
Cause And Negative Effects Of Stress In College Students

Satisfactory Essays

Three papers, four tests, six different homework assignments, rent is due, a crisis arose at home, and you are scheduled to work more hours than an average work week. All of homework assignments and rent are due by the end of the week. All of the factors listed above are stressors that your average college student faces at one point in their academic career. This paper will discuss the commonly used coping mechanisms that college students use, as well as the negative effects that stress causes and healthy ways to manage one’s stress..
Stress is something that every person deals with and is a response from the body about threats or challenges that result from stressor(s) and cause strain (Licht, Hull, &Ballantyne, 2014). Emotional, physiological or psychological reactions are different stressors that cause the body to react. Some stressors that a student might face are academics, financial, family, social, and daily hassles. Examples of the stressors listed above are things like, grade point average (GPA), paying bills, a divorce or family emergency, fitting in with your peers, and traffic or roommate issues. When all of these factors build up it causes extreme amounts of stress. Learning how to cope with the stresses that students are faced with, will help them succeed and not become as overwhelmed in situations.
Two of the most common coping strategies that college students use are emotional coping and problem solving strategies. Emotion-focused coping is when the

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