Introduction Labor unions became very prevalent during the Progressive Era when positions in factories were readily available but also steadily dangerous. Unions were drafted in order to protect the rights of workers regarding safety, wages, and benefits. It wasn’t until about the 1980’s when labor unions started to face a real decline and lack of memberships. In my opinion I believe the lack of manufacturing jobs in the US, newly implemented public policies, and increased lobbying from corporations are the root causes of the decline. Loss of US Manufacturing I believe a contributing factor as to why labor unions are on a steep decline in the US today is because the country’s manufacturing sector has become obsolete. Specifically speaking …show more content…
In 1981, President Reagan began a period of “union busting” where he locked out the air traffic controllers union. After a strike ensued 3,000 workers were terminated by Reagan (Collins, 2015). According to Collins, 2015 this single instance sent a message to future politicians that “taking an anti-union stance was not necessarily a political liability” (p. 2). State and federal governments also became better equipped to act as an ally to the American worker and essentially replace many of the responsibilities that were once dedicated to unions. Overtime pay, number of hours worked, guaranteed days off and employees’ rights and standards are all issues that have been addressed by the state and federal governments (Macaray, 2008). If an employee wanted a guarantee that their place of work would be free from hazards their only option was to join a union and have contracts drafted. Now that guarantee has been replaced with the Occupation Health and Safety Act (OSHA). The act holds every employer within the US to maintain high standards of safety within their establishment (Macaray, …show more content…
Corporations sought to completely disband unions or at least severely weaken. According to Collins, 2015 “it worked very well and in the last 30 years they have been very successful at either blocking or weakening any legislation that would help unions or collective bargaining” (p. 2). As unions became weaker corporations acted by refusing to meet any of their requests regarding higher wages or benefits. They even went as far to hire strike breakers. Once a job lock out began or a strike ensued strike breakers were hired to replace union workers (Collins, 2015). After the strike subsided this left many people without work. The hiring of strike breakers gained popularity and effectiveness so much that unions became reluctant to continue their striking. For comparison purposes 371 strikes took place in 1970 and only 11 occurred in 2010 (Collins,
Unions began forming in the mid of 19th century in response to the Industrial Revolution. The National Labor Union began to form in the post- Civil War Era. One of the major force emerged in the late of 1880’s was the Knights of Labor, which collapsed for the reason of weak organization.
Unions in America today have grown smaller and smaller in the past 30 years. There are many reasons for this. The major one is that industries in other countries that are non-union have much cheaper labor costs, and therefore can offer products and materials at a much lower price than our US union-run, high wage cost factories. “During the 1970s and 1980s, a fifth of large unionized companies in the United States went bankrupt, unable to compete against companies with lower wage costs.” (Rachman, 308)
Unions were formed to protect and improve the rights of workers. Their first order of business was to establish the eight-hour workday and in 1866, the national labor union was formed. Labor movements were around before 1866, but few organized up until this point. Unions created an environment for workers with difficult tasks, creating better pay, safer work conditions, and sanitary work conditions. Unions made life better for many Americans in the private sector. Collective bargaining became the way in which employers and a group of employees reached agreements, coming to a common consensus. From 1866 to the early 1900’s Unions continued to make headways increasing membership and power. The real gains started in 1933 after several pieces of legislature, which saved banks, plantations, and farmers. The American Federation of Labor (AFL) proposed an important, and controversial, amendment to the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. It insisted that language from the pro-labor Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932 be added to the simple declaration of the right to collective bargaining. The setbacks the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) suffered in Little Steel and textiles in the latter half of 1937, and in Congress from 1938 to 1940, despite the gains made by the AFL, by 1940 the amendment had stalled. WWII created a rapid buildup within the industrial complex, creating more work for women and African Americans, overshadowing the union’s inability to project their power
During the Progressive Era of the Gilded Age, many laborers were being mistreated by the companies that they worked for. Because of this, workers started forming labor unions or organized association of workers, formed to protect and further their rights and interests. Many of these labor unions failed, while few of them achieved their goals and still exist today. Many factors contributed to the failure of these labor unions. The labor unions were given a bad image, the reason for this was the media, and they did this by publishing articles depicting the unions as violent, communist groups. The government supported big business during this time, since the government had a lot of power; this was a huge setback in the labor unions’ battles.
