5.2. Responses to bacteria Although bacterial infections are one of the main problems in the aquaculture industry, very few studies regarding the intestinal response to bacterial pathogens after natural infections can be found in the literature. Additionally, the number of studies performed in the laboratory under controlled conditions is low, prompting the need for more in-depth experiments to determine the role of GALT in bacterial infections. Enteric redmouth disease (ERM, or yersiniosis) is one of the most important diseases of salmonids and is caused by a Gram-negative enterobacterium, Yersinia ruckeri. Its preferential mode of entry is through the gills, but it has also been described to infect the intestine through the mucosal tissue (Ohtani et al., 2014; Tobback et al., 2010, 2009). Despite these findings, few studies have described the immune response in GALT in fish with ERM. Alterations in gene expression in the intestine were described after immersion challenge with the Y. ruckeri strain YRNC10-gfp (Evenhuis and Cleveland, 2012). In this study, early responses (up to 10 days post-immersion) were measured by expression analysis of several genes. Among them, IgM and IgT were upregulated, indicating the participation of both immunoglobulins in the innate responses in the intestine after bacterial infection by immersion. Interestingly, in the same study, only IgM, but not IgT, expression varied in the first 10 days after Flavobacterium psychrophilum strain CSF-259-93
In order to reduce the risk of contracting this microorganism, individual shouldn’t eat raw or undercooked oysters or other shellfish. Cook them before eating, always wash your hands with soap and water after handing raw shellfish and avoid contaminating cooked shellfish with raw shellfish and its juices, stay out of brackish or salt water if you have a wound .If you develop a skin infection, tell your medical provider if your skin has come into contact with brackish or salt water, raw seafood, or raw seafood juices. (CDC,
|9 |Have and adhere to polices, designed for the individual’s care and provider organizations that will |
U.S Food and Drug Administration. (2014, October 7). BBB - Yersinia enterocolitica. Retrieved November 28, 2014,
When determining which bacteria I wanted to use for this experiment I had to decide on E.coli bacteria which is gram negative and staphylococcus a gram positive bacterium. These were chosen because they are safe enough to grow in a college laboratory and were supplied by the technician. Gram negative bacteria has an outer membrane making it more resistant to antiseptics and antibiotics, it also makes it more fatal to the human host it is inhabiting. Whereas gram
Not Washing hands frequently especially after dealing with any bodily fluids. Staff not staying at home if they are sick. Use a tissue, or cough and sneeze into your arm, not your hand. Turn away from other people. Open wounds not being covered especially on the hands. The incorrect use of PPE or the none use of PPE. Sharing personal items between each other. Incorrect food prep and storage.
they are two procedure by which the antibiotic attacks the bacterial cells. one is by interfering which the bacterial ability to repair the damage DNA. by stopping the bacterial ability to make what it needs to grow new cells to make what it needs to grow. the other one is by weakening the bacterial's cells wall until it burst
One of the most common hospital-acquired infections being reported today by hospitals is urinary tract infections (UTIs), UTIs account for up to 40% of the infections reported by hospitals (Elpern, 2016). One of the most common reasons for hospital-acquired UTIs has been associated with the use of indwelling urinary catheters, these infections are known as catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). CUATIs have been shown to increase healthcare cost, increase in morbidity and mortality and are one of the most preventable complications that can arise from hospitalization (Elpern, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to explore hospital acquired infections and common problems and complications
Gastrointestinal diseases are pervasive problem that is caused by ingestion of contaminated foods or water in which an extensive etiological agents known as enteric pathogen are present, [1]. Salmonella is one of the most opportunistic gram negative, facultative anaerobic food borne pathogens that represent a major health problem and a substantial cause of food poisoning[2]. Salmonellosis caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) stance as the second most prevalent cause of acute gastroenteritis that affecting one million illnesses in the United States, with 19,000 hospitalizations and 380 deaths[3]. Infection begins with the ingestion of contaminated food or water then characterized by attachment of the bacteria by fimbriae or pili to cells lining the
Non-typhoid Salmonella sp. causes inflammation of the digestive tract (enterocolitis). Common symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, myalgia and watery non-bloody diarrhoea usually appear between 8 and 72 h after the ingestion of a pathogen (D 'Aoust, 1994). Human salmonellosis is self-limiting infection, nevertheless patients are advised to replace fluid and electrolytes (D 'Aoust, 1994). Sometimes the progression of enterocolitis into local infections via blood stream can occur (D 'Aoust, 1994; D 'Aoust, 1991).
psychrophiles- these type of micro-organisms require cold temperatures which can range from -5 degree’s to 15 degree’s , due to these temperatrure requirments these micro organisms are often found in cold places such as the artic.
I must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the PPE is returned, once worn to the appropriate location and that the items are not removed from the workplace.
Peace, freedom, stability, education, equality, and prosperity: the mere aspirations that every American wishes to achieve. The “dream” our founding fathers wanted every man to obtain. However, what we Americans forget to acknowledge is our own dreams. We are too myopic and are so apprehensive towards failure that we attempt to prevent others from succeeding. Every man desires equality; but where does this leave women? We constantly cast-aside the gender division that is prevalent in our country and dismiss intentions to move towards change. Men exists because of women. Women and men are of one entity: the human being. And we as fellow human beings must realize our place and demand change. But change for what? Change that we are too afraid
Artists celebrate life in many shapes and forms. This can include creating a painting, song, beat, sculpture, or poem. Many may also unwind by drinking and doing drugs, giving them the feeling of freedom. During this time of freedom artists can escape into their imagination and create something that represents who they are or what they're feeling. No one really celebrates life when one feels in captivity. Artists also celebrate life when they are surrounded by people they care about and people they know will appreciate their art. Socializing allows the mind to get inspired by the things the artist sees, hears, taste, and touch. Not only do the artists alone benefit from their actions; many artists will look at the environment they're in and
There are many difference between a bacterial infection and a viral infection. One of the bigger differences is that between a virus and bacteria is that an antibiotic drug will kill bacteria but had no effect on viruses. Many illnesses that are viral infections a couple of them being a sore throat, flu, cold and a runny noise. Although bacterial infections illnesses by some bacteria is strep throat, whooping cough, and a urinary tract infection. One of the bigger differences between viral infections, and bacterial infections is that viral infections doesn’t need medication and most of these illnesses are like “self-limiting” which means that the human body will fight to kick in and try to fight off the illness, which this process usually takes some time. However, with bacterial infections these types of illnesses require for an antibiotic to be used. The type of antibiotics will be based on what type of infection it is. What an antibiotic does it that it helps stop the growth of the bacteria or it tries to kill the bacteria that’s already in the human body.
Life begins at fertilization, the cells begin to divide, and a human being starts to form.