Research question
What is the origin of Catholicism and how their belief differs from other religions worldwide?
The purpose of this Ethnography paper is to explore and understand the Catholicism as one of the most influential religions worldwide, and how their traditions and rituals can be pursued by millions of people.
• To describe the origin and characteristics of Catholicism though the years.
• To develop a broad opinion about the different beliefs and traditions from this ethnic group.
• To acknowledge and experience the different rituals and perspective that differs from my own religion.
Religion has a wide approaching among society as a matter of fact it plays an important aspect that
Religion is defined as A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual being (Mifflin). It is known that many of our behaviours are determined by the presence of religion in one's life. Religion implants its principles in a person and their attitudes, personality, morals and ethics and alters it to a great extent. This
Religion is meant to be a solid force, helping society to bond better and progress in a civilized manner. For the same purpose, religion, with its laws and codes of conduct, monitors peoples’ way of life to ensure that humanity remains
“A religious individual may most gloriously carry out his or her own rituals, as a part of his or her cultural identity, but the moment, that person starts to build a wall of separation between the self and the rest of humanity, coaxed by the textual commands of a scripture, the healthy religiousness turns into dangerous fundamentalism, which is a threat to both the self and the society.” (Abhijit Naskar). In the recent history of our society, the actions of religious extremists have driven people apart, and hatred has grown from a lack of ecumenism between those of different faiths. By focusing on the differences between religions, and not on the latent similarities that inherently exist between different faiths, people become blinded to how various religions are all rooted in the same philosophies. However, by focusing on the similarities of different religion, through philosophies, rituals, or teachings, we can then learn how to tear down walls, grow as people, and become cognitive of our joint humanity. With the necessity of ecumenical relations in our community, it serves humans to see the similarities between the faiths that can divide us. On such similarity exists between the rituals of the Christian Rosary and the Buddhist tradition of Prayer Wheels, both are physical guides for repetitive prayers and personal reflection and meditation.
Before the Vatican II the Catholic Church was an aging dinosaur, still crippled by the Reformation and unable to relate to contemporary man. It emerged from it a modern Church, tolerant and accepting of other religions,
The Roman Catholic Church was an extremely powerful organization during the middle ages and for the most part controlled all aspects of people’s lives. However, this organization does not last forever and over time begins to crack and crumble until a series of schisms split the church into multiple opposing sides. The Church’s message and authority was eventually undermined by corruption and the lay people demanding reform.
Religion is one the most important aspects defining culture. There is no one dominant faith on the
Religion is a worldwide practice that has taken a huge part in all human cultures. One of the earliest recollections of religion came from the Ancient Egyptian that believed in Polytheistic Religion, which praised a variety of gods. Another religion that has been with us since the times of the bible is the Judaism belief. A variety of other religions have formed since then, but not all religions believe in a god. If there is one thing we have in common is believing and following those morals and values through faith. There are many factors that identify and shape who we become. Therefore, I believe, religion is sought to be one major factor that shapes our character throughout our whole
“Religion is a ritualized system of beliefs and practices related to things defined as sacred by an organized community of believers.” (Basirico 379). Religion is an important element in the society because it influences the way individuals act and think. It has shaped the relationship and bonding among families as well as influenced the decision made in economics and politics. Religion in general has contributed to shape a society and a government structure which will influence the way the individuals under certain governmental structure behave. Sociologists are interested in religion mainly because religious belief is heavily rooted in individuals’ lives and it helps sociologists to interpret human’s actions, expression, and
Catholicism is the belief that God made the world and all creation. God's son, Jesus, was conceived immaculately by a virgin named Mary, who was chosen for this very holy task. (Adair, 2012) Jesus was created in the likeness of God and was born with the Holy Spirit's miracle. We do not know very much about Jesus' childhood. However we do know about Jesus as a man. He healed the sick, performed glorious mysteries, and included all people even sinners and tax collectors. Jesus set an example to include everyone and love your enemies as you love everyone else. Jesus was born so that he could die for all human beings on Earth. Catholics believe in Christ's death and resurrection. Jesus was killed on a cross with other sinners and buried, yet he still rose again. "Catholics believe that Jesus is 100% man and 100% divine." (Richert 2006) He is not half man and half holy. They also believe that Jesus embodies everything that we should strive to be. We can strive to be like Jesus, but there is no way that we could even rise up to his level. Catholics are said to believe that they cannot be on the same level as God.
In this spring break, I followed my Christian friend and visited a Catholic Church located in Seattle and I had a chance to witness on how they conduct their worship in the form of Mass. The Catholic Church has many practices and rituals such as Last Rites, praying the Rosary, receiving Communion, Confession, Baptism, and Mass according to the members of this church. Nonetheless, the Mass is the most crucial ritual as they consider it as the Lord`s Supper. The Mass is the Catholic`s official formal worship service and is considered to be the most sacred and important worship act in a Catholic church. According to the Catholics, going to the mass is considered as the only way to fulfill the third Commandment of keeping the
Catholicism is the faith, function, and practices of the Catholic Church. The faith of the Catholicism is the belief in God, its function is to influence the world about God, and the practices involved are to serve in God’s name and to worship God. The word “catholic” means “universal”, implying that everyone in the world could follow the Catholic belief. Reinforcing the fact that the word “catholic” means “universal”, many elements involved, such as one’s experiences, the way the Church evolved, and sacraments, help build the backbone to the subject of Catholicism.
The cultural assignment allowed me to gain a new perspective on the differences of others. I have grown up in a household of dissimilar belief systems. My mom is a dedicated Christian while my dad is unassociated with any religious beliefs. Though, he grew up as a Jehovah’s Witness. There differing belief systems have been the cause of various conflicts within their relationship. I often wondered if people with contradicting beliefs could effectively and peacefully discuss their belief systems. This cultural experience showed me that a peaceful discussion is possible between individuals of dissimilar beliefs.
It would be wise to know for instance materials that are used in worship by a different religion so that one can avoid defilement of the materials that are normally said to be sacred tools that hold great meaning and should be handled in certain ways. It would also be considerate to learn some codes of conduct like how one should behave in religious sanctuaries incase one gets to visit such places,
The role of religion in society is definitely an influential subject. As defined, religion is the beliefs and worship of people’s opinion concerning the existence, nature and celestial involvement in the universe and life. The relationship between both religion and society is always changing. Religion affects different societies in different ways and different forms. For many societies, religion is best understood at a spiritual level. Some people believe that religion is neither good nor bad and they simply believe it is irrelevant because there are many alternative ways to find meanings in ethical ideals and lifestyles. In my perspective, I feel that religion should have a some role in society today, but not too much.
Catholicism is one of the most popular religions in the world. One of my close family friends passed away recently and considered himself to be an encultured part of the Catholic religion. I chose to do my paper over this culture and attend this event because I was curious to see what it entailed, being one of the most popular religions in the world.