Cell Phones Should be Allowed in School Seventy eight percent of 12-17 years old have cell phones as of a survey taken in 2013. Cell phones have boomed and its time to let them shine. Cell phones becoming a major part of peoples life’s. Cell phones are welcomed every where this days. There allowed in restaurants and hospitals, but one place they are not welcome are schools. Cell phones should allowed in schools. Cell phones are used by around third of the population. With teenagers being a very big percent of the people who have cellphones, why aren’t cell phones allowed in schools. Cellphones phones are used in case of emergencies. Seventy percent of all 911 calls are from a cell phone. Emergencies usually happen out of no where so being …show more content…
There was also another survey with fifty one percent of high school students have carried cell phones with them since freshman year. They are already use to bringing their cell phones so most students will have them every day. Many people would say students would use cell phones to text in class even in a 2011 survey at the University of New Hampshire’s Whittemore School of Business and Economic had a said that sixty five percent of their students have texted in class, but also students have been surveyed and said they use their cell phones for some sort of class work. With the spread of cell phones teachers are also getting in the loop. In a report from “How Teacher are using Technology at Home and their Classrooms” it was surveyed that fifty eight percent of teachers have cell phones compared to forty eight percent of all American adults. Teachers are supposedly more in the loop than regular American adults. Along with seventy three percent of teachers said that they and their students use cell phones in the classroom. Seventy three percent of teachers in the study have used cell phones in class before to teach their students. In a Pew Research Center study said forty eight percent of the students used cell phones to discuss school work. Kilgore 3 Many students need a way to get in touch with their teachers and a lot students like to speak face to face, but that would be an inconvenience to show up at a teachers house so they can use apps like
The first reason why cell phones should be allowed in school is that it will help with a lot of different things. If we have phones allowed at lunch, it will make more students comfortable. According to debate.org 76% of the people who visited this website said that they would allow cell phones, and 24% said
Cell-phones are now and day apart of everyday life. Certain classes should allow students to use cell phones. With Social Media, Apps,the internet, and communication
Central Idea: The use of cell phones in school is great for educational purposes, social life, and as a safety tool
diFilipo says, “The smartphone is nothing more than a laptop that doesn’t fold in half. Students can use Excel and read long, complex documents on their phones.” This shows how students have information at their fingertips and professors should use it to their advantage. In addition, Murdock explains how smartphones in the classroom add an inherent ability for collaboration and engagement by involving interactions, such as classroom polls and games on websites. Murdock and diFilipo both agree that in order to include phones in classrooms, professors have to ensure their Wifi is strong and check with students first. Overall, cellphones are a huge part of students’ lives and professors should incorporate them into their lessons to boost collaboration and improve
Many people believe that bringing cell phones to school may cause distractions. However, a recent study leads more and more people to believe that mobile phones could in fact be a “powerful learning tool” (Docksai), serving as a mobile computer ("Cell Phones in the Classroom” ). Elizabeth Hartnell- Young, a research fellow from the University of Nottingham tracked 331 students from 14 to 16 years old, for learning through cell phones. They used cell phones to make short videos, set homework reminders, record poems, and transfer files from home to school (Docksai). Students described their learning experience as “motivated” (Docksai). Many experts pointed out that students have a “deep comfort level” with mobile phones (Docksai). In other words, students could learn more if they enjoyed what they were doing. An increasing number of teachers have changed their point of view towards cell phones, many now believe that cell phones would exert positive effects on education. For example, some teachers have already started to collect homework online and answer questions through text- messaging. A school in Saskatchewan encouraged students to read and share thoughts about books through their cell phones (Docksai). Furthermore, according to a recent survey, the majority of students could refrain from using cell phones and not be distracted by them in class. In fact, over 71% of students didn’t
The increase of school shootings and threats has encouraged parents to allow their children to carry cell phones to school. Cell phones have successfully been
According to Lenhart, in 2012 three quarters of teens, ages 12-17, owned cell phones. Of those teens, twenty three percent of them indicated they possessed a smartphone. With the technology advancing in cell phones, it has become yet another classroom distraction and a serious concern for cheating. With cell phones on hand, it has created an easy way to become distracted during class. Assistant Professor Campbell from the University of Kansas brought to attention, “one study found that a third of university students in the US play video games on their mobile phones and laptops during class (Gilroy, 2004 as cited in Katz, 2005).” The majority of researchers have found that mobile phones have lead to problematic use in the school environment
Many teachers believe that cell phones don’t belong in a classroom because there are several disadvantages. An example maybe a student who uses a cell phone in class has no intension in listening or paying attention to the teacher. This student has a short attention span who cares about socializing more than his/her education. Cell phones can be very disruptive; they can invade people’s privacy and can also be used as harassment or bullying. The usage of cell phones is creating a huge problem particularly when they are used in school.
their cell phone during school it will make it easier of a chance for kids to get some type of
When students get bored or don’t feel like doing the assignment they turn to their phones to help them escape from boredom. Then later the homework comes or tests that they don’t understand and fail because one was not paying attention when it was being explained. A student with a phone during class becomes distracted and would rather worry about who said what on Twitter then one’s own education. Some students wonder why they struggle. Well, this is obviously one of the causes. At the end of the term students often fail their classes and would drop out of school (Cassidy). Parents think cell phones are a way to contact students in the time of an emergency, but when was the last time that one genuinely called for immediate phone calls to a child. If a parent urgently needed to contact their child they could call the main
phone these days? The answer would be very low. Many teenagers and adults own a cell phone.
The idea of cell phones in the classroom is an immensely debated topic. Researchers and professors have done research and conducted experiments to decide if having technology in the classroom is beneficial or simply a distraction. Many school’s policies on the use of technology vary depending on the type of education system. The statistics given based on whether cell phone use is permitted at school is oftentimes used to support one side of the argument. People tend to lean towards a specific side of the argument based on the evidence given. Ramesh Sharma’s “Cell phones in the classroom” supports the idea of cell phones in the classroom while Sylvia McDonald’s “The effects and predictor value of in-class texting behavior on final course
Most youth today have a cell phone so teachers across the U.S. have started using cell phones in the classroom. They are seen as an important tool that helps them to connect everyday life and learning. A Spanish teacher in Wisconsin gives oral quizzes via cell phone. Another in Michigan has
Today, everywhere we look around there is more than likely going to be a phone in somebody's hand. This article looks at education and the use of phones, if they should be allowed or not. If cell phones won't be aloud then another question they look at is if any technology should be used. It is so common for youth to be on their phones and this talks about whether or not it would be a distraction or if it could help. The main focus on this article is that the "administrators often are concerned about inappropriate use of cell phones in schools and this is the major cause of restricting their use" (Obringer and Coffey, p. 10). As this article talks about whether or not is should be used as a learning tactic, it also gets into gender differences. They look into which gender is more likely to use the phone as a distraction rather than the learning they were assigned to do if it was allowed in the school. Another question that popped up was if the students even knew what their school's policy on cellphones was. By the end of this you will see their look on whether or not it is worth using any kind of technology in the education system.
One- third of 18 to 29 year olds only use a cell phone or the Internet for making phone calls," ("Cell Phone Usage Continues in the USA," Para 1). Every day, you can see more and younger kids having a cell phone and all their parents have one too. Surely, Statistics show that technology usage has increased rapidly over the years.