
Caucus Groups

Decent Essays

I thought that the caucus groups and the privilege walk had a pretty direct connection with each other because just by looking at where everyone stood at the end of the privilege walk, you could have a pretty good estimate of who would end up in each caucus group. I found this interesting because this means that the people in the caucus groups had many similar experiences or privileges, and a lot of these privileges where things that we took for granted, which is a good example of the unpacking the backpack reading from a few sessions back. One thing that I found interesting was that when the two groups came back together, it almost felt like that there was a little bit of awkwardness at the beginning. It could just be me, but I think that …show more content…

Not money donations, but more sensitivity, A specific example was not exactly paying for someone else’s meal but just understanding why they might not be able to go out to eat and suggesting something else. This relates very clearly to the Defining Social Justice in a Socially Unjust World reading, in which one of the “four criteria for achieving social justice in social work practice” is a sense of belonging. It goes on further to explain that people should not be treated as an issue to be solved. Reading this reminded me of a couple of sessions ago when Pat mentioned not wanting to be a charity case. Another way in which this reading relates to activities we have done is that when breaking the cycle of socialization, these four criteria should be followed, which not be intuitively realized until mentioned. However, if not followed, people of less fortune may not to be helped or could misunderstand good …show more content…

We mentioned how discussion and spreading the word can be difficult because it can be uncomfortable to bring it up with family and friends because a lot of the time people don’t want to talk about things that make them uncomfortable. It was mentioned that even though it can be tough, it is important to find ways to do so because if more people realize the unfair discrimination of poorer people in the society they live in, change will be easier.
The video about class vs race YouTube video reminded me of on the past readings: There is no hierarchy of discrimination. I found similarity in both because in the video, Dr. Dyson talked about how poor and middle class Americans are working against their shared interest with people of color because they listen to the lies that the wealthy propagate to protect their wealth. It relates in the sense that many forms of oppression are intertwined, and solving one could leading to solving multiple

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