
Cause Of Congressional Gridlocks

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Congressional gridlock is not a modern invention in the world of politics. Alexander Hamilton use to complain about the deadlock “flaw” in the design of Congress. In politics, “Congressional gridlock” is a situation in Congress where there are complications in passing laws for the people. Gridlock could be prevented if we had a democracy for the majority and unified. While many view this as frustrating, gridlocks are starting to become a political norm. This leads to a divided government. Congressional gridlock in the states has become an everyday topic that nobody really understands what to do. The creation of gridlock is seen every day. The failure that Congress comes with when trying to agree upon the nation’s budget, or have the right …show more content…

With both sides fighting over “how” to go with this bill, they did not execute it out.
Another example of congressional gridlock preventing a bill becoming law is when President Obama was still in the Oval Office. In 2014, Congress was gridlocked over Immigration Reform. Republicans in the Senate were indecisive on a $2.7 billion dollar bill to help with Central Americans crossing the border illegally. While it may not seem as serious, many politicians deemed this as a “national crisis”. President Obama also fought for it to be passed in Congress but it ended up making Congress delay for another day. The House also got a bill suspended that would make the deportation process much more efficient.
One example of congressional gridlock is in 2016 after the mass shooting in the Orlando night club. This tragedy had forced Congress to take gun laws more serious and to come up with a solution. With this in mind, many had expected for a bill to have been passed within short duration of time; what happened was the complete opposite. The bill was set to raise funding on background checks for anyone planning to buy a gun. Also this bill would have delayed gun sales for 72 hours for a thorough check. Instead of a quick bill being passed, this led Congress into yet another gridlock. This gridlock caused outrage within the whole nation.
Some believe the Federal Election Commission(FEC) because come election time they are deemed ineffective because of

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