Schools are a place for all kids and young adults go to learn something before going out into the big world, schools are responsible for a lot of things; what a child learns, and many other things. So with the new school being built; the name should be Northeast, the mascot should be a python, and the school colors should be yellow and white.
First the name should be Northeast for the new school district. It should be called Northeast because of where the location of the new school will be. And also because it is a simple just a simple name that wouldn’t be hard to forget.
Second the new school's mascot should be a python. It should be a python because most kids and young adults like snakes because of how cool they are. Also the python is a really cool snake, because it is so kind for a big snake and because they get so big and long.
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They should be these colors because they are simple basic colors, that are look good together. Also yellow and white are the colors of one breed of python, which would help make the mascot look a lot
School has been using mascot since the 1800s. So that tells us that mascot is used to show what the school is like because those are the things that people remember about the school. John L. Lewis Elementary School opened two years ago in Wilkes Barre; PA is located in Luzerne County. It was a big mining town, but the mines got flooded. And the town seeks to improve its riverfronts. John L. Lewis Elementary should choose the River Rats as its mascot because it meets 4 out of 5 criteria. The criteria that they river rats because it meets is powerful, name matches school, represent the area, and unique.
I believe the name of the new school being built should be named after a local important historical figure in our community. I believe that's the best way to name it because alumni of our previous school would appreciate us keeping the school name local, which could possibly inspire them to donate us money to help build up our school. I believe the mascot should stay relatively similar to the one of our old school because, we all still live in the same community so why not have a similar mascot.
Prior to the organization’s move to Washington in 1937 they were formerly known as the Boston Braves. In order to avoid confusion with the Boston Braves in Major League Baseball (now known as the Atlanta Braves), following their inaugural season in the NFL the organization decided to change the name to the Boston Redskins. Obviously a couple seasons later becoming the Washington Redskins (Shapira, 2016). The entire culture around the team was/is revolved around the history of Native Americans, including their two feathered Native American warrior logo, their fight song titled “Hail to the Redskins”, their Native American focused half time shows (All-Indian Half-Time Marching Band and Pageant), and their game-day program subsections titled “On the Warpath” and “Teepee Talk” (Shapira, 2016).
When the new school gets opened and operating the new principal should strive for better academic achievements at the new school. The two schools, being two parts of one student body,
Furthermore, teams with controversial names or mascots should not have to change their names because their fans do not view the names and/or mascots as racist, but as showing pride and honor of the team’s or state’s
One of the problems with having a Native American mascot is the representation and meaning of it. It is not represented as a tribute or support of the Native people. Its meaning is quite the opposite. It represents racism and bigotry. It represents oppression. Its meaning is to make fun of and put down the Native people. It is the practice of humiliating them. Professional sports teams use their platform to spread the message
A mascot is a person or thing that is supposed to bring good luck or that is used to symbolize a particular event or organization. A mascot is something every school has, whether it’s a person or an animal or something of that sort. Every school and college has a mascot. Some people take mascots as racial slurs some people don’t. Most people think that these mascots should be abolished because they feel as if they are racially stereotyped or just flat out rude in some ways. I went to a high school in a little city about an hour and 45 minutes from Lafayette called Houma. In Houma we have over a dozen schools, all having their own mascot of course. Out of all the schools in the city of Houma, I’ve only attended
A very sensitive subject and tough question that has been asked since the early 1900's is, should controversial sports mascots be replaced with mascots that are not offensive. It is a topic that continues even today as people protest against what they believe is stereotypical sport mascots. In the article, Controversial Sports Mascots Be Replaced, the authors of each article discusses how certain groups of people, specifically Native Americans, believe certain mascots are offensive and should from sport team names. The author attempts to create sympathy within the reader by sharing a story from is youth that tells how his mom was displeased with a hat he wore home that had a Chief wahoo on it. He told how his mom "jerked his hat off and threw it in the trash" because "she had been fighting against Indian stereotypes all her life."
School mascots help to unify a school. The mascots can represent strength,power and excellent sportsmanship. A community likes to rally behind their local team. They show support by wearing team jerseys or they just wear whatever color their team is a to represent and to show support to the team/school.”Mascots provide a symbol that can be a focal point for a fan community. At a very simple level,when fans wear a jersey with a Redskins or Cowboys logo they are identifying themselves as part of a fan community.”(Mascots Value
“It 's more than mascot status. It 's hero worship.” by David Young. Throughout history, people has used mascot to instill inspiration and fear toward an idea. Mascots image has been utilized to impart spark and dread to our thoughts. The Egyptians had their Pharaoh, the Greek Olympians had the Gods, and Roman Gladiators used brute and strength to flare up the crowd’s attention. This quote by David Young was simply signifying the main ideas behind an organizational mascot. It 's more than mascot status when there is far more concept to the image it used. Even though Native American Mascots are very offensive toward the tribal nations, Indian Mascots should be viewed with honor and pride toward the team 's franchise where by like animal themed mascots, Native mascots are to be viewed with equality as other teams that promote the spirit and effort of the team organization. A mascot is any individual, animal, or thing thought to bring fortunes or anything used to address a social affair with a common open character, for instance, a school, capable recreations bunch, society, military unit, or brand name. Mascots are similarly used as narrative, operators delegates for client things, for instance, the rabbit used as a piece of advancing and promoting for the General Mills brand of breakfast oat, Trix. In the domain of diversified sports team, mascots are in like manner used for advancing. Mascots are every now and again confused for gathering monikers. While
Vance Middle School was built in 1959, and we think that we need to design a new Vance Middle School. Our school would be totally different, the school itself would be bigger and better, more nice and clean, and even have higher technology. We all would treat our school with respect and keep the school clean.
School can be a bore with the day in and day out homework, working and working towards a superb grade. It can get repetitive and tiring with long days and excess homework. Nevertheless, there is one thing that pulls us out of the continuous loop: school sports. Of course, school mascots go hand in hand with all school sports, from football to basketball. Choosing a perfect mascot can be extremely difficult because it needs to be fitting, true to the school and posses interesting skills.
The school is responsible for designing and implementing strategies to reach the educational goals of students. The particular high school beliefs that all kids can learn and that the mission of this school is to challenge each student to learn, achieve, and fulfill his /her potential. Principals should lead each school in implementing the policies. In addition, this high school’s improvement plan of the three legal issues: unsupervised students, hallways, and field
potential of offensive imagery. Nineteen of the schools either changed their choice of mascot, or
A mascot is any object thought to bring luck, or anything used to represent a specific group with a common public identity, such as a school, professional sports team, society, or brand name. MCC is a well-known college throughout Hopkins County but we are unknown for having sports team or anything that would require a mascot to be present therefore I believe MCC should not acquire a mascot. Although MCC would enjoy having a mascot to encourage local high school students to come to MCC instead of traveling. The main question that helped me with my decision which MCC needed a mascot as too MCC not getting a mascot was, By having a mascot that will only be used maybe twice a year is it worth spending hundreds of dollars on something that will