
Case Study Pizza2co

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Francize is the contract established between a franchisor and a franchisee. Franchisor is a contract that gives franchisee the right to use his or her trademark, trade name, or the right to lease or sell the product, and receives the appropriate commission accordingly. These contracts are a way to rapidly expand business with minimal capital. A legal right that government authorities have granted to companies and individuals to perform certain economic functions. For example, in a limited area, a company has the right to supply joint services. The franchise is emerging as one of the important business in this modern society and has spread quickly in many countries. The franchise is also spreading rapidly in the Vietnamese industrial society. Pizza2go is one of the examples of franchises in the Vietnam. Pizza2go has over 50 retail stores and has huge number of pizza menu with more than 2,000 options.
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To the outside, Pizza2go has shown that the company is doing well based on the scientific management and has continued the success of the company. Pizza2go has focused to improve staff skills to make better pizza makers, dough makers, and delivery men by training them and giving incentives to them which based on the scientific management. This company also tests its employees and motivates them by giving them different badges depending on the results, and the employees also responded with a sense of responsibility and loyalty to the company. As a result, it shows that delivery time was reduced from 32 minutes to 24 minutes. Furthermore, the company has made more than one million pizzas every year by keeping the company's image that the delivery time is short and keeping its promise. However, this was only the idea of CEO Mrs.

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