
Catalase Reaction Lab

Decent Essays

Results of Catalase Reactions

An enzyme is a protein that acts as a catalyst to start a reaction. Enzymes are able to break down large molecules into smaller molecules in order for it to be easily absorbed by the body. Not only can enzymes break molecules, but they can link two molecules together to create a whole, new molecule. A catalyst enzyme’s main function is to speed up the rate at which a reaction is going. It does this by creating a new reaction with a lower activation energy. The substrate that this enzyme works on is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The balanced chemical equation for the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide is 2 H2O2 ----> 2 H2O+O2 (g). This balanced equation represents the decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide …show more content…

The factor that was tested in this lab was the type of catalyst. The catalysts tested were beef liver, chicken liver, and potato. The amount of oxygen gas produced differed among the different catalase. The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether the type of catalyst affects the amount of oxygen produced in the reaction.

If we change the type of catalyse from beef liver to chicken liver then the chicken liver will have higher levels of 02 produced because of the amount of catalase present. The independent variable in this experiment is type of catalyst and the dependent variable is the amount of oxygen produced.

Get materials such as 12 small disks, bucket, graduated cylinder, Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), and water.
Fill bucket ¾ full of …show more content…

To ensure accurate results, measurements were recorded precisely at each 30 second mark. The group was very focused on getting the information needed to create a successful table and graph. (add more)

This lab proved our hypothesis wrong because the beef created the biggest reaction by producing the most oxygen. The hypothesis stated that the chicken would likely produce the most O2. Some possible errors that could have affected the data is different amounts of the catalase distributed onto the disks as well as wrong measurements taken during the 30 second intervals. Some improvements that could’ve prevented possible errors is a longer time to collect data and determine the amount of oxygen produced. It is important for an organism to maintain homeostasis because it if homeostasis does not occur, the catalysts and substrates may not react efficiently and cause other problems in the

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