
Causes Of Parkinson's Disease

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The process by which the monkeys were cloned is called somatic cell nuclear transfer. According to the article “Monkeys Have Been Cloned, Paving the Way for Human Cloning”, when using the somatic cell nuclear transfer method, scientists take the genetic code from a cell of the animal being cloned and place it in a new cell with reproductive capacity. The new cell grows with an exact replica of the DNA from the animal being cloned, thereby creating a new, but exact copy. When ready, after a few days of dividing and growing, the cells are implanted into a surrogate mother for development and birth.
This is not the first time that scientists have used this method to clone animals.. The first animal to ever have been cloned was Dolly the sheep. …show more content…

The scientists are planning to use the monkeys to study human genetic diseases. Specifically, the scientists plan to use their research to help those affected by Parkinson’s disease and diseases similar to Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is disorder in the central nervous system that affects movement and can cause tremors and stiffness. People with Parkinson’s disease have trouble walking and their movements become slower, this is because the brain’s signal to specific parts of the body slows down, this is called Bradykinesia. There are more than 200,000 cases of Parkinson’s in the United States per year. You can’t die from Parkinson’s disease, but people advances Parkinson’s disease can have difficulty swallowing, which can lead to choking, leading to death. Also, because of the stiffness of movement, people with Parkinson’s disease often fall, which can cause death. This is why many people believe that cloning is important so that diseases such as Parkinson’s can be …show more content…

People fear being cloned because it could lead to wealthy people making copies of themselves and selecting specific genetically engineered offspring. That could lead to things similar to what Nazis have done in the past, selecting only people with blonde hair and blue eyes. Cloning would make it so that people could be mass-produced to obtain certain qualities or characteristics. It would take away a person’s sense of individuality and uniqueness. Most people strongly believe that humans should embrace their differences, and cloning would completely violate that. This could lead to people looking down on clones in comparison to the non-clones. Then, the clones would be raised and thought of as not as good as the non-clones, leading to strongly limited psychological and social development for the non-clones. Fortunately, Mu- Ming Poo and the other scientists have said they have no intention of cloning humans. Mu-Ming Poo says, “I would think that the society and general public and the government will not allow the extension of application of these methods from non-human primates to

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