
Catholic Discrimination In The Early 20th Century

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Catholics have suffered discrimination in the early 20th century for many different reasons, such as the Spanish war to their beliefs on birth control. Not all Catholics hold every belief that they are discriminated against for. This is similar to Muslims who have only been discriminated against because people think they are extremists or terrorists. There are very few Absolutists, which are people who believe one hundred percent with a certain groups believes, in America. However, discrimination does not have a lens to see who is an absolutist or not. Certain prejudice toward Catholics and today Muslims are completely irrational and unjustified. Catholics were discriminated for all sorts of different reasons such as being seen as linked to Fascism. …show more content…

He says that, “The growing strength and assertiveness of American Catholics took on a more disquieting cast in the light of this revelation of what Protestants regarded as the ultimate intentions harbored by the Catholic church.” Gleason later includes the Catholic view points saying, “this was a matter not of being presumptuous or aggressive but of asserting the legitimate claims of a large group of Americans who were no longer willing to be told by others how they should behave.” From the discrimination occurring throughout history, one must observe how they can deal with prejudice in our current situation. Islamophobia exists because of Nativism and other factors, but is blind to the fact that the accusations that are being made toward Muslims are not close to being accurate. Most Muslims are not radicals or terrorists, yet we continue to be hostile to their culture in

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