
Cause And Effect Essay On Gambling

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Canada’s largest and most financially significant entertainment industry – gambling, contributes upwards of $15.3 billion to the economy annually. All across the world, gambling is a source of state revenue via taxation, a fun social activity, and a pernicious influence on society. Because of this influence, certain people are subject to the high-risk, addictive aspect of gambling and in result, become what are known as problem gamblers. The major flaws in regard to current gambling policies revolve around social issues being inferior to economic benefits of state revenues. This belief exists because the social costs of gambling are too difficult to measure despite the repercussions experienced by individuals and their families for generations depending on economic status and ethnicity. In order to ensure that gambling is socially responsible, government policy should focus on public health superior to state revenues.
Gambling is a heavily debated topic globally as each country has distinct ideas, rules, and regulations regarding its role in their government and economy. In some countries, gambling is outlawed, whereas in others it is regulated by the government. The significance of socially responsible gambling and its relationship to government policy is based on the premise that gambling addiction, like any addiction, is equal for all people no matter their race, ethnicity, or cultural upbringing. There are many proven preventative measures that can be taken in order to

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