example I understand that every sever has some toxic players and some cheaters that need to be dealt with. I really do understand you guys as a Hcf player myself it really annoys me when a hacker just bhops you down south road and then you need to wait in teamspeak for minutes to hours on end. But if you have an active staff member to deal with problems such as that It really makes the community have a different out look on the servers staff members and that is what I would love to do for Veltpvp give the staff team a good reputation for always helping in teamspeak and always catching cheaters. Now for my experience as a staff