People in many schools regularly sneak around on their cell phones, trying to hide them from teachers or administrators. Cell phones were originally against school rules. Honestly it makes a lot of since for students not to be able to use their cell phones during school hours. Cell phones should be banned in schools because they distract students, allow cheating in Schools, and they can be dangerous. Cell phones distract students in school. Whenever people text in class it gets other people’s attention, which makes it hard for students to learn. Also if it goes off in class it can cause the teacher to stop teaching and have everyones attention on that cell phone (Armstrong). The evidence that has been given helps support this …show more content…
Most of the time when you give kids an inch they will take a mile, which means if you gibe kids the ability to use their phones they will not just use it for research. Cell phones are dangerous. Cell phones can put off radiation, which means that cell Phones can cause brain tumors or acoustic nueromas (Colipie). If students are allowed to use their cell phone during school it will make it easier of a chance for kids to get some type of cancer. A study has been shown that cell phones affect men’s sperm quality. It could affect having a healthy baby (Colipie). That has nothing to do with school but cell phones are bad for everyone and they can make some people quit caring about school because they are so addicted. It’s a scary thing to know how easily a cell phone could be used for a bomb. You could use a cell phone as a detonator or even to call in a bomb threat. This supports my reason because, cell phones can be such a threat to schools and kids that some people would feel that their life is in danger at school. Cell phones can be such a big distraction that it can take away from kids education. They easily can allow students to cheat by texting or sending people answers. If you think about It cell phones can be a huge threat to school and everyone in it by being used as a bomb or a bomb threat. Cell phones are great things for communicating, but many people don’t just use
In the classroom cellphones cause to much of distraction. Students are to tempted to text or surf the web when they have their cellphones on, or even with them in the classroom. Students say that they are looking up an answer or doing research, but are they really? These students find any excuse to be on their phones, and it is a detraction to the other kids around them. “Students check their phones in class more than 11 times a day on average” (Reed). Schools need to come up with better way to improve on these rules so that cellphones won’t cause such a big issue in class.
The use of cellphones is absolutely intolerable in many schools nationwide, it is a distraction to the student to keep them from learning. Mrs. Rodgers from Illinois said, “Every day a tidal wave of cellphone’s come in and its sad because instead of doing what they 're supposed to to start class they text and play on their phones”.Cervenka, Susanne. "Catching Up with the Technology." Asbury Park Press. 27 Apr.
Technology is everywhere. In people’s homes, public areas, and in teenagers’ hands. Cell phones have become a part of teenagers’ lives and cannot be taken away. As technology evolves, teenagers feel the need to have the latest phones to “fit in” or feels pressured into having one. Students bring their cell phones everywhere with them, including school where notifications or ringing disrupts in class. Cell phones could be a helpful source of information and communication. However, cell phones in school and in classrooms cause many problems. Schools should ban cell phones because it is too much exposure, it is disruptive, and students can cheat easily with the use of technology.
Most schools around the country allow students to have cell phones for safety; however, most schools do not necessarily allow students to use mobile phones during class time according to “Do Cell Phones Belong in the Classroom” by Robert Earl, a partner in a strategic consulting firm in Arlington, Virginia, has served in the federal government, in the defense industry, and in the Marine Corps. He is a Naval Academy graduate and Rhodes Scholar and has spent many years observing public school classrooms. The article “Do Cell Phones Belong in the Classroom?” states that lack of preparation for a class has been just one negative consequence these cell phone users experience (Earl). Cell phones are known to be a distraction in all types of situations. For instance, after the teacher has given the lecture. Or has even started helping students. Sometimes even he or she will start writing on the board. Students see that as an opportunity to take their phones out and send an instant message to friends, watch a vine, listen to music, or tweet. After some time, the teacher will notice the usage of cell phones. By that time he or she gives out a warning about the use of cell phones, the phones will disappear with unwilling obedience until the next chance is presented. There needs to be more discipline in a classroom and students need to be inspired and motivated by wanting to learn. “ Percent of teens who take their cell phone to school, school policy, 2009” shows
Many schools across the United States, believe that cell phones have no place in school because they are distracting and students won’t be able to focus on schoolwork. Many school officials are only looking at the drawbacks of phones in schools, and not the good things. Cell phones can be an aid in the classroom. They can be used to look up information, be used as calculators, and writing notes to save paper. "The reason we went to that policy was hopefully to prepare young adults to turn their phones off when they 're supposed to be off and to use them in the right way,” said James Hawrysko the Dean of Students at Barrington
Cell phone makes it possible for students to call family if necessary. How many times have you gone to school and forgot your lunch money or gotten sick in the bathroom? Cell phones even allow parents to keep track of their child’s location. Sadly there is always the chance of a dangerous situation
Do you take your cell phone with you to work, and use it all day long for organization and needed communication? Well, school to us students is like our work, but our organization and communication tool is prohibited. Cell phones have so many positive uses in the classrooms, yet at the same time we aren’t putting our current technology to good use. For example, cell phones in our school are banned, and I feel that this should be changed immediately. The many benefits of cell phones in school are the following: they increase student participation, student/teacher safety, student organization, and student records and grades.
