
Causes And Effects Of The Boxer Rebellion In China

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Due to the refusal of legal trade and underground trade occurred causing the spread of opium and the decline of prosperity of Chinese citizens due to this epidemic. The mass addiction caused China to allow some trade with foreigners to occur legally ad eventually open their doors. China was unable to easily adapt to western standards and agree to the culture and advancements they were introducing. The Taiping rebellion was between western religion and Confucianism, differing ideas and parties divided the nation. The Nanking treaty was created and signed between China and Britain to decrease conflict with trade, yet inspired more unrest with the Chinese people. The Boxer rebellion in the twentieth century then took place in order to increase Chinese nationalism and deter foreign influence. This caused disturbance in their ability to modernize and did not aid in their success as a nation. The anti-foreign sentiments weakened their country and left them vulnerable to weak governments.
With a presidency established parties developed further and unrest was deepened. Intellectuals that were allowed to study overseas and in foreign countries disagreed with each other forming a radical and liberal wing. These were divided among those who believed in socialism and those who believed in democracy. Unification was sought out yet the country was increasingly divided. Under Chiang the country was unified and the war lord era was ended, yet a socialistic government was established. The

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