
Cattle Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

Livestock raised on factory farms have been placed into environments that conflict with their natural instincts and ability to grow. Cattle biodiversity depends on large grasslands for feeding. Cattle on factory farms diet mainly on grain due to its ability to increase cattle weight in a shorter time period than if raised on a more natural method (Livestock Production Manual 30). Most sustainably raised beef are sent to slaughter at 18 to 22 months of age, while conventionally raised beef are sent to slaughter at 12 to 15 months of age (29). These cattle are placed into crowded feed lots which in turn become overrun with bacteria and unmanaged fecal matter (31). Livestock then become more susceptible to bacterial infections such as E.Coli and Salmonella. It …show more content…

A more specific example would be within ground beef, where it is not just meat from just one cow. Ground beef is composed of meat from multiple cows, so if one cow in that group was carrying an infection, all the beef would be contaminated (“Beef Report”). Growth hormones, antibiotics, and other supplements are used which causes strain on livestock biodiversity. Supplements and growth hormones are used to increase growth of livestock in a shorter amount of time (Gustafson 531). Antibiotics are mainly used to differ any unhealthy bacteria that infects livestock. Due to the overcrowding and uncleanliness of feed lots, there is a higher rate of sickness among livestock. Instead of changing the initial environment or administering antibiotics to only sickly animals, all livestock are given a dose of preventative antibiotics (537). A pasture-based system is important to decreasing the chances of bacterial infection. This allows the cattle to be in more open spaces with natural resources which are similar to their natural

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