
Cda Competency Goal 1 Essay

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Competency Goal 1: Safe, Healthy, Learning Environment

In my child care setting, I work hard to provide all children with a safe and healthy learning environment. I research and follow strict standards available from the state related to preventing and reducing injury and illness, helping children feel safe, following sound nutrition and fitness practices, and creating an enriching learning environment.
My goal is to set up and maintain an environment that reduces the risk of injury to children. Because children lack the judgment to avoid hazards and because children learn by doing and interacting closely with others and their environment, injury can happen frequently in a child care setting. I accomplish this goal by keeping …show more content…

My goal in the area of health is to prevent the spread of illness, keep the environment as clean as possible, and follow sound nutrition and fitness policies to help children and families live a healthy lifestyle. In group care, it can sometimes be hard to control the spread of germs and disease, so I follow proper hand washing, sanitation, diapering, and food preparation guidelines at all times. I also follow my center’s sick policy by informing families about communicable diseases, observing children closely, and sending sick children home right away. I also prepare my snack menu carefully by following the food pyramid, ensuring at least two food groups, and strictly limiting processed and sugary foods. I am also proactive about health in fitness in my classroom, as I teach children about making good choices and how to lead a fun and active lifestyle. We have sports, creative movement or outdoor play several times each day to stay active. We also inform families of our health and fitness goals so they can support the goal of a healthy active lifestyle.
Finally, I work hard to create an indoor and outdoor environment that enriches, challenges, and encourages children to develop interests, connect with each other, have alone time, and learn through play. I accomplish this goal by continually assessing my play materials, adding new things, gauging my children’s interests and needs, and adjusting my environment accordingly.

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