During World War I, an increase in strikes allowed employees to get higher wages and better conditions. However, after the war, unions started to weaken due to the unexpectedly high wages. The workers were expecting the low wages they had before the war. In addition, there was a decrease in unions because many soldiers who returned from the war wanted their old jobs back. While many of the soldiers did not get their jobs back, some individuals did because employers fired the workers who were trying to create a union. Also, the decline in unions in the 20s was caused by the cost of living as people were living a wealthy lifestyle, therefore, needing all the money they can get. If workers rebelled they would be fired from their jobs and lose
Labor unions have existed in one way or another since the birth of our country in 1776. They were created in an effort to protect the working population from abuses such as sweatshops and unsafe working conditions. From the start of our Nation there were a few unions organized unions in a scattered fashion, but many were disbanded after they had achieved their goals, such as when the printers and shoemakers briefly unionized in Philadelphia and New York City in 1778 to conduct the first recorded strike for higher wages. Three years later in 1971 the first successful strike happened, when Philadelphia carpenters campaigned for a ten-hour workday. This caused the need for skilled and unskilled laborers to skyrocket during the Industrial Revolution and the Civil War and also got the ball rolling with Labor unions. At this point in our Country, there had been nothing done yet for workers’ rights, conditions, pay, and so on. People at this time saw that they could come together and do something to make their lives better for themselves and their families. Many of these dates were important in shaping our country’s labor policies into what they are today. In 1847 New Hampshire enacts as the first state to enforce a 10-hour workday law. In 1909 the International Ladies’ Garment workers’ Union calls a strike in New York, demanding a 20-percent raise and a 52-hour workweek. Within two days, more than 20,000 workers from 500 factories walk off the job. This largely successful uprising
If unions are that beneficial to workers, why the increasing decline? Several reasons come into play. One issue being, there has been a rapid growth within particular categories, such as women. There are more women currently in the labor force, who are more prone to working sporadically and half the time compared to others. Secondly, there has been a decline in union’s actively engaging new members, as well as their being a steady increase in the employer’s unwillingness to take part in unionization attempts. Additionally, because society has shifted from unionized corporations with a manufacturing-based economy to a service-based economy has made it more difficult to unionize. Although, there have been uncontrollable and controllable forces that have led to the decreasing popularity of unions, they have still managed to make up for it in vital areas, such as wages, benefits, working conditions, and others. Whether or not individuals view labor unions as positive or negative organizations, they will always matter.
Labor union is an organized association of workers, in a trade or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests. During the industrial revolution in Europe there was a rise in new workers without representation in the workplace. In the 19th century the industrial revolution spread to the United States from Europe, this resulted in the economy shifting to manufacturing from agriculture as an economic importance. American societies were increasing in population as well as experiencing industrial growth. This industrialization brought conflict between businesses and the labor force since mechanized production was replacing household
The rise of capitalism as the dominant economic system in the United States made the rise of unions inevitable; given the natural division between those with capital that control the means of production, and labor, who is treated simply as another factor of production (Hodson & Sullivan, 2008). While labor unions have made significant improvements to the working environment, with the regulation of safety, environment, labor and wage; labor unions have also contributed to the decline of U.S. dominance in industries like steel, automotive, education and airlines. In today’s global economy, can labor unions continue to be a force for good in the United States, or have they become harmful institutions?
The main reason of the rise of labor unions was the quick industrialization of the US economy. During the post-Civil War period, the US economy became extremely industrialized. This meant that more and more people were working in factories owned by large companies rather than working in small shops for themselves or for small businesses. In addition, large numbers of immigrants were coming to the US. They created a huge pool of labor that made labor prices go down and the quality of working conditions.
A major topic that comes up with unions is getting better wages for the employees. This is one of the main reasons that unions came to be. Workers of all fields were tired of being paid unfairly by big companies. They realized that they needed a way to organize themselves to fight for better pay. Unions helped aid in this fight. According to, “ The formation of the Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers (shoemakers) in Philadelphia in 1794 marks the beginning of sustained trade union organization among American workers.” This was the first time workers tried to organize themselves to get more money for what they did. A key way that unions used workers to make businesses meet their demands was organized strikes. With these organized strikes, the big companies had to comply with some of the demands to raise the employee 's wage, or it would cost them more money in the long run. Strikes are a very powerful tool that unions have used often in the past. Unions orchestrated the strikes in the past pretty well, and the majority of strikes accomplished the goal they were trying to complete. Unions have always fought with companies to give the workers the pay they deserve.
Organized labor has seen a long and ever changing history in the United States. What began as minimal organized labor movement catapulted into astronomical union membership rates as the nation grew and developed. The intense power unions possessed only lasted so long and in the years since 1970, union membership in the United States has collapsed. This paper will examine the most significant reasons for the decline in membership. In brief, organizational redesigns, the development of technology and substantial public policy changes have all contributed to the drop in affiliation rates. In addition, policy suggestions will be provided in an attempt to support the continuation of the trend. Much of the research regarding this topic refers to
But the National Labor Union did not remain long in existence and was forced to terminate in 1873 due to an economic depression. Depressions often prolonged the goals of labor unions because the desperation for work due to high unemployment rates rendered strikes ineffective. The National Labor Union was not without some success however. It “heightened public awareness of labor issues and increased public support for labor reform in the 1870s and 1880s” (Library of Congress).
Labor Unions have had an effect of American history as well as world-wide history from the time they became popular. Following WWII Americans were predominantly pro-labor, however, as time went on union’s credibility fell short of perfect. Union strikes proved to be bothersome to both the general public and company. Unions were also suppressing to employees through fraud and lack of worker rights (in earlier years, before Acts were passed). Although Union labor had its shortcomings, this type of labor is noted to be the most productive and economically beneficial. With both sides shown, I feel Unions will again thrive in the future with a few key adjustments made.
I believe unions are decreasing in popularity. The benefits or incentives offered by unions do not outweigh the costs, dues or fees in this economy. Unions have lost their competitive advantage due to the economy and can longer compete or offer competitive pay like it once had to incentivize new recruits or retain current members. If they are unable to satisfy the