
Case Study Paul Perry

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On June 29, 2016, my two boys and I had the privilege to interview Paul Perry the Executive Director (ED) of the University of Florida (UF) Center for Simulation Education and Safety Research (CSESaR). An Executive Director is the equivalent to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in a for-profit company. These individuals are the people who are ultimately responsible and held accountable for the overall health and success within the organization. The purpose of this paper is to report what I learned from Mr. Perry about his educational training facility and simultaneously describe the mechanics of not-for-profit or nonprofit organizations.
In 2004, the University of Florida Department of Emergency Medicine created the CSESaR, a 24,000 square …show more content…

However, in the last few years several new state of the art training facilities is opening across the nation. Moreover, most of these establishments are considered for profit. In this case, the CSESaR is an organization that is considered a “nonprofit.” The word nonprofit is definitely a misnomer, because in actuality, it must make a profit to remain solvent. Basically, what it means to be a nonprofit organization is that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) grants a business entity tax–exempt status. Usually, the organization falls within the section of 501(c) (3) of US tax code. These statuses exempt a business from federal income tax, which may include state and local taxes respectfully. Nonprofits play an important role within the economy by providing multiple services and employment benefits to the public. Their revenue represents approximately 8.5% of the nation's gross domestic product, known as GDP (Weinstein, …show more content…

Other than that, Mr. Perry was very open and candid on how much he loved the CSESaR and the importance of this facility to educate medical staff. I was going to inquire about the training center’s 990 forms. Nonprofit organizations must provide evidence of financial stability, which includes the efficient use of resources and funds. One way to accomplish this task is the filing of IRS Form 990, which is a posting of virtually the entire quantitative contents of the organization’s audited financial statements (McLaughlin,

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