
Casual Observation Report

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Although many other previous studies have demonstrated the misattribution of arousal effect, our experiment was unable to replicate this finding that arousal causes an increase in sexual attraction. The first component of our hypothesis, that participants in one of the emotional arousal conditions would rate the profiles as more attractive than the control group, was not supported by our findings. Further, we were unable to explore the interaction effect between group and gender because we did not have enough male participants in our study. Therefore we are unable to make any conclusions about whether the different emotional arousal conditions differentially affected males versus females. There are several potential explanations for why our experiment did not yield significant results in support of our …show more content…

One such possible explanation is that the video clips that we presented participants with were not arousing enough to produce the misattribution of arousal. The clips were only about two minutes long, so this may not have presented the participants with enough time to become physiologically aroused. Additionally, the valence of the video clips may not have been strong enough to produce an effect. Although the clip that we showed to the fear group was indeed scary and the clip that we showed to the romance group was quite romantic and touching, the respective levels of fear and romance in these videos may not have been high enough to cause actual physiological arousal. Based on these issues, there are several improvements that can be made upon our experiment for future studies. Related to the video clips not being long enough, if future studies were to again use video clips as the source of arousal, they should be lengthened to allow the participant enough time to

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