Teresa is a 42 y/o S/W/F with a diagnosis of Persistent Depressive Disorder; with Anxious Distress. Ind was referred by her primary physician, Your Town Health. Current symptoms include depression, anxiety, changes in energy, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, angry outbursts and a sense of hopelessness. Reports occasionally hearing voices and seeing ghosts but that they are good. Reports being sexually abused since she was 7y/o to 10 y/o by her father, one time, and then by her uncles and cousins. Reports no legal consequences for them. Reports wasn't able to get her HS diploma because she has to take care of her mother when she got sick. Reports she has symptoms of depression since her early adolescence, but that she was diagnosed and
Julie Gurnick is a broadcasting major at Point Park University from Jeannette, commuting an hour to campus each day. She was interested in Point Park University because it offered a good program in communications. Gurnick also holds an associates degree in business communications form Westmoreland County Community College. After graduating from Point Park University Gurnick aspires to become a sports caster. Gurnick is currently a free-lance employee for the Tribune Review as well as a dietary aid at St. Anne Home.
On 02/09/2017, Marie Evangelista contacted the Pasco Sheriff`s Office by telephone to report a Grand Theft. Ms. Evangelista advised that her Michaek Kohrs wallet, with contents was stolen.
Demographics: Ms. Olivia Jacobs is a 22-year-old female graduate student. Ethnicity unknown. Chief Complaint/Presenting Symptomology: Ms. Jacobs presents with the chief complaint of suicidal ideation for the past three months and reports superficially cutting her arms on occasion; she states she wanted to “see what it would feel like”. She lives with a roommate whom she confided in about her suicidal ideation.
1) Days cash on hand was 66.87 in 2012 and it dropped in 2013. This is better because they are potentially paying off debt and there is no need to just keep money sitting.
Nicole Woods was contacted and arrested while driving a confirmed stolen vehicle, KCSO C17030152, a 1999 gold Toyota Camry WA/BCW7886 - VIN-JT2BG22K3X0351101. Post Miranda and incident to arrest, Woods stated that she wanted to speak with police. Woods stated that her friend, "Donnie", gave her the vehicle to use. Woods stated that Donnie has been in possession of the vehicle for over a month, which is contrary to the KCSO report, which indicates that vehicle was listed as stolen on 6-18-2017. Additonally, a shaved key was located in the ignition of the vehicle, which Woods stated she used to start the vehicle. I later removed the shave key and noticed that it was heavily shaved down on boths sides, to the point where it was almost smooth without
A couple of culture-specific protective factors that may have helped Andrea cope with the racism that she faced church attendance, community involvement, and family. Church attendance would have helped Andrea by helping her recognize that racism exist and helping her forgive. If Andrea isn’t religious, her community might also have helped her cope with the racism she faced. She could've created a support group with other individuals that have also faced racism. Her family could of helped her with social support such as caring, love and affection.
The patient moved from Troy, New York a few months ago after getting married. She is living in Barrington and working in Northwood. They moved because her husband's job. The patient would like to talk about depression. She tells me that she has had anxiety her whole life. She was never evaluated by a physician for this, as her parents reportedly did not believe in any medication. She says that she struggled with her anxiety throughout her teen years and went to counseling in college, but never saw a physician at that time. She is no longer in counseling. In addition to feeling anxious, she feels depressed. She says
Raquel Busko agreed to move to Syeda's class on Monday (7/18/2016); as long as she could occasionally visit or work in my class. The other two students (Demetrio Alvarez-Bahena and Veronica Sosa Tornero) did not attend class yesterday. I will update you with their decisions after I inform them.
Identify the Problem: April S is a 30 year old, divorced Afro-American female with one child seeking help to deal with feelings of suicide and depression. Client reports crying daily for the six months, difficulty focusing at work, inability to doing house chores (laundry, cleaning), isolating from family and friends, weight loss of 30 lbs. in the past two weeks without dieting,
Wife reported his multiple providers shared their notes. Mrs. Overman reports 4 year ago when his father died, Mr Overman became depressed and started to abuse opiate and other pain pills. She reports his PCP as recommended him to attend substance abuse treatment. He is not currently attending any outpatient services for substance abuse. Mrs. Overman states out of the 15 year she has known him he has not attempted to harm himself. She reports At the time of the assessment Mr. Overman currently denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. He denies any mental health history or attempts to harm himself. He reports attending substance abuse treatment at 2X Bethal Colony. He reports yesterday his friends gave him something to take for his pain. Mr. Overman reports going to Walmart with all his medication and his
This type of research is very valuable. This type of research is the most accurate and best way to fully understand the virus. It may be time consuming but it is the best way to study the virus.
This paper examines the case study about Sarah Burke. A case study analysis form was completed and symptoms were identified. Identification of certain diagnostic criteria were interpreted and clarified for the exhibiting individual. Illumination of criteria for proposed diagnosis lead to the discussion which resolves the risk factors and clinical features associated with the diagnosis. Recognition of certain symptoms and criteria brought to light other possible comorbidities. Cumulative risk theory, as well as, the diathesis stress model were investigated for possible involvement in the Burke disorder development. Multidimensional factors related to the onset and maintenance of her symptoms are deliberated; as well as, how her culture played a role. In the end, a conclusion is given about suggested pre- and post- treatment, overall benefits of those treatments, and prognosis outlooks.
She also has a family history of depression. Her marriege is unhealthy and she reported that she thought of asking for a divorce. Furthermore, she was frightened of her father who had abusive tendencies towards
The purpose of this assignment is to review the case study of the therapeutic session of Dr Carl Rogers and his client, Gloria. I will give a brief account of the presenting problem and some theory of Person Centred Therapy to enable me to observe and analyse the techniques used as a strategy to self actualisation. Using transcripts, I will identify some of these skills and observe how effective they were by observing Gloria. I will discuss my opinion of the counselling session and evaluate Dr Rogers’ strengths and weaknesses. In closing I will provide my thoughts as to how he could have improved the therapy.
S.R is a 69-year old man who presents to the clinic because his “wife complains that his snoring is difficult to live with.”