Suicide. It’s a word that can resonate within some people in a way that others are incapable of. It could mean an escape to a seemingly attainable paradise to one person or what one does when there is too much homework to another. It is used carelessly as a verb used when one is fed up. Depression is a lot like that. It is an endless loop of discouragement and annoyance with life. It’s a seemingly endless fall to rock bottom, an infinite and ever increasing low that one wasn’t aware existed. It is a battle but not an insurmountable one. There are plenty of reasons to stay alive, yet the main one is the possibility of a missed opportunity. Depression causes the loss of visualizing these opportunities. They seem hazy, possibly even nonexistent. Some opportunities may be simple, such as seeing the sunrise the next day, or even the idea of finally achieving a lifelong dream. Any opportunity is worthy. Most often, suicidal thoughts and actions are the result of feeling like you can no longer cope. It may seem as if there is nowhere else to go when faced with what seems to be a situation that may never end, or have any chances of improving and that you don 't have hope for the future. Many come to the conclusion that suicide is the solution, as shown in the quote “The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets through many a dark night.” – Friedrich Nietzsche. It is important to remember that in times of crisis, one has to remember the reason one has
Often, the main cause of suicide is that people believe they have nothing to live for. In a society where people don’t have a desire to live, life is not valued. People are not scared of death and don’t understand the importance of
Depression – Depression can be very serious, and left untreated can cause suicidal thoughts. You can become that stressed; you become low in mood and cannot see any way out.
Suicide can be defined as the intentional taking of one’s life. This is when the person has gone beyond help and is not able to even listen to reason. When the person in question has started having suicidal thoughts, they will not cease experimental methods until something they wish be done is accomplished.
There are many reasons for suicide. Up to 90-95% of suicides are caused by a previous mental illness within the family, usually depression. Depression is a sadness that impacts the physical and mental health. Depression is usually the cause of suicide. Depression is caused by many things like serious illnesses, such as depression and bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder causes major mood swings – from highs to lows. Major changes in your physical and mental
Many human deaths are caused by depression, depression can be described by feeling sad, unhappy, or miserable. Research has shown that 90 percent of people who kill themselves suffered from depression, or another diagnosable mental or substance abuse disorder that leads them to this horrible tragedy called suicide (Wilson). Depression can lead to suicide if its not being treated, in the worst case. A harmful life event or events can lead to be a cause of a suicide attempt. If your wife died and you feel like you ca not deal with it, you drown yourself into drugs and drinking, you are left alone your children are now adults and are gone away somewhere married and they can not come with you. So you continue to drown yourself, until you do not have any more money and you go homeless, you then think and start talking to yourself
One reason people commit suicide is that they are depressed. Depression is the feeling of severe dejection. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle activities, such as sleeping, eating, and working. (NH) Many who are considering suicide suffer from depression (Highbeam). For example a six year old girl committed suicide by stepping in front of a train. She was depressed because her mom had died from an illness. She couldn’t face a life without her.
When people commit suicide, some of them don’t plan it and sometimes emotions play a part in why people commit suicide. Some people wake up one day and have suicidal thoughts and act on them which are impulsive actions. Impulsive behaviors can be damaging like gambling, impulse buying, and trichotillomania which is when people pull out their hair (Salomon, 2007). A example of someone acting on their impulsive thoughts is when someones day might be going awful and they think it is the end of the world when it really is not so the only way they think that they can cope is by killing themselves because they do not want to deal with the consequences. There are many ways people can avoid impulsive behaviors. People can talk to therapists, go visit online groups who help prevent suicide, and web sites like the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (Salomon, 2007). As people go through life, nobody knows what is going to happen throughout the day
Suicide is is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Risk factors include mental illness such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, alcoholism, or drug abuse. People choose suicide when they are hopeless or when they think there isn’t anyone that cares for them anymore. They can also choose this if they think there isn’t an end to their suffering or to their problem. Most of the time this happens because of depression and in some cases bullying, it can also happen because of alcohol or because of a major stressful event that has happened. Suicide can really happen anywhere and at any time.Suicide is a problem that exists because the numbers of suicide keep going up and won’t come down.
