
Case Study: Sauk Valley Community College

Decent Essays

Sauk Valley Community College should have a track and field team for several reasons. SVCC use to have a track and field team. Sadly, they dropped it in the nineteen seventies probably because of the expenses. Track and field is a very popular sport that many students might want to take part in middle and high school, or even at college level. Track isn’t a very expensive sport. It is one of the cheapest sports to participate in. Track and field is also very popular sport in colleges in the two hour radius from Sauk Valley Community College. Bringing track and field to Sauk will bring about 40-50 new students each year. Also, this will make Sauk become a better choice of colleges in the area, because of the distance. First off, Sauk should have a track and field team because it will attract more students. According to both the president of SVCC and the sports administrator, both feel that adding this sport to …show more content…

There are also multiple charges, which may include equipment, uniforms, and transportation. For uniforms, that would be needed is shirts, shorts, and shoes. Overall, the uniforms aren’t too expensive, but the college would reuse them every year. On the other hand, the spikes you need for long jump is pretty costly, but the students will need to have them checked by officials. Sauk would need to purchase several items for all of the events that would be available during the events. Some of the items include, shotput, pits, discus, pole vault mats, and hurdles, etc. The most expensive item Sauk would need is the pole vaulting pits. According to Aluminum Athletic Equipment’s website, pole vaulting mats can range from $14,750.00 to $19,950.00. On the other hand, discus and shot puts can range from $10 to $20 a piece. Sauk can have volunteers from groups, like what groups do for basketball games and run the popcorn/concussion

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