On June 29, 2016, my two boys and I had the privilege to interview Paul Perry the Executive Director (ED) of the University of Florida (UF) Center for Simulation Education and Safety Research (CSESaR). An Executive Director is the equivalent to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in a for-profit company. These individuals are the people who are ultimately responsible and held accountable for the overall health and success within the organization. The purpose of this paper is to report what I learned from Mr. Perry about his educational training facility and simultaneously describe the mechanics of not-for-profit or nonprofit organizations.
In 2004, the University of Florida Department of Emergency Medicine created the CSESaR, a 24,000 square
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However, in the last few years several new state of the art training facilities is opening across the nation. Moreover, most of these establishments are considered for profit. In this case, the CSESaR is an organization that is considered a “nonprofit.” The word nonprofit is definitely a misnomer, because in actuality, it must make a profit to remain solvent. Basically, what it means to be a nonprofit organization is that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) grants a business entity tax–exempt status. Usually, the organization falls within the section of 501(c) (3) of US tax code. These statuses exempt a business from federal income tax, which may include state and local taxes respectfully. Nonprofits play an important role within the economy by providing multiple services and employment benefits to the public. Their revenue represents approximately 8.5% of the nation's gross domestic product, known as GDP (Weinstein, …show more content…
Other than that, Mr. Perry was very open and candid on how much he loved the CSESaR and the importance of this facility to educate medical staff. I was going to inquire about the training center’s 990 forms. Nonprofit organizations must provide evidence of financial stability, which includes the efficient use of resources and funds. One way to accomplish this task is the filing of IRS Form 990, which is a posting of virtually the entire quantitative contents of the organization’s audited financial statements (McLaughlin,
Non-profit organizations include, but are not limited to: Fraternal beneficiary societies, orders or Associations, cemetery corporations and corporations organized or trusts created for religious, charitable, scientific or educational purposes or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, home owner associations, business leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare, as well as clubs organized and operated exclusively for pleasure, recreation and other non-profit purposes. The net profit of these organizations cannot benefit any private stockholder or member. An unwarranted salary, however, may cause a corporation or organization to lose its nonprofit status.
One of the things that I have seen happen repeatedly is that some Executive Directors truly “fall in love” with their agency and fail to adjust to the needs of the stakeholders. One of the things that nonprofits need to do is to learn from the
In August 2014, former Texas governor Rick Perry was indicted by a Travis County grand jury on charges of abuse of official power and coercion of a public servant. These charges were brought about after Perry made a threat to veto funds for the Public Integrity Unit, which is run by the Travis County district attorney’s office, if the head, Rosemary Lehmberg, did not resign. Lehmberg was arrested for drunk driving back in April 2013 and a video of her arrest showed “her resisting officers, complaining that they’re ruining her political career and repeatedly asking if they had called “Greg.”” The video was seen by the public and many began demanding that she resign from her post. Rick Perry was amongst the people calling for Lehmberg to resign
This letter is request a change from a Special Needs level 1 to Special Needs level 2 for Clarence Kay. The youth was placed in the foster care in the household of Mr. Isiah and Ernestine Gailliard’s on June 6, 2017. Clarence has the following diagnoses Anxiety, personal history of physical abuse in childhood, Intellectual Disability, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Clarence’s referral did not explain the level of daily functioning and safety issues that Clarence currently displays. The foster parent has reported Clarence requires daily around the clock supervision. Clarence has serve impulsivity. Clarence struggle with hygiene and cleaning himself after using the restroom. Clarence is unable to demonstrate simple
Mr. Stevens is a 39 year old male who presented to the ED via LEO under IVC for alleged threatens towards others, recent delusions, and substance abuse issues. At the time of the assessment Mr. Stevens was calm and cooperative. He reports having a history of misuse of his medications. Mr. Stevens reports recently snoring prescribed medications and taking over the recommended amount. He states, "I have tripped out (referring to experiencing symptoms of psychosis) in the past taking my Adderall." Mr. Stevens reports for the past 6 months he has suspected his wife of having an affair with various people, however most recent his neighbor. Mr. Stevens reports he has stopped using his prescribed Adderall 4 months ago. He states, "Sometimes I would take em and get paranoid, my cousin put me on, and they would make me feel high." Mr. Stevens reports for the daily use of Adderall for the past 2 years. According to Mr. Stevens a Dr. Bill prescribed them to him after he told him he had a history of ADHD as a child. According to Mr. Steven for the
