
Case Study: The Cannon-Bard Theory

Decent Essays

As part of my case study on time management, some of the unique challenges I am determined to accomplish is staying fit, managing college work, and working productively at my workplace. In the past month, I have seen myself improving at a higher level by gaining high grades, getting enough amount of sleep, and staying on focus in school. Also, I have tried to limit myself in involving in the past inefficient habits like social media sites. However, there are still some habits I could improve on during the semester. For instance, I always think multitasking would help me accomplish responsibilities in a faster pace. Otherwise, I have significantly improved on not procrastinating and finishing my projects and homework ahead of time. Clearly, …show more content…

Peter demonstrates the concept of emotions as a “mix of bodily arousal, expressive behaviors and conscious experience” (Myers 398). The idea of emotional intelligence can be described as my ability to express my emotions in a positive manner. If I enhance my emotional intelligence, I could improve critical skills like time management. Probably, the Cannon-Bard Theory best relates to my emotional experience whenever I face a lack of time management. Cannon-Bard Theory is defined as an “emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers physiological responses and subjective experience of emotion” (Myers 399). For example, I often feel rushed to turn in a class assignment five minutes before it is due to the teacher because I did not take the time to finish it, and I still have some questions left to answer. At that moment, I recognize my heart racing at the same time I feel rushed to turn in the assignment on …show more content…

Myers defines coping as an individual’s ability to “alleviate stress using emotional, cognitive, or behavioral methods” (431). I should limit myself into accomplishing tasks one at a time, so I do not stress myself out. Usually, the technique to cope with stress depends on the stressor, the individual itself and the circumstances. The strategies of problem-focused coping include taking control of my mind, understanding the situation or problem, and predicting the pros and cons for dealing with the stressor. Often times, problem-focused coping tends to establish a long-term solution for whoever is involved in the situation. Likewise, problem-focusing coping is “attempting to alleviate stress directly-by changing the stressor or the way we interact with that stressor” (Myers 431). Similarly, emotion-focused coping is “attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional needs related to one’s stress reaction” (Myers 431). My inner feelings like anger, fear, embarrassment and anxiety plays how I often cope with stressful situations. Within the past few months, I realized that if I manage my time wisely, I am able to gain better control of my

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