
Causes Of The Witch Craze

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A woman was once looked upon as a positive figure, however, with time, women were not seen as they were originally portrayed. Women were eventually viewed as a witch. Each culture had a different perception on what a witch looked like, but each represented the same thing; an old woman living alone or, a widow for instance. In essence, the witch craze brought about the "dark side " of the feminine gender. Some causes of the witch craze in the fifteenth century included hallucinations, an escape for the accused witch from torture and humans natural instincts of blaming a misfortune on someone or something. Firstly, hallucinations occur as a result of the induction of hallucinogens into the blood stream. Some people have always wondered how witches got the stigma of being able to fly. During the witch craze, drugs were popular. With the hot topic of witch’s, people who used drugs, hallucinated witches being able to fly. When there is a lot of pressure and tension is high around a person, some people use drugs to find an escape. By finding an escape, people made up being able to see witches fly or, just wanted to be known by telling others a fib to bring attention to ones’ self. For those who don’t use drugs, they are highly influenced by the people who do use them, making them paranoid and susceptible to believe anything they hear. In the 1600’s, the deception was how people saw witches flying around on a broomstick. Because drugs and witches were a popular trend, people

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