Representative Maxine Waters, D-California The fall of 2008 brought forth a three-year Congressional Ethics investigation in to Rep Maxine Waters, Democrat for California. Representative Waters was charged by the House Ethics Committee with unspecified violations. The advisory group said the board discovered "generous reason" to trust that Waters may have damaged House administers in the wake of surveying a report arranged by the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE). The charges originated from a meeting that Waters asked for at the onset of the money related emergency in September 2008 with then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. Waters and Paulson did not go to the meeting, but rather Treasury authorities and individuals from the National Bankers Association (NBA), an exchange association speaking to more than 100 black-owned firms, did. This caused the Ethics Committee to frown upon this meeting because one of the main banks that was invited was OneUnited, one …show more content…
References California Rep. Waters cleared of ethics charges - The Washington Post. (n.d.). Retrieved from California Rep. Waters cleared of ethics charges - The Washington Post. (n.d.). Retrieved from Jack Johnson, former Prince George’s exec, sentenced to 7 years in corruption - The Washington Post. (n.d.). Retrieved from
In the 1970’s, America not only witnessed the worst political scandal of the twentieth century, but also one of the most successful acts of investigative journalism to ever be done in America. The Watergate Scandal included a series of illegal activities initiated by members of President Nixon’s administration, the most significant crime being the break in and wiretapping of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in 1972. CREEP (Committee to Reelect the President) funded these illegal projects by hiring people like the White House Plumbers to carry on missions to stop the leaking of classified information. The Watergate Scandal’s origins lay in the Fielding and DNC Headquarter’s break in, then the illegal activities were uncovered
Republican Randall Harold Cunningham, also known as “Duke”, was a United States Navy veteran as well as a member of the United States House of Representatives for California’s 50th Congressional District serving from 1991 to 2005. Cunningham resigned from his House spot after he had plead guilty to federal charges that included conspiracy to commit bribery, tax evasion, mail and wire fraud. Some have positioned that perhaps much of what Cunningham had plead guilty to could have been considered as an act of treason as well. By walking through the issues brought to light against Duke Cunningham, a proper answer to this question can be made. (Perry, 2006)
The state of Florida had a regulation saying that candidates for judicial office cannot “personally solicit campaign funds,” but can instead set up a committee to do so on their behalf. The Florida Bar, which is the professional association that regulates all members of the legal profession in the state of Florida, filed a complaint against Williams-Yulee for violating this rule. Williams-Yulee argued that this regulation violates her First Amendment right to political speech. The Florida Supreme Court ruled
Elyse Wanshel, a writer for Huffington Post, wrote an article on the problem of unclean and unsafe water in Flint, Michigan and what 300 plumbers did to try to fix it. The purpose of the article was to inform the readers on the problem occurring and to persuade everyday people to help to fix the problem as well.
Congressional Ethics. Identify one (1) member of Congress who has been charged with ethics violations. Briefly discuss the reason for the charges and provide two (2) reasons why you agree or disagree with the verdict and any penalties. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: Consider how the verdict and penalties impacts
Arkansas Governor Mark Darr has finally announced he will resign over an ethics scandal that has been going on over the past four years. The state of Arkansas Ethics Commission had found Governor Darr was breaking several campaign finance rules since the year 2010. These actions went against the American Society for Public Administration code of Ethics. A few of the codes that the book mentions that Governor Darr went against was: Serving the Public Interest, Respecting the constitution and the law, and Demonstrating Personal Integrity. (Geuras & Garofalo 2011)
On June 17, 1972, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt, members of the Nixon administration, were arrested for the much-publicized scandal of the Watergate burglary. US Representative Barbara Jordan made history on July 28, 1974, with her address on the Articles of Impeachment against then President Richard Nixon and other members of the Nixon house. Jordan explores evidence against the Nixon administration and violations made against the US Constitution by President Richard Nixon, his operatives, and other government officials. She touches briefly of gender and racial equality to convey her connection to the US Constitution, appeals to logic and reason by stating facts
The charges included conspiracy, money laundering, obstruction of justice and perjury (Johnson & Johnson, 2005, p. 37).
The ethical issues that were identified in the case study of Guerrilla Government in EPA’s Seattle Regional Office were cumbersome. The first of many to create unethical situations was the administrator of EPA’s Seattle regional office in 1981, John Spencer. His staff remembers his tenure for all the unethical actions he took such as using tax payer’s money to buy a membership for the EPA in the Chamber of Commerce (O’Leary, 2014 p. 48). His actions continued even after numerous attempts to advise him that his actions were against federal guidelines and caused serious conflict of interest questions. He also allegedly took several personal trips to Alaska to handle
During the course of the Watergate investigation, it was discovered that nearly forty different corporations and individual executives had made illegal contributions to both parties during the 1972 presidential campaign. As a result, Congress enacted sweeping campaign finance reforms in 1974, limiting the amount of contributions to political campaigns and establishing guidelines for the detailed accounting and reporting of donations and
The problems to be investigated are the business ethics and practices of Goldman Sachs. There were several grey areas in which Goldman Sachs operated their business.
An investigation was conducted to determine an unknown concentration of ethanoic acid in various types of vinegar. Vinegar is a liquid that consists of around 4-8% ethanoic acid (CH3OOH), water and other trace chemicals (Wikipedia, 2018). The vinegars used in this experiment were wine, white wine and apple cider and they have 6%, 5% and 4% ethanoic acid concentrations respectively (University of Sydney, n.d). Vinegar is produced by the fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria. An acid is considered strong if they completely ionise in water to produce hydrogen ions and have a low pH, an example of a strong acid is hydrochloric acid (HCl). Weak acids, however, do not fully ionise and instead form an equilibrium mixture. Ethanoic acid
Even within small and introvert communities misjudgement always finds a way to divide people. In To kill a Mockingbird written in 1960, Harper Lee in detail show the 1930s through a child's perspective. She effectively conveys how judgemental and exclusive be aside from racist and misleading civilians can be. Scout being a tomboy negatively impact her ability to relate to others especially most female roles in her community and even within her family. Most female roles judge and condemn her for not matching ladylike standards due to her intoloratable dressing, violent attitude and harsh language.
Watergate Scandal has been considered as one of the darkest chapters in American history. The event not only refers to unethical use of power by the public representatives but also levied great deal of attention on the mechanism of surveillance over the activities of public servants. Watergate scandal provides ethical directions not only to public servants but also provides ethical guidelines to the lawyers and media representatives as well. This incident reveals how ethical lines were crossed time and again by the politicians, legal attorneys and media for their own purposes. Ignoring the righteousness of the outcomes, events like these cause severe damage to the public's trust vested in these authorities which takes a long time to restore.
The day that changed my perspective of life for the better through the challenges faced by others close to me.