Known as one of the longest women leaders in Russia, Catherine the great made many accomplishments in her time of ruling. These accomplishments allowed furthering of education in Russia. Catherine established the Smolny Institute, University of Moscow and Academy of Science, and increased schooling.
While ruling Russia, Catherine the great established a new schooling for noble ladies known as the Smolny Institute. This allowed young girls of noble family’s the chance of an education, and free tuition. By Catherine doing this I believe that this allowed many more advances for women rights back in that day. To this day this schooling is still open in Russia and still being used. For century’s Catherine the great has been making a difference for
Throughout history women have often played a significant role. Although women haven’t usually been a position of power, they have nonetheless often contributed in significant ways. Two women who impacted their societies were Empress Theodora-of the Byzantine empire-and Queen Elizabeth I-of England. Empress Theodora-of the Byzantine Empire-impacted her Empire in many ways. Some of the ways she impacted her Empire was by delivering a powerful speech, by promoting women's rights, helping Justinian recover things after the Nika Revolt.
34. Catherine the Great of Russia did what? built a strong alliance with the nobility
Catherine read some philosophes’ works and exchanged many letters with Voltaire. She made a command to review Russia's’ laws in 1767 and based on the ideas of Montesquieu and Beccaria she had a few goals which sadly never were accomplished. Some
Eloquent, brilliant, unorthodox, poise, and loyal – all of these unique characteristics allowed Dashkova to gain the highest regard among the members of the elite society and more importantly, to earn the respect of Catherine the Great. Dashkova is a peculiar female character. She’s fully narcissistic, but at the same time, rejects her recognition and claims herself as unworthy of the credits Catherine II had given her. In her autobiography The Memoirs of Princess Dashkova, Dashkova justifies her role as a noble woman, her early-life contribution in helping Catherine rise to the throne, and the frugal life she bore as a widow and a mother of two. Dashkova voiced her significance in a society where
She benefited the society by having more significant girls with education. Therefore, Clara Barton was a strong woman at a young age, which was a rare occasion which is inspiring girls to go to colleges and become doctors, nurses, teachers, and so much
She also advocated for the provision of a basic education for all children of every social class. Catharine’s influence on public education was to make the role of a public school teacher a female
Being the strong-willed ruler that she was, Catherine’s choices made an effect on her country, on the time period she was from, and she created her own legacy rather than following the usual lifestyle of a Queen or woman in the 1700’s. Less interested in the social reform than the preservations of the upper class, it didn’t phase Catherine if her plans didn’t sit well with the people that were higher up in the social class; and as serfdom began spreading to Ukraine and peasants revolted they were violently suppressed.During her time as ruler she didn’t bother sitting around and doing nothing, she had many architectural monuments commissioned in what is now modern day St. Petersburg, and had the West Wing of the Winter Palace finished in memory of her late husband, Peter of Russia. As a supporter of education, science and other subjects, Catherine made sure that others would be able to have the opportunity to grow to love these things as well. Catherine increased the number of Grade schools from 50 to 500 and increased the amount of high schools that were around drastically. She also created a high school that was just for girls from gentry families so that woman could have the same opportunities as the men.
Both Peter the Great and Catherine the Great were the former Emperors of Russia. They were the Russians ruler before the 17th century and also they were followers of Ivan IV. They used mysteries, dishonesty, etc for the foundation of their time, and they never thought that the Russia will have modernization. Mostly, the change came when Peter the Great and Catherine the Great came to power. Also, She expanded the territory of the Russian Empire and had improved as time pass by, and policy was following from the Westernization.
Catherine de’ Medici was the Queen of France. She was Italian, but she lived in Paris France and even taught some of the French how to properly eat with a fork. Some foods such as artichokes, baby peas, candied vegetables puff pastry, and truffles would have never been introduced to the French cuisine without her. The fork was used in Italy when the rest of Europe looked at it as strange, but with her as royalty using it encouraged everyone else around her to try it as well. Her mother was a French princess making her royalty from the beginning although she did not start opening up with her ideas about food until after her marriage as some people think she did it to fit in. Catherine did her part to leave her mark during the renaissance in culinary history. Even in questionable times as when she could not conceive a child, it was thought to have been cured from her dietary style. Though she struggled with fertility, her dietary changes helped her to conceive nine children. When she moved, she brought a handful of reliable chefs with her to encourage this special diet to improve
Catherine de Medici Imagine caring for your children in your palace and getting news of your husband’s death. Now you are the ruler of a nation with all the responsibility of a king. This is what Catherine de Medici faced.
Catherine the Great improved Russian education especially that of the children and women. Although her institution was originally meant for her grandsons, Catherine adopted basic principles to every childhood education that focused on learning while playing. Furthermore, she built many academies and “Between 1784 and 1798 over 400 new teachers were trained; by the end of the century, there were 3,154 schools, with 790 teachers, and nearly 20,000 pupils of whom some 2,000 were girls.” The above excerpt shows her enormous accomplishment in furthering the education of women. As an empress, Catherine followed French girl’s boarding schools as a model to establish Russian women. This increased the status of Russian women through education. Girls
It is said that history repeats itself and I do believe in this statement. History won’t repeat itself exactly as it is; the times and the people aren’t the same, but the motives and situations can be very similar. Moments such as Napoleon and Hitler’s invasion of Russia are situations that display how history can repeat itself. Napoleon in 1812, tried to invade Russia. But because he did not prepare for a much longer fight and especially in Russia’s cruel winter he had to retreat. Hitler would then try to invade Russia in 1941, and because of the same thing, not being well prepared and the harsh freezing weather, he too had to bring his army back. They both had different
Catherine the Great was the German wife of Peter III. She corresponded actively with Voltaire and other prominent eighteenth-century thinkers, and paid lip service to their liberal ideas; but she did little to reform or modernize Russia. She introduced such western ideas as pleased her, at the same time increasing Russian autocracy and military power. In addition, she extended Russia's boundaries southward and westward. Catherine joined with Austria and Prussia in three partitions that completely eliminated independent Poland.
"'Shakespeare uses his central characters to explore issues in his plays'. To what extent is this true of Macbeth?" William Shakespeare's timeless play "Macbeth" is a complex tragedy which depicts the downfall which follows after the preoccupation of power. The protagonist, who shares the name of the play, struggles with his ambition of attaining greater power and status and succumbs to attaining it through murder and deceit. Lady Macbeth also has deep ambitions to acquire status and power, however it is shown clearly that she is more responsive and vulnerable to the pull of temptation.
In the past, much of the justice system policies have been centred on retribution of a perpetrator rather than providing focus on the well-being of the victim. Despite the psychological satisfaction brought to the victim by the fact that a perpetrator has been punished, it is important that the justice system provides more compensation that would be most beneficial to a victim. Victims are in unique need depending on their experiences during the crime and victimization activities. The justice system should take the responsibility for ensuring that during the process of achieving justice, such people are provided with the best physical,