
Cell Phones Are Imposing Negative Consequences On Our Lives

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Mobile phones have rapidly encroached themselves on Canadian lives. Almost every adult has a cell phone and numerous children too, although I cannot speak for everyone, I would assert that cell phones are imposing negative consequences on our lives. Allow me a moment to share my views on cell phones with you. Face to face meetings assist in creating engaging conversations with friends, family, coworkers and even strangers. Being able to see expressions, read body language, and the ability to hear tone leads me to understand the true meaning of words. Recently, my son was to go away to school, yet sadly the loan for school was denied. When I asked my son how he was dealing with this setback, he simply replied, “I’m okay”. I could see the expression on his face, the slump in his shoulders and the sadness in his voice to know he was definitely not okay. Electronic exchanges cannot convey emotions and underlying messages. What you say and what you really mean is often not the same thing. I may have mistakenly thought he was indeed okay if we would have texted our conversation. I need to know my child’s true feelings. When my kids were little play time used to suggest time spent together. My children and I had played with traditional toys, such as trucks and dolls. That type of play naturally lead into conversations as they created stories with their toys. Our family bond and communication improved during play. I gaze around now and see how playtime and bonding over

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