
Cause And Effect Of Cyberbullying

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Causes and Effects of Bullying
A bully is a person who uses their strength to intimidate another person. Bullying is a major cause to homicides, suicides and youth violence. Both school bullying and cyberbullying have increased significantly. In recent statistics one out of four kids are either cyberbullied or school bullied. 77% of the children that are being bullied are hurt mentally, physically and verbally. 14% of those children being bullied have a severe reaction to the abuse. There are four effects from bullying and they are psychological post-trauma disorders,revenge, self destructive behaviors, and alcohol or substance abuse.There are also various short term effects to bullying, low self-confidence, depression, suicidal thoughts, school problems etc…Adults will sometimes think that the kids can figure out on their own. The truth is they cannot figure it out on their own, they need support. While only one out of four children report the are being bullied, these might be the children who receive help. Children who are bullied and do not receive help might try to do something drastic. Bullying is being widely supported , by talking about it and having campaigns for bullying. There should be no school bullying or cyberbullying, the effects are hard to live with.
The cause of bullying may be because they want to feel superior to other children. Some children may lack empathy and not care how the other child feels. These types of children may feel pleasure seeing a child cry for help as they kick them. They might also feel a sort of accomplishment after he bullies a child. Bullies cannot see to control their emotions. When a person is angry or upset they can usually stop themselves from doing something irrational. A bully can not stop themselves and will simply overreact if a child would to bump the in the hallway. Bullies feel the need to be in control and are driven to have power.The second cause is that most bullies come from dysfunctional families. These bullies come from families who do not show affection or openness. They witness their parents show aggressive behaviors towards others and think it’s okay. Home abuse can also be a cause to a child becoming

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