Competency Goal 1: Safe, Healthy, Learning Environment
In my child care setting, I work hard to provide all children with a safe and healthy learning environment. I research and follow strict standards available from the state related to preventing and reducing injury and illness, helping children feel safe, following sound nutrition and fitness practices, and creating an enriching learning environment.
My goal is to set up and maintain an environment that reduces the risk of injury to children. Because children lack the judgment to avoid hazards and because children learn by doing and interacting closely with others and their environment, injury can happen frequently in a child care setting. I accomplish this goal by keeping
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My goal in the area of health is to prevent the spread of illness, keep the environment as clean as possible, and follow sound nutrition and fitness policies to help children and families live a healthy lifestyle. In group care, it can sometimes be hard to control the spread of germs and disease, so I follow proper hand washing, sanitation, diapering, and food preparation guidelines at all times. I also follow my center’s sick policy by informing families about communicable diseases, observing children closely, and sending sick children home right away. I also prepare my snack menu carefully by following the food pyramid, ensuring at least two food groups, and strictly limiting processed and sugary foods. I am also proactive about health in fitness in my classroom, as I teach children about making good choices and how to lead a fun and active lifestyle. We have sports, creative movement or outdoor play several times each day to stay active. We also inform families of our health and fitness goals so they can support the goal of a healthy active lifestyle.
Finally, I work hard to create an indoor and outdoor environment that enriches, challenges, and encourages children to develop interests, connect with each other, have alone time, and learn through play. I accomplish this goal by continually assessing my play materials, adding new things, gauging my children’s interests and needs, and adjusting my environment accordingly.
We know that a rich and varied environment supports children’s learning and development. It gives them the confidence to explore and learn in secure and safe, yet challenging, indoor and outdoor spaces.
Alex informed the team I am going to sleep at night, but I have to wake up to early to catch the bus. Alex stated, “Mrs. Telisha has been giving me Melatonin to help with my sleep.” Alex’s foster mother shared with the team, “Alex have mood swings frequently.” “Alex commented, “I am ready to go home.” Alex’s foster mother reported, “Alex is very helpful; however, he continues to try to take care of the children.” Alex acknowledged, “I am proud of the progress I made, so I feel like services should end.” Alex’s listened as the QP shared it is important for him to have services when he return home in 3 months to address barriers and prevent a relapse. Alex has made minimal progress with stabilizing his mood, as indicated by Alex having mood swings while in his foster family’s house and getting adequate sleep and having a stable appetite.
Lizzie’s mother observed the QP using positive discipline with Lizzie by giving Lizzie a directive, then Lizzie ignore the directive and said, “I don’t have to if I don’t want” then the QP remind Lizzie of the expectations then Lizzie complied and the QP praised her.
It is important to ensure children and young people are protected from harm within the setting, as the parents are leaving their children in your care with the expectation that they can trust you and your colleagues to keep their children from harm. It is difficult for parents to leave their children in an education or care setting and then go to work; they need to be confident that their children will be in safe supportive hands with people that will help them develop.
All members of the staff must act as professionals while at work, especially with young children. The administrative and teaching staff must work together to ensure their practices are developmentally appropriate, and share new and/or creative ideas with one another. It is also the responsibility of a teacher to establish an open, trusting relationship with the parents of each children in their care. Thus, parents can freely communicate their thoughts, concerns, and/or suggestions about their child or the program. Parent satisfaction is something that every child care or development center should strive for.
Goal 1: To Use data to differentiate instructions and as an indicator of students growth.
Understand how to plan & provide environments & services that support children & young people’s health & safety.
This helps practitioner’s work together for the welfare of children. It promotes the Every Child Matters outcomes to reinforcing how important it is for all child careers to work together.
Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people is a high priority in the workplace, and certain actions and procedures must be followed to ensure the safety of all children, both inside and outside of school.
Thus, clearly defined and well-equipped spaces for everyday activities offer better conditions for an increased engagement and concentration of children on certain tasks, also offer conditions for expressing their levels of spirits and this in turn will contribute to a greater degree of social interactions among the children.
As a para-educator, I believe it is imperative to not only meet the educational needs of our students, but also their emotional needs as well. Every day I strive to make each child feel welcome and cared for. I greet them with a smile, and call them by name. I ask them questions in an effort to get to know them, and often have conversations about the things they are interested in. I share with them my interests as well. For example, I have one student in particular who is an avid football fan and we often talk about the scores of our favorite NFL teams on Monday mornings. These interpersonal
Nutrition, hygiene, and safety are very important factors that work together in order to achieve wellness. If people eat unhealthy foods that contain a lot of sugar, extra additives, and poor nutritional value, they are not only hurting their bodies, but also their minds. Children who eat lots of sugar will get cavities in their teeth, possibly gain weight and not enjoy exercising. That is why teachers must include all areas in their daily teachings. Teachers need to teach kids the importance of eating healthy foods, incorporating good personal hygiene, teaching them the importance of safety at all times, and doing all of this in a loving, stable environment. As stated in our book, “The early childhood years, birth through age 8, are important years for growing and learning and represent a crucial time for establishing children’s wellness,” (Sorte, et al., 2011).
Throughout the past couple of months, I have started to consider going into the field of Child Life. Yet, during our meeting I realized that what I like about the occupation is the setting. I have always considered working with children before, because I have worked with children so much already. I recognized that I do not want to work with children where play is the primary focus. I would rather work in a setting that is more controlled.
At UC Davis I explored all the health-related organizations and decided to join a public health advocacy group called RIVER (Recognizing Illnesses Very Early and Responding). RIVER prioritized educating underserved populations in Davis and the Greater Sacramento area about how essential preventive care is to one’s health. Through my participation in RIVER as an exercise intern and a board member, I became an advocate for preventive health. As I learned more about preventive care, I applied that knowledge by teaching individuals from these underprivileged communities how to make healthier lifestyle changes through exercise and nutrition education. One program I had the opportunity to be involved in was RIVER’s Healthy Heroes program at Ethel Philips Elementary. Since most these children were facing some form of adversity, I helped to develop a program that would motivate these children to prioritize their health early to prevent future complications affiliated with poor lifestyle choices. Because of this program, my passion for prevention and public health grew. This organization’s mission resonated with me and inspired me to become a physician who integrated preventive care with
Play provides a safe place for children to learn, with no feelings of failure. I noticed the play learning environment structures the environment by providing several activities a child can choose from. Providing choices allows the child to stay with an activity to improve on their skills, and master the play experience with minimal frustration (Hemphill et al, 2014). Children need to build on their resilience, and have the confidence to try again. Children consider risks in their choices where they are able to develop autonomy, interdependence, and a sense of self.