
Case Study: The Yellow Trucking Company

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World Medical Solutions located in Kingman, AZ., manufactures medical equipment that is used worldwide to save lives. Our company is a global leader in technology based medical equipment and cargo tracking is the upmost importance from beginning to end. World Medical Solutions uses technological solutions to ensure our products are tracked throughout the transit process, ensuring that the medical equipment arrives on time. This company ships medical devices overseas, by placing a lateral transmitting tags on the outside of the shipping container and Active RFID Smart labels on the individual items inside the container this allows for proper tracking. Our RFID tags are universally readable, we provide readers to our ships and ports ensuring tags can be read also allowing contact memory buttons to be scanned for intrusion …show more content…

The medical supplies/equipment I will be using the two dimensional bar codes on all items inside the container since this allows for more data storage accurate description of products being sent and received. With the use of contact memory buttons (CMB), disturbances to a shipping containers will be made know when the containers are scanned when it reaches the port and final receiving port. The benefits of such technology is it allows for full life cycle support and high data capacity. The Yellow Trucking Company uses the universal RFID readers and CMB scanner prior to transport the medical equipment getting loaded on to the ship. The Yellow Trucking Company scans at multiple travel points, such as when stopping at truck stop to refuel, this is included in our agreement with the trucking company. The last scan before leaving for overseas is at the port, the shipping container is scanned by our San Diego based operations to detect if any variances were detected during shipment. If variances are detected the container is opened, reviewed for accuracy according to the shipping list via the RFID reader/scanner and corrected before

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