On December 7th , 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan. On this terrible day over 2,400 Americans are killed by the bombs that the Japanese dropped. A month preliminary to the attack, Japan sent a plenipotentiary to Washington to arrange the nation’s expansion in Asia. Therefore if the United States did not accept this aggression, Japan was ready to launch the surprise attack. Before the was a plenipotentiary sent Roosevelt sent bombs to the Philippines between the Japanese and Dutch oil fields which they needed. The bombing of Pearl Harbor was over seven hours, some 353 Japanese fighter planes, torpedo planes, and bombers released a persistent bombing blitz that destroyed 188 U.S. aircraft, had sunken 4 U.S. Navy battleships, and killed …show more content…
Many of the Americans were killed and many of the people had a family back at home. Marshall Law was declared admittedly after the sneak attack, they were a complete blackout over the Hawaiian Islands because they didn't know if the Japanese were coming back to the naval base or if they planned to do something else in the US. The Military acted as best as they could, they fought and tried to make sure their country was safe. According to one of the soldiers they were many men in suspension, they were injured men everywhere, hair burnt off , they were dying but little did they know they were going to die that night . Concerning the American military leaders were not expecting an attack so close to home, the naval amenities at Pearl Harbor were undefended. Even though Japan tried so hard to destroy the American fleet, most of the ships returned to their jobs and played major roles in battles in the Pacific …show more content…
Over 2,400 Americans killed at Pearl Harbor with over 60 of them being civilians , the nation decided to declared war on Japan the very next day. According to one of the soldiers he stated that when he went into the hospitals that they were many men wounded .The soldier went to all of those injured soldiers and now matter how hurt they were, they wanted him to send a note to their parents telling them that they will be alright, even though most of them died that night .The hospitals were full of the injured and the soldiers was dying fast, no one knew what to do. Nurses were cut short.The Navy Nurses faced the terrifying things of war from its first day. The rest of the Navy medical workforce, they treated the incoming casualties with self-sacrificing devotion. Most of these nurses went without sleep or rest for several days. Since the nurses helped so much taking care of the injured, many lives were saved.Over 800 Navy Nurses were on duty serving in the Navy Nurse Corps at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack. The inactive Reserve Corps numbered over 900
On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It was indeed a great shock to the United States, many documents show that the bombing on Pearl Harbor was an attempt to stop the United States from entering into World War II. This attack was the turning in point World War II, and United States making the decision to help the Allies. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because of its narcissistic political mentality and angered by United States placing the embargo act on oil.
First I will give a little general history of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The attack on Pearl Harbor, a day that shall live in infamy, happened on the 7th of December, 1941. The Japanese naval forces launched an attack on the U.S. naval base of Pearl Harbor, the attack including mini submarines and aircraft. In an effort to destroy dozens of ships in the U.S. Navy, the Japanese aircraft dropped hundreds of bombs, along with torpedoes (Perlman, 2011). The battle only spanned 90 minutes, but it would be one of the worst moments in American history with over 3,700 casualties. The day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. President, Franklin Roosevelt, asked Congress for a declaration of war on the nation of Japan. This request was passed with minimal opposition, this being a member of congress
The attack on Pearl Harbor was devastating and almost everyone knows how the US responded and how many people were killed but I want to tell you about the event from the Japanese point of view in this essay. First they needed a reason to attack, some type of motive for destroying one of America’s great naval bases. For the Japanese the Pacific was an easy and tactical target due to the lack of resistance in many of the islands giving access to the U.S. and gaining territory at the same time. The only problem was Pearl Harbor, the American naval base in the pacific, so the solution was to eliminate the base before it became a factor. To many taking down Pearl Harbor is an almost impossible task especially for the Japanese; as they had to travel across the Pacific and once they got to Pearl Harbor they would be confronted by 100 ships, a few hundred planes and artillery such as AA units. But in the mind of the Japanese it was an easy attack, as they thought they had the best navy and air force in the world and
When the attack on Pearl Harbor was over, many people died or they suffered critical injuries. Moreover,the attack was a complete surprise to the citizens that live in Fort Island. According to,(www.history.com) the attack took around 10 minutes. Also,”the total number of military personnel killed was 2,335”(visitpearlharbor.org). There was also, “2,008 navy personnel, 109 marines, and 218 army”(visitpearlharbor.org). Additionally, there was “68 civilians” that died with most of them were from the USS Arizona by 1,177 people (visitpearlharbor.org). Not to mention,the amount of people who were injured “came in 1,143” (visitpearlharbor.org). In addition,the “Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor crippled or destroyed nearly 20 American ships” (www.history.com).
