
Case Study : The Drug Free Workplace

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Case Study: The Drug-Free Workplace Write a statement that clearly defines the issue related to drug testing in the workplace. Drug testing in the workplace was initiated to detect trace amounts of illegal substances in employees, however, the procedures do not take into account individual substances, and it may infringe on the privacy of the employee. What are opiates? How are opiates consumed? What are the physiological effects of opiates? Opiate are a group of drugs that are used typically to treat pain that are derived from opium, which is found in the poppy plant. Opiates (also referred to as narcotics) are generally prescribed by a physician, however they may be taken recreationally. Since opiates come in many different forms, there are a variety of ways they can be consumed. A few of the ways are orally in the form of a pill, by injection, snorting, or smoking the drug. Opiates are responsible for producing a multitude of physiological effects. Most commonly experienced is a euphoric sensation when the drug is initially consumed, which make the user feel extremely calm and relaxed. These seemingly desirable effects are what result in an individual becoming addicted to the narcotics and continue their use of the drug. Research two methods used to test drugs in urine samples: Immunoassay and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The two methods of testing urine for trace amounts of illegal drugs are immunoassay and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The first

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