
Case Study: The Simple Truth About The Gender Pay Gap

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The year is 2016. You can pay your bills electronically, ride a jet powered hoverboard, and cars can drive themselves. And yet the American Association of University Woman released a new study called ‘The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap’, which showed when men and women attend the same kind of college, pick the same major and accept the same kind of job, on average, the woman will still earn 82 cents to every dollar that a man earns. (aauw, 2016) This form of inequality dates back for years, formally known as systemic discrimination. It can be described as patterns of behavior, policies or practices that are part of the structures of an organization, and which create or perpetuate disadvantage for racialized persons. (ohrc, n.a) In this …show more content…

In business, women earned 86 percent compared to men. In sales occupations, women earned 77 percent of what men took home. (aauw, 2016) An article titled 'Progress slow for gender, pay equality in global workforce' by The Hindu further clarified that, “although they make up 40 per cent of the average company's workforce, women represent only 33 per cent of managers and 26 per cent of senior managers. Even fewer, 20 per cent, have risen to the executive level because companies are slow to build talent pipelines to promote diversity.” (2016) Research on the equal work equal pay topic has come to light and has aroused many questions. The lingering query is why employers are still enabling this workplace behavior and discrimination in the 21st century? Why would equally educated women and men with similar life experiences bring home very different paychecks? Some could argue gender discrimination. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 outlawed all forms of wage discrimination based on gender. Then came Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlaws wage discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. (Winter, 2009) This explicitly prohibits discrimination in the payment of wages by …show more content…

Too often, both women and men dismiss the pay gap as simply a matter of different choices. But women who make the same educational and occupational choices that men make do not typically end up with the same earnings. As an eighteen-year-old woman, looking to possibly go into the surgical field, which is arguably a male dominated profession, the subject of equal work equal pay is especially interesting to me and my future. As an educated woman, being treated equally among my peers is a must. Obviously this form of discrimination is severely unjust and unacceptable, yet at this point in our modern-day society almost unavoidable. This is for our daughters, and our daughter’s, daughters. Women as a whole have to band together on this and raise the bar expected of women across the globe. We can be graceful swans, and we can be excepted as equals among men in the workforce, with our children, hormones, and feminine

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