
Causes And Effects Of Witchcraft

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Beginning in roughly 1450 continuing to around 1750, a fear of witchcraft in Europe led to many years of witch hunts and executions of a multitude of individuals, an estimated 70% of those accused being women. The idea of witches and witchcraft caused people to begin accusing others of almost anything, the accused becoming scapegoats for the people of Europe. The witches were defined as problems for cities and state to the people because they brought death, illness, failure of crops, misfortune and evil wherever they went, and they worshipped the devil, God’s powerful, malicious enemy.

Reasons for being defined as problems/Introduction:
Starting in the 15th century, the idea of witchcraft began to spread throughout Europe. Accusations were made against so-called “witches” who rejected Jesus and the holy sacraments and worshipped Satan (the devil). Inevitable and unforeseen accidents and casualties began to be blamed on suspicious people in villages, primarily women. Some of these accidents included disease, death on humans or livestock, injuries, men being sexually impotent, destruction of crops, and burning of towns. Many people who prepared herbal remedies were targets of the witch hunts, especially if their medicines failed to heal a patient. Midwives, people who tended to children after they were born, slaves, outcasts of a village, elderly women of a village, widows, doctors, and much more people were all targets as well. If they had given medicine to somebody

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