Conare Lucas 11/1/17
Prof Philip Titan Cause –and– Effect Essay
When people first start reading a book there is one burning question: "What is this story about?" It’s a heavy question, especially for a fiction novel with so many fabricated details. You can fix this by saying a story is all about decisions. Of course, there are other themes, but the entire story is connected by the questions characters ask themselves and the outcome of their own answers. We can think about how this mimics real life. How every day we are forced to consider life's chance situations; some casual, some pressing, but all of them impacting our final growth as people and those around us to some degree. A good example of this is when in the book "The Outsiders", our protagonist Jonny decided to kill Bob in self-defense, this resulted in Jonny and Ponyboy going on the run. The decisions, the choices, that were made by Jonny change the course of his and his cohort's entire lives in an instant--directing the whole final tale and story outcome.
In the book the outsiders Ponyboy and many other characters have to make questionable decisions. A good example of this is, Ponyboy's choice to walk might bring up questions. Why does Pony boy walk home alone, even though he knows it's not safe? Is he just making a foolish choice? Is he
The Outsiders is a story regarding the privation and accomplishments experienced by the Greasers and the Socs, two rival gangs living in the inner city in the early 1960’s. The novel The Outsiders is about two groups of teenagers of bitter rivalry which was due to socio-economic differences.The Outsiders takes us through a journey of violence, struggle and death. It examines the life of a recently orphaned young man born into poverty confronted with the prejudices that he could not change. The novel tells the story of Ponyboy Curtis and his conflicts between the lower and the upper class youths and struggles and with the right and wrong in a society in which he considers himself an outsider. The society is divided in two groups Greasers and Socs, ‘Greasers’ are those who are from East side and belongs to a poor section of the society and ‘Socs’ a short word for society used in the novel, means those who are from West side and belongs to a richer section of a society. The greasers and Socs also have somethings in common like Cherry Valance, a member of Socs, and Ponyboy Curtis, a geaser discuss their love for literature, for popular music, and sunsets. A view of honorable action appears throughout the novel, which works as an important element of the geasers behavioral code.
A young adult novel’s audience often desires relatable characters and a meaningful plot that helps them to find resolutions to their own uncertainties concerning life. Many authors employ the literary technique realism to satiate these cravings. Today, there are some popular novels that attempt to imitate this, such as the coveted The Fault in Our Stars or Divergent. These selections, while widespread in the hands of young adult readers today, will not stand the test of time in the way that The Outsiders has, written by S. E. Hinton in 1967, has. This novel, both produced by and intended for teenagers, instead is a better candidate of realistic young adult fiction. Other selections, from Hinton’s era and from today, do not radiate the same
In the beginning of the novel, Ponyboy is walking home alone thinking about the past, and the relationship between Greasers and Socs, or the upperclassmen. Ponyboy later is jumped due to being alone by himself at night. “ Anyway I went home thinking about the movie, and then suddenly wishing I had some company. Greasers can’t walk alone too much or they’ll get jumped…” (Hinton 2). Ponyboy feels isolated knowing there was a chance he could be jumped by a Soc. He was feeling alone which resembled that he wanted some company and wanted to feel safe. Later on, after Johnny saves Ponyboy, and has to kill Bob, a Soc, they have to run away to an abandoned church located in Windrixville. The next day Ponyboy wakes up and Johnny is not sleeping next to him on the ground. This makes Ponyboy feel lonely, and he begins to think about home and wishes he was with his brothers eating dinner. “ I woke up late in the afternoon. For a second I did not know where I was… I convinced myself that I had dreamed the night before.” (Hinton 68)
How Society Affects People “If we don’t have each other, we don’t have anything. We’re all we have left. We ought to be able to stick together against everything,” (Hinton). Characters are affected by society positively and negatively throughout the book, the video, and the poem. The society in the book, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, affected characters positively, like the poem, “The World Is Not a Pleasant Place to be,” by Nikki Giovanni did, as well as the video “On the Road with Steve Hartman.”
In the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton explores life in the 60s, focused on a group of greasers, juvenile delinquents, and their personal struggles. The reader accompanies the narrator through the precipitous decisions and situations that he is put through, with conflict with another group of a higher social class. This novel goes into deep detail and reflects on to the reader that no matter the social class of an individual we can all relate. One way the author builds the theme of social class is through the character of Cherry Valance. “Things are rough all over.”
