
Cell Phones Can Be Dangerous

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Driving can be very dangerous on its own without distractions but when you add driving while using a cell phone in the mix you have the perfect ingredients for a disaster. I believe cell phones are very dangerous while driving by using them for voice and especially texting and should be banned. Some reasons I believe this is when a driver is talking on the phone they are focusing more on the conversation than driving. The second reason is when your texting you are looking down and also not focusing on the road. Lastly cell phones are basically mini computers now and if a driver receives an email and believes that they must answer the email at that time can also cause an accident because they are not focused on the road. In the following …show more content…

For example, a person may be in sales and may have to contact their appointments, basically having an office in the car. Well let’s say they look at their lead that has their customer’s phone number on it which is located on the passenger’s seat, grab it look up and there is a car stopped right in front of them. Well I do not have to go into detail about the outcome. The cell phone is not the direct cause but if they were stopped alongside the road or a rest stop they could have conducted their business and all would have been well. Another incident while using a cell phone while driving and talking such as in a heated conversation or arguing. The driver is focused on their conversation which has their mind on the phone call and they completely forget or don’t even see a red light. One sad thing is these incidents all even using hands free having the wrong conversation may still take your focus off the road. Texting and driving has caused many accidents and is up there with drunk driving in causes of accidents. The main reason why is because most cell phones require two hands while texting and it is a law so a driver is trying to keep the phone down out of sight of a police officer. In this situation both hands are off the wheel and they are looking down, not a good combo. The generation of young drivers is the

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