During 1941, despite President Roosevelt wished to stay neutral in WWI; on December 7th, Japan established an unexpected, (though perhaps to be foreseen) assail upon Pearl Harbor, hence the next day war was declared. Prior to Japan’s attack on the U.S; Japan had been struck by an Immigration Policy, embargos on aircraft and parts, a freezing of all its assets and bank accounts, and eventually an embargo on oil and petroleum shipments. The Immigration Act was a forge of shame and humiliation against the Japanese, causing them to become unable to purvey the Yamato race; thus began the first surge of aversion towards the U.S (first-page doc). Embargos on aircraft, parts, and oil would lead to believe Japan to become a third- class nation within two to three years if no action on the U.S policy was taken (as stated in document E). The propositions which were taken by the U.S preceding the attack on Pearl Harbor led Japan to hold a surge of execration, which became a wound Japan sought out vengeance for.
December 7th, 1941. This was the date of one of the most important attacks on the United States in the history of America. This was the date of the Japanese attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack on the naval base at Pearl Harbor was the last straw that led to the United States joining World War II as part of the Allied Power. The bombing was in reaction to many economic sanctions that were placed on Japan, so the bombing was not just to make the United States mad. We can see many reasons as to why Japan would bomb Pearl Harbor.
“The Japanese plan was simple: Destroy the Pacific Fleet. That way, the Americans would not be able to fight back as Japan’s armed forces spread across the South Pacific. On December 7, after months of planning and practice, the Japanese launched their attack. In all, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor crippled or destroyed nearly 20 American ships and more than 300 airplanes. Dry docks and airfields were likewise destroyed. Most important, almost 2,500 men were killed and another 1,000 were wounded. On December 8, Congress approved Roosevelt’s declaration of war. Three days later, Japanese allies Germany and Italy declared war against the United States. For the second time, Congress reciprocated. More than two years after the start of the conflict, the United States had entered World War II” (History.com).
On December 7, 1941, the United States became a fearful country and ready to fight for the killed. The Pearl Harbor Attack lasted 110 hellish minutes. Killing 2,343 men, 1,272 wounded and 960 left missing. Brothers, husbands, wives, and moms killed. The United States would stop at nothing to get even with Japan. The surprising Pearl Harbor Attack which started at 7:55 AM leaving many of the servicemen still in the pajamas. The United States prior to the attack had issues with Japan. Giving a reason for the United States to attack Japan. Japan was fighting with China too. The Japanese managed to destroy nearly 20 American naval vessels, 8 enormous battleships, and more than 300 airplanes. The Japanese would only lose 65 men. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was the president at the time, gave a very famous and powerful speech calling the Pearl
It all started the morning of December 7, 1941 when Japanese leaders decided to bomb the United States. Families were then broke apart and things became much more complex in the lives of Americans. Pearl Harbor was not “just a bombing,” but in reality it is so much more. This bombing had a great impact on the whole world for World War II. The bombing of Pearl Harbor had many situations before the bombing, during the bombing, and after the bombing.
December 7, 1941 was one of America’s darkest days. This was the day of the famous pearl harbor bombing. This attack came from the Japanese attacking the American Naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack had been in the planning for many years to attack and weaken the United States Naval force. Japan wanted to do this to gain more superiority in the Atlantic and to grow their ties with European nations. In this paper I will talk about the people, the planning, the attack, and the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor bombing.