In the first scene of the film, Ponyboy exits a theatre to what looks like the city center area. As he begins his walk home a mustang filled with Socs see him walking and immediately start insulting him, telling him to wash the grease out of his hair. The torment does not stop there, they follow him throughout town, throwing scrap wood at him and chasing him down the street. It escalated to the point the Socs jump out of the car and takes him down, pointing a switchblade at his neck and cutting him. This type of harassment is normal for Greasers, which is why they never should walk alone. This scene is an example of victim precipitation theory. Ponyboy is an adolescent male with a poor upbringing walking alone, even in broad daylight, he is considered an easy target for the Socs and they know they can get away with it. Another example is when Ponyboy and Johnny decide to run away together, they were spotted by the Socs who had been drinking and looking for easy targets.
In the book The Outsiders by S.E Hinton, it's built around the class division between the Socs and the greasers. The kids in the Socs came from privileged and wealthy families while the greaser grew up in a unstable and poor environment, and it shaped who they are and how they act. The novel deals with issues important to urban teens, and the obstacles that are part of their daily lives, showing realism in Hinton's writing. In the article ¨The Urban Experience in Recent Young Adult Novels¨ by Sandra Hassell and Sandy Guild, it discuss the importance of urban teens worlds represented in literature. The article consists of many characteristics that are established in urban youth books such as, the usage of slang, strong sense of community,
The Outsiders Essay – Describe an interesting theme from a text you have studied. Explain why this theme is interesting.
The character that I had chosen to analyze was Ponyboy Curtis in the movie, The Outsiders (Coppola, 1983). I chose this character because the movie revealed how Ponyboy got to where he is mentally and everything that had occurred to get him to that point. I will analyze the adolescent phase of Ponyboy’s life. The theme of The Outsiders is how love can affect the relationships of close friends. The theories and theorists that support my analysis are Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial theory, Albert Bandura’s Observational Learning, Lev Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Perspective and Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Systems theory: Microsystem (Sigelman, 2015). From those theories and theorists the following points will be analyzed: identity, peer pressure, self-worth, and dependence.
The title of the story is The Outsiders. S.E. Hinton wrote it. Dell Publishing published the book. The main characters include Ponyboy, Darry, Soadapop, Dally Winston, Johnny, Cherry, Two-Bit, and Marcia.
Are outsiders simply those who are misjudged or misunderstood? Whether outsiders are misjudged or misunderstood depends on whose perspective you view this question from. When you look at someone you are developing an opinion of them, and you may be misjudging them by deciding they are an outsider. While when you are the person being judged you feel that you are just simply misunderstood. You may have experienced one or probably both of these perspectives. Moreover to truly understand what it means to be an outsider you need to understand both of these perspectives.
“Dreamer, never let it be said that a dream is a waste of one’s time. For dreams are our realities in waiting. In dreams, we plant the seeds of our future.” In the books The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, Mr.Ferris and His Wheel by Kathryn Gibbs Davis, and The article Dream Big But Be Realistic for a Successful Life all have dreamers dreaming. Being a dreamer is more important than a realist because you can dream a better life for yourself, and you can do things you never thought were possible if you dream.
I am discussing the book the outsiders by S.E Hinton and analyzing the impact violence has on the main characters. My main aim of this essay is to assess and demonstrating the emotional and physical damage to the characters Johnny, bob and Dally caused by violence.
“The Outsiders” identifies the 60’s, illustrating the violence between groups, often involving a group’s social class. For instance, the violent tensions between the Socs and Greasers lead to Bob’s death, Johnny’s death, as well as many injuries throughout both gangs. The book “The Outsiders” is written by S.E. Hinton and is portrayed through the eyes of a high school student in Tulsa, OK where S.E. Hinton grew up. Hinton began writing “The Outsiders” in 1965 at the age of 17 and the book was finally published in 1967 when she was 19. The difference in perspective upon the society and social class creates issues throughout “The Outsiders” and since the Socs and Greasers assume the problems will be solved with violence, they take action.
Social class describes the different "layers" that exist in society. These "layers," or classes in society, are a division that civilization has been running on ever since the beginning of mankind. In most modern societies, our system of social class division is one of opportunity. We experience a good deal of social mobility, where people through generations or in their own lifetime can move up or down the social scale. By examining the many different perceptions of social class along with S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, it is illustrated that social class has an impact on people while they are growing up, and will usually deny them from rising above adversity.