
Causes Of Cultural Identity In North Africa

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North African Youth’s Search for Cultural Identity Many young North Africans struggle to find a cultural identity that fits them. There are several reasons that this is issue is so prevalent in North Africa. Many aspects of the foreign involvement that North Africa has been subjected to have impeded the regions ability to forge national identities. The results of this lack of identity have been varied and, while some young North Africans have turned to destructive behaviors, others have made the most out of their situation. Against all odds, many young North Africans have found ways of creating their own cultural identities and communities. Though cultural identity is not something that is effortlessly attainable in North Africa, the young people have found methods of connecting with each other and their countries. One cause of the lack of national identity in many North African countries is the fact that for most of modern history, North Africa has been ruled by other powers. During the 16th and 17th century, much of North Africa was under the control of the Ottoman Empire (Hourani 209). Following very soon after Ottoman rule, North Africa was colonized by France, England, Spain, and Italy (282). European colonialism was arguably the biggest setback for North Africa in forging national identities. Colonizers dislocated cultural ties and created tensions in a variety of ways. The countries that now make up North African were created by the boarders that colonial powers

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