Obesity in America is now an epidemic. There are many contributing factors to obesity (both childhood and adult), such as biological, environmental, social, or economic factors. Obesity has plagued Americans in the 20th century due to increases in childhood obesity and decline in physical activity.
The 2009-2010 United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, revealed that 9.7% of 0- to 2-year-olds reached≥ 95th percentile weight and 12.1% of children aged 2–5 years were in the obese category with a BMI ≥ 95th percentile. Current trends in infant feeding revealed higher than generally recommended energy, protein, and saturated fat intakes. (Saavedra) Early introduction of solids, use of cow’s milk prior to 1 year of age,
Obesity in America is a very serious problem affecting many Americans currently and is a problem that continues to grow each year. Obesity is a disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems. I believe that obesity in America is a huge problem which is caused by a few factors. Obesity in America is a huge problem that continues to escalate due to fast food chains, lack of physical activity, and overeating.
In America today one in three adults are considered to be obese. Over the years the rate of obesity keeps climbing up and up. Some people blame fast-food or the environment Americans live in. After all,someone can purchase a chocolate bar at a bookstore nowadays. But, most people are looking at the incorrect factor to blame. Although the food industry is a huge contribution to obesity in America, people are ultimately responsible for their own health.
Obesity is plaguing America and it is not surprising that fast food is contributing to the epidemic. The definition of onesity is when an individual is thirty percent more overweight from their normal age and height. Obesity is the largest public health concern of today. A stunning thirty five percent of the population is obese.
Today, in our fast-paced world of modern America, the availability of inexpensive, cheap processed food and drink is overwhelming. We have quickly become the most obese nation on the planet by simply allowing companies to lower nutritional value, raise sugar quantity, and increase fat and calorie percentages to an astounding amount. We as a nation buy into these consessions because of three main reasons: low price, convenience, and massive availability. Because of this, eating healthy is seen to be expensive, time consuming, and daunting. This is the opposite of what we need here in America. Big name companies spend billions upon advertising their sugary, fat-gushing products. When in reality, we should restrict the abundance of adverts, plastered all over major cities, social media, and television. We need to start taking a
My America is freedom, ice cream, and respectable. America is not this way to everyone. To some, America is slowly collapsing because of obesity, clowns, and suicide.
“Did you know that the average weight of an American has increased twenty-four pounds since 1960?” (Stewart). Obesity is a growing issue in America and the government and society want to have a say in this issue. The government can not stop a person from becoming obese. In order to understand why the government and society is too involved in obesity, one needs to understand the physical and emotional effects society has on America, and how media affects views on obesity, and the government controlling food portions in schools.
In the United States of America, there is a current epidemic of obesity throughout the country. Every age group is affected by this unfortunate trend. Even children are not immune to the national obesity problem. For a country that has an abundance of job opportunities, educational opportunities, and financial opportunities, it is a sad statement of fact that far too many people are tipping the scales in unhealthy ways. It is a fact that a disproportionate amount of the nation's citizens are dangerously overweight. If the country as a whole wishes to reverse this disparaging state of affairs, then the first thing to do is to determine why so large a percentage of the population is suffering in this way. People who are suffering from obesity or who are dangerously overweight encounter a myriad of health concerns both physically and mentally. There has even been proved a correlation between obesity and lower life expectancy (Flicker 2010). Two of the many reasons why the Americans have such a problem with obesity is the fact that there the diets of most Americans are heavily based on corn or corn-based products and that Americans lead a more sedentary and inactive lifestyle than people in other nations.
Eating too much junk food is a problem for many Americans. Currently, 9.3 percent are diabetic, while 35.7 percent of Americans are obese ("Statistics About Diabetes") ("Overweight and Obesity Statistics"). Even more Americans could become diabetic in the future because obesity is known to cause it. “If Americans keep getting heavier at the current rate, 42% of the population will be obese by 2030,” according to Alexandra Sifferlin, in a TIME article. The government should raise taxes on candy and other fatty snacks to help decrease obesity and the number of diabetic people. Decreasing these two health problems would lessen the amount of money needed for health insurance. In addition, willpower is an issue for many people and if a bag of potato
First of all there are many causes of obesity, A lot of people ask why is there such a large increase of obesity in the last twenty years, and there are many simple answers, and
Two-thirds of adults and nearly one-third of children struggle with overweight and obesity. For every five American deaths, one is associated with obesity. America causes obesity because Americans are always exposed to oversized food portions everywhere, healthy foods may be more costly than fast food restaurants, and the environment may not provide a healthy lifestyle in the area the person may live in.
Obesity and its cause is a complex issue, but the main causes can be generally grouped into three headings: poor diet, lack of exercise and lack of awareness.
Obesity is becoming one of the biggest problems in the country, but there has to be reasons for it. It can be the economy, society now, or people and companies. It’s time that our country starts to realize that we can’t live like this anymore. We need to see what is causing the sudden rise in obesity, and what we can do to fix it. Education of risks and solutions can be very helpful. Obesity is killing so many people, yet is still 100 percent avoidable. Our country is beginning to care less and really let themselves go. The fast food industry, supermarkets, and schools are the ones at fault for the spreading problem of obesity.
Overweight and Obesity in America’s Children: Causes, Consequences, Solutions by Amy Jordan mentions how being overweight doesn’t mean you are obese but they are both unhealthy and are issues that should be resolved whenever they can. The article mentions that of course since the parents influence their children it’s their responsibility to choose between what kinds of food to feed their children. Unfortunately, parents cannot always be around with their children, which is why the article also mentioned the kinds of food that are available in schools. Schools contain snacks that tend to be fattening which makes a child’s body mass index greater. Children are so tempted to eat junk food that there’s a higher chance of them eating unhealthy if
In America today, there are an array of issues that our society faces daily.The society we live in today, has been lost to a generation of apathetic and depressed individuals. Thus so, causing one of America's leading social issues. Obesity can be blamed on a number of things: lack of physicality, GMOs, and socioeconomic status.
Is youth obesity a problem in the United States? Obesity continues to get worse by the year. In 1980, around 35 years ago, 7% of children aged 6 to 11 were obese. In 2012, this was looked at once again. It was found that this percentage increased by nearly 11%. Only 5% of adolescents in America, aged 12 to 19 were obese in 1980. By 2012, this increased by almost 16%.