On October 4, 2010, Ms. Denise Khali, Vice President of Human Resources sent a memo to Mr. Robert Shaw, CEO, of Triad Insurance Company of Indianapolis (TICI) regarding a leadership development program for junior insurance executives for future advancement. This proposal was created by Mr. Clarke, Director of Operations at TICI, who proposed a three-week long program at the Aspen Leadership Institute of Colorado for a training opportunity for the junior insurance
The ethical considerations for any company are highly valuable and by far the important aspect of any company or organization. The decisions that any CEO or manger would make will have a lasting and heavy impact on everyone that belongs to the organization. I do believe that any company or organization that wants to be known as a great company in the business world has to follow all regulations not only from where they operate but also within their own
Moreover, this case study analysis focuses on AMC and the challenges that the nonprofit faces during the restructuring of a club that operated primarily by volunteers to a professional managed organization. This case study analysis will provide the following: descriptions of the problems AMC is challenged with, an identification of AMC’s major players using a stakeholder analysis, and finally, provide recommendations and strategies to solve AMC’s challenges. After conducting this case analysis, one will understand how an organization can experience significant challenges as it transitions so that an organization can stay competitive in the nonprofit sector.
Throughout our final semester of study at Maryville, our cohort has studied Peter Senge’s, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. Rather than set of management practices, the book describes how organizations, especially those that are sustainably competitive, know how to learn. These “learning organizations” are continuously learning how to work together, where the norm is producing their best. In the book, Senge identifies five essential elements, that when practiced together, create perfect conditions for an effective learning organization. These five practices are Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Shared Vision,
This course covered many important topics helpful in understanding learning organizations. This paper will incorporate real-life situations from my organization, The American Red Cross. It will focus on three areas I found to be most helpful and relevant to my experience which is the understanding of systems thinking, growth, and the need to practice reflection.
Through client cases, Dr. Perry explains the scientific understanding of brain development and the importance of nurturing young children. Perry starts off with the case of 7 year old Tina, who had suffered repeated sexual abuse, and now believed that she should act sexually with all men to win their approval. Her early experiences also caused her terrible stress, and affected her whole body, including her heart rate, her attention, her sleep, her fine motor control, and in her language development. Perry finds that he has only partial success in treating such profound damage caused by abuse. Other cases include a three year old girl who witnessed the murder of her mother and was alone with her mother's body for an extended period of time,
A not for profit organization is a corporation or an association that conducts business for the benefit of the general public without shareholders and without a profit motive (Legal, 2013).” There are immense community benefits as a not-for-profit generally accepts everyone regardless of ability to pay. Nonprofit organizations are granted tax-exempt status which helps them to provide services to the public and are expected to be effective managers of their finances as well as being efficient (Financial Management, 2010). In doing so, they can gain exemptions from federal and state incomes taxes and have the ability to solicit tax-deductible contributions (Financial Management, 2010). Organization must follow legal financial
Complex organizations can offer different challenges while trying to move toward the same collective goal. In terms of the education industry we will consider all the stakeholders involved to be our organization at hand. Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal in their book, Reframing Organizations (2008) point out that, “complex organizations [have] made most human activities
Management, as defined by Daft and Marcic, is the effective and efficient attainment of organizational goals, through planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational resources. This community service organizational study has allowed our group to extend our learning outside the classroom and apply management theories to the real world. The site that we volunteered at was the Venice Library. Upon first arriving, our team thought that it was going to be a struggle to try and observe real life managerial workings at a library as compared to the other non-profits. However, we were gladly surprised at the amount of managerial applications and theories that we were able to see first hand. We were able to identify
The diversity of nonprofit organizations, services provided and the problems faced shows that nonprofits require leadership with an in-depth understanding of the multifaceted nonprofit landscape. Understanding the culture of nonprofit work is also crucial and much easier to understand once you have been through a nonprofit management program. My career interests lead me towards an avocation of a deeper knowledge of strategic management/planning, legal structure and standards, increase my skills in quantitative analysis of policy, financial governance and developing fundraising strategies. These areas allow for macro management within the nonprofit