To conclude, the ban of cell phones during class should be considered because without them the classroom can only benefit. As an administrator you could only want what is best and that is getting rid of cellular technology because it is distracting, could lead to low test scores, and isn’t needed to keep the school
“This past summer, we too began to question our cell phone policy. It occurred to us that everywhere else in society, we have been taught when cell phone use is appropriate and when it is not. For example, church services often start with a reminder to silence all cell phones. We realized that our students also need to be taught appropriate use. Now, use in the classroom is still off-limits, but in the cafeteria or hallways, use is allowed. When students enter a classroom, they are greeted with a reminder about appropriate use. We have seen a drop in disruptions related to electronic devices, and parents have welcomed this more relaxed policy.”
In today 's modern world, there is a great buzz around the latest and greatest in technology. One such massively important gadget, is the cellular telephone. In the last decade or so, cell phones have gotten smaller and smaller, as well as larger in popularity. It is difficult to go anywhere without seeing a person on a cell phone, or using a cell phone in some fashion. Contrary to popular belief, cell phones are not a "god-send" in my opinion, and looking at the facts, the world would be better off without them. As all of the following evidence shows, people would be safer, healthier and perhaps even smarter, without the presence of cell phones.
In today’s society everywhere we look people of all ages and genders are parading with their cell phones. Whether we are driving, or walking down the aisle in the grocery store, and even in class, cell phones have become a part of our everyday lives. Although most students like to text in class, it shouldn’t be allowed because cell phones might tempt students to cheat, and just be a major distraction for everyone.
Phones are being used by what I call a ‘groupers’ to cheat. All members(maybe not all) take photos during their first hour class of a ‘master copy’ that has been corrected, and then everyone shares out the answers to every one else in their group. They carry out the answers, and get an unfair advantage over everyone else. This is just a bucket in the rain of why I know that cell phones should be banned from classrooms. An article by the name of ‘40 uses for smartphones’ lists as reason number 2&3,”Take photos… Make Videos”. As I was reading Through this article it proved my point exactly, if we allowed phones in classrooms students could take a video of an essay another student was working on and plagiarize it, i could have my phone in hand set it to record casually walk up to the teacher and request to use the bathroom. On my way to the teacher’s desk and out to the bathroom I would pass 15 desks that could potentially have been videoed. The same logic could be applied to warmups, I could have one of my friends in the morning take a video of the warm up, and I could finish the warm up before class started, if we did this ten times we would instantly get extra credit and another handhold, and shortcut. ‘40 uses for smartphones’ comes in and supplies another potential invasion
School should not allow cell phones in class.The cell phones are a big distraction for the
Do you every wonder what children do at school with their phones? There are lots of conflicts at school involving students with their phone. Students will get their cellular device taken away if they have them out during learning periods. Pupils are gorilla glued to their phones. Many school across North America have issues with phones. Will students learn not to have their phones out during school? Students should worry about their phones being taken away and concentrate on their work. Phones are bad for school and can be used to do horrible things by students.
Cell Phones have a good tendency to get you in trouble these days. They’re slowly, but surely trying to take over the world! Cell Phones are making us want them all the time. They’re also causing deaths of all source. Another reason, is that they are causing problems in our bodies. Cell phones have put such a strain on our lives, to it being attachment problems, accidents, or even health problems.