
Environmental Issues In Madagascar Essay

Decent Essays

Environmental issues exist in Madagascar because of the problems that our society composes. Worst of all, Madagascar continues to face an economic depression and as well as losing the land that animals use to roam freely. Many countries around the world depend on the island’s significant natural resources. Sadly with a blink of an eye, the beauty of the island disappears without anyone taking charge. Karin Brulliard exposes the problems in Madagascar with a statement throughout her narration:
Years of deforestation and slash-and-burn agriculture left just 10 percent of Madagascar’s original vegetation and protecting what remains is an urgent concern of international conservation groups. That effort has made great strides in the past three decades, they say, through programs to expand protected areas and encourage sustainable farming (Brulliard).
Despite the fact that citizens in Madagascar are destitute and need the forest's resources, citizens of Madagascar have caused the destruction of their homeland through their irresponsible farming practices and illegal trades. Although deforestation has occurred for hundreds of years, the number of cases in which forests have vanished has increased. When the forest is being cut down dramatically, the habitats of many animals are being taken away, making it harder for animals to stay alive. For example, the disappearance of the forest has led to 90 percent of the lemurs being endangered. Even

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