In July 1940, the U.S. placed an embargo on Japan, hoping they would restrain Japan 's military aggression in China. Japan, a proud nation, would not hear of being dictated to by the United States and began to prepare for the attack on Pearl Harbor in early 1941. Meanwhile, there was some warning of the attack on America, but it went without being duly acknowledged. The day before the attack occurred, a code-breaker intercepted a message from the Japanese concerning the movement of ships at Pearl Harbor. The operator relayed the message to the superior officers who said they would get back to the radioman on Monday, December 8, 1941 (Socolow 43). Also, on the morning of the attack, a radar operator saw a large group of airplanes on the radar screen, and when he reported this, the senior officer said it was probably just some US Bombers and not to worry about them (HistoryNet.Com). The Japanese planes flew under the radar by flying through a pass in the mountains called Kolekole Pass. This maneuver added to the surprise of the attack. The frantic attack began on Sunday at 7:55 in the morning. A little before ten the entire attack was over (Pearl Harbor, Attack On). The men of Pearl Harbor fought with valor.
The Japanese military conducted an attack on the American naval base in Honolulu, Hawaii on December 7th, 1941 just before 8am in the morning. They came with a total of 408 fighter planes when they attacked Pearl Harbour. This disastrous attack lasted about two hours and had devastating results for the United States of America (USA), both in the short-term and long-term. During the attack on Pearl Harbour, almost twenty American naval vessels, including eight battleships and more than three hundred airplanes were destroyed. Close to two thousand American soldiers died and one thousand were wounded. In response to the events at Pearl Harbour, President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war on Japan. This was approved by the congress in one dissenting vote. Japan then allied with Germany and Italy and retaliated by declaring war on the USA. After two years of observing the conflict around them, the Pearl Harbour attack was what urged the Americans to join World War II. Therefore, the social, political, and economical impacts of the Pearl Harbour hit hard on the American Society.
Shortly before 8am on Sunday 7 December 1941 , the first of two waves of Japanese aircraft launched a devastating attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet, moored in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The raid, which came with no warning and no declaration of war, destroyed four battleships, leaving an additional 4 damaged in merely two hours. The attack destroyed 188 US aircraft, killed more than 2,400 Americans, and injured another 1,200 . Although remembered as “the day that will live in infamy”, the exact reason behind the attack on Pearl Harbor still remains unknown. Some believe that the Japanese were galvanized by Germany to attack the United States because of the assumption that the United States would be unable to concentrate all of its resources toward the fight with Japan. Germany desired assistance in the fight during World War II and, because of that, nearly guaranteed the United States’ defeat if Japan attacked. On the other side, it is believed that the Japanese prompted the Pacific war with the attack on Pearl Harbor in order to eliminate their primary competitor for resources in the Pacific and fulfill its destiny of creating a “greater East Asian co-prosperity sphere” .
The military base at Pearl Harbor was a prime location for the American military. There they could keep an eye on Japan, and also on the fight over in Europe. However, on December 7th 1941, Japanese pilots attacked the base. The attack majorly crippled the US fleet, by either totally destroying, or crippling to the point of being unusable, a total of eight warships, one hundred eighty-eight aircraft, and taking the lives of over two thousand four hundred American military personnel. This started the United State’s
When we think of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, we think of the 2000+ military casualties and 68 civilian casualties that the Japanese left dead, and the cause of how Americans got involved in World War II. The forgotten effect of the attack is the 110,000 to 120,000 innocent people with Japanese ancestry that were interned and stripped of their properties because of this attack. The day of the bombing was an unfortunate day for the Japanese Americans. These people had immigrated all the way to the US just to be betrayed by their own “ethnic country”. They feared for their lives since they were “Japs”. Sure enough, all people with even a fraction of Japanese blood had their property taken and were forced to move to horrible prison camps. These people felt betrayed. They didn’t deserve this! They were Americans! When the government