In addition, mental health disorders can lead to suicide. Suicide is a horribly tragic act that can be prevented. Suicide is usually caused by severe depression, a feeling of hopelessness. This severe depression can be caused by a tragic life event such as losing a job or divorce. People can also be predisposed to depression. People’s brains who suffer from depression simply cannot produce enough neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, which are responsible for making you happy. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. More people die from suicide than hypertension, abnormally high blood pressure, and Parkinson’s disease. The rate in which this is happening is rising yearly. In recent years suicide rates have taken a steep rise in prevalence. Many people struggling with depression feel as though they don’t have real issues compared to other people, or that people will judge them seeking help for feeling sad. People who have been directly affected by suicide will tell you that it is not silly to seek help if you are feeling sad. Suffers sometimes feel so depressed that they cannot get out of bed. It can be debilitating. Uneducated individuals do not understand this, and will tell a sick person to “just get out of bed”, or “we all have issues too, deal with it and get on with life like the rest of us”.
Most people often find obstacles in their life to be overwhelming at times and can turn to drastic measures. Suicidal people believe dying is easier then living. Suicide is described as the taking of your own life. Depression and lowered self-esteem can be responsible for most suicides in today’s society. Depression can be caused by a number of things, and can also be triggered by low self-esteem. The way hope is described on Merriam-Webster Dictionary is to cherish a desire with anticipation. Meaning wishing for a desired outcome to happen. Most people experience hopelessness after a tragedy or incident such as depression. Strategies for coping with hopelessness can be by talking to someone about the situation.
A few suicides are the aftereffect of indiscreet choices in light of a circumstance that appears to be miserable such as loss of a vocation, separate, or a separation with one 's better half or beau. (May, Schultze Par. 2) These reasons for suicide are not the genuine causes of the suicide. Maybe they are triggers for suicide in a person experiencing an emotional instability. Suicide endeavors activated by real frustrations, for example sentimental dismissal, issues with companions, or coming up short a major exam, are normal among discouraged young people, who have not had the educational experience to understand that these wounds mend with time. (Par. 2)
Depression can submerge us in thoughts such as suicide. I recently almost gave into those terrible thoughts, but i was strong enough to withdraw from it. Fear almost made me cave in. Now the fear in the picture may not seem clear at first, but if you look more into it on a deeper perspective you’ll begin to understand.
People attempt and commit suicide for different reasons. One reason that Durkheim came up with is the result of egoistic suicide. “Egoistic suicide results from man’s no longer finding a basis for existence in life.” (Farganis 2011:62) A person can have everything that they need to live a comfortable and successful life, but that has very little meaning to someone who no longer sees a purpose for living. This type of suicide can be very shocking and confusing for friends and family members. When my friend committed suicide last year it was definitely a
Depression has numerous causes and effects which affect not only the person but the people around them. Depression doesn’t have a specific cause; in most cases it’s different for everyone. It is a common, treatable mental illness that can be experienced at any time in life. It is often described with feeling sad, unhappy, miserable, or “down in the dumps”. Most people have these feelings on occasion. There are several types of depression. These different types of depression describe slight, but often important, diagnostic differences. True clinical depression interferes with mood disorder in everyday life for weeks, months, or even years. Most people think depression affects only one
Suicide is often labeled as selfish and inconsiderate and maybe it is. I mean in all honesty the aftermath is devastating for those who have to clean it up and deal with the repercussions. However, as someone who has personally experienced the darkest shade of black you have to feel in your mind and heart to want to kill yourself, I can assure you the intent is almost never to hurt those around you--but to stop your own hurting. The thoughts and feelings that consume someone contemplating suicide is like a hand around your neck, it is like water in your lungs, it is a constant screaming that can’t be silenced. They are relentless and overbearing, they weigh heavy in your mind and linger like the musty smell in an old basement. I have been there, in my darkest times i've tried to end my own life, to silence the screaming. I was filled with trauma and I let the anxiety, the depression, the PTSD, all of it, get the best of me. Two years ago I was in a much worse place than I am now. I was selfish and I wanted to take my life, not even thinking of how it would affect those around me. I am not going to act as if i'm completely better, because I am definitely not, I still have quite a long ways to go. However, something changed. I promised myself no matter how hard things get, and no matter how bad the thoughts are, I will never make an attempt again. My junior year I began to realize something very important; suicide is not the ending of pain, it is simply the transfer of anguish from one person to another.