Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your concerns regarding the recent CCO Supervisor (16-608CP) promotional process.
The first concern you related was in regards to question #47 on the written examination. A review of this question, as well as a consultation with both Subject Matter Expert’s and the Director of Operations, Community Corrections was conducted. The Department Order (D.O.) references this information, and while it may be more restrictive than state law that dictates the establishment has the right to allow or not allow patrons to enter with a firearm, the question is contained within the section of the test that directs the test taker to answer the following questions as they relate to D.O’.s, consequently, the question/answer
Thank you for the detailed memo of 11/28/2016. I appreciate the opinions, and have weighed them against the report.
The Human Resources Department would like to congratulate and thank you for doing an outstanding job in the investigation of the incident needed to determine whether Mr. Barton’s dismissal was warranted. Although your job as a human resources advisor involves keeping records about all Rona’s employees, you have exceeded our expectations on this investigation. The way you gathered information from the individuals involved and the way you
On August 1, 2016, senate bill 11 (S.B. 11) was put into effect, which allows for the carrying of concealed handguns on Texas public institution campuses by license to carry a handgun (LTC) holders (Campus Carry UTSA). There has been lots of controversy over this new law, especially since there were 23 shootings on college campuses in 2015 alone. In this essay, I plan to explain the stipulations of this new law and why it is controversial.
1. The transition from officer to supervisor is difficult and sometimes isolating. Discuss some issues that complicate the transition. I think some issues that complicate the transition is the fact that the officer had a personal relationship with his coworkers where they saw him as a peer. Due to that relationship, he previously acted and spoke without a filter. The officer now will have to deal with “things” from his past being brought up. Having more tenure officers passed by for the promotion also complicates the situation. Most people would imagine that an officer with more experience would be promoted first. However, they don’t stop to think that being a chief requires more than just experience.
However, these laws are modified frequently.” We were also given an explaination of what publications we can utilize to find particular firearms regulations in order to educate ourselves. Certain terminology was also broken down in a way that was quite easy to understand… One of the more important thing covered in my mind was the definition of what a prohibited person is. It was stated that a person could be prohibited from owning firearms for many reasons, including but not limited to Having been convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year, Has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to a mental institution, Has been discharged from the armed Forces under dishonorable conditions, and Has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence or where the underlying charge was one of domestic
Thank you for your time on the phone today. As discussed, I will talk to the coordinators about a new credential expiration notification process I developed, as well as give them guidance on communication with site staff and supporting DONs and their leadership over their sites.
In this paper, I will discuss the recent law that allows for conceal handgun license holders to carry a concealed weapon on college campuses in Texas. Although “no permit is necessary for the purchase of rifles, shotguns, ammunition, or any firearm component in the state…the only qualifications pertinent to the purchase of firearms…is that the purchaser must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the state,” there are rules as to who can carry a concealed handgun (gun.laws). “A person must apply for a license with the Department of Public Safety and meet certain requirements: the completed materials and applications, two passport color photographs, [be] at least 21 years of age, [be a] resident of the state of Texas, completion of
Guns, Concealed Weapons and Dangerous Ordinance: Any person that has been convicted in the court of law of violating gun control ordinance, carring any conceal weapon, or possession of any dangerous ordinance may be disqualified. Any attempt to violate the law, statue or ordinance mentioned
On a psychiatrist's recommendation, Manson was transferred in October 1951 to Natural Bridge Honor Camp, a minimum security institution.[4]:137–146 His aunt visited him and told administrators she would let him stay at her house and would help him find work. He had a parole hearing scheduled for February 1952. However, in January, he was caught raping a boy at knifepoint. He was transferred to the Federal Reformatory in Petersburg, Virginia, where he committed a further "eight serious disciplinary offenses, three involving homosexual acts", and then to a maximum security reformatory at Chillicothe, Ohio, where he was expected to stay until his release on his 21st birthday in November 1955. Good behavior led to an early release in May 1954, to live with his aunt and uncle
Across the nation, many states have begun to reassess their mental health policies and how they affect gun control. One state in particular is Maryland. In 2012, Maryland began a legislative task force to investigate the access of individuals with mental illness to regulated firearms (Maryland, 2013). Under current state law, access to firearms is denied to anyone who has been confined to a mental health facility for more than 30 consecutive days. The law also states that the individual must be determined to be dangerous to themselves or to others along with their mental illness in order to be denied access to firearms. The other question asked is what access law enforcement officers should have to mental health records. In an article by Gostlin (2011) he states “Successfully reducing firearms-related
I think Steven Gibbs would be a good weekend supervisor for these reasons. Mr. Gibbs takes pride for his job which in turn shows good integrity. Mr. Gibbs is confident, respected and friendly with co-workers when on the job. Mr. Gibbs has very good interpersonal skills and is good under stressful situations (conflict management). Mr. Gibbs is a fast learner and is willing to embrace new challenges and ideas. Another reason I think Mr. Gibbs is a good candidate for the weekend supervisor position is because of his past security experience. Mr. Gibbs is also very good at adapting to constant change.
In the scenario provided to us in the writing prompt we are told that; a man collapses in onto a store floor and the customers that were there around him do nothing to help, but instead step over him and take pictures. Soon a new customer Braden comes in and quickly rushes to assist the collapsed man. What makes these people act so differently from one another? Why was Braden so quick to help, while the costumers that were aware of the incident did nothing? To begin to understand the reasoning behind the peoples behaviors we have to think about personal and situational influences.
In Energetics meets Generex negotiation, I was acting as a Chief Operating Officer (COO) for Energetics Corporation and my opponent and my classmate Chace Eskam was acting as a COO of Generex Corporation. In this deal, as a COO I was supposed to sell the Wind energy division of the Energetics to Generex. Energetics Corporation was in desperate need of cash due to bankruptcy. Another hurdle was that I could not sell three different locations of Wind plants individually. My company needed cash within three months with no additional terms added to this deal. My another best alternative was to sell all the assets of Wind Energy division to generate some cash if deal with Generex fails in this negotiation. Our negotiation went on for 15-20 minutes during class time and deal was set in $247 millions. My opponent Chace was very tough in this negotiation to deal. He was very prepared with facts and numbers before he came to the table. My opponent asked me lot questions such as the depreciation of the property, equipment’s life, taxes etc. After having lot of discussion we ultimately came to the conclusion that Generex will pay Energetics $247 million right away in cash to purchase Wind Energy division from Energetics.
Responsibilities of NCO Leadership is showing and leading by example. I failed to lead and show by example by not show up on time after lunch hours. During those times soldiers are showing up on time and looking for guidance and direction for the next task at hand for that day’s mission.
Risk management is a paramount activity in order to ensure long-term survival in the banking industry. In order to remain as a going concern JPM has put in place vigorous infrastructure to mitigate and measure risks across the firm.