Ring! Ring! Your phone just went off what should you do? You should ask my teacher if you can turn it off. Which students think that it is good to have cellphones in school, but some do not think it is a good idea? Cellphones are very distracting in class and school. Cell phones are devices they do not need to be used on school campus at all.The only time cellphones should be used is when students can research and do school work.Even though, students want their mobile phones on school campus teachers should take them,while students are on them.Students do not need their phones anytime during class only when their teachers say they can get on it.Teachers probably know that the students parents will get mad at teachers for taking their child's phone.Students need to learn a lesson not to get on their phone during school hours.Cellphones should not be used in school because they are a total distraction and can cause students to fail. Many students like to text during class and school hours. The reason why they might text during class because someone might of texted them. Many students just text so they do not have to pay attention to their teachers. Students like to text people …show more content…
Cell phones cause negative effects and disturb students from learning. Students need to get an education and learn more about school work. Students and teens will worry way much more about their phones than their school work. Cell phone are a big disturbance and need to stay off the school property. Many students love to research things they do not need to research and that is one reason why students do not need their phones during school. Cell phones should not be allowed or used during school hours. Students just need to worry more about their school work and do not need to worry about their phones. Students need to be banned and their teachers need to take their student's
Thirdly, cell phones are just another item, and banning them makes them more irresistible to people, especially teenagers. "As a student, I understand that cell phones are distracting while a teacher is trying to help the students--but at the same time, I believe they become even more distracting to the class as a WHOLE when teachers make a huge deal out of trying to take a phone away or punish a student for having a phone out."(Answer.yahoo.com-2009)Cell phones could be one of the 5 distractions-talking, playing, throwing, devices, and physical actions. With cell phones you're making less distraction to the class because you’re not disturbing anyone but yourself and that’s a good
Cell phones are amazing things that allow us to so many great things, but are causing us to loose sight to what really matters? Cell phones should not be allowed to be out during school hours but should not be completely banned from the school campus. They are used as status symbols, a way to measure self worth and make us lose touch with reality.
Phones should not be allowed to be used at school because phones tend to distract not only the student that has the phone, but also the other student's and the teacher. When a person gets a text they want to answer it right then. When that student or person receives a text, it interrupts the whole class because for one, your going to want to answer it, and for the second reason the class looks at you and that causes a big distraction for everyone that was listening to the teacher and trying to learn. Another reason a phone is distraction is students tend to stay on social media and post crazy things and selfies and during class they want to take a picture of themselves and other student's to post and that distracts not only that person but their classmates around them.
Are you always on your phone? Either Snapchatting, on Instagram, scrolling through your twitter feed? It can be pretty temping to pick up your phone and do this stuff in class but you can use them in good ways in school. George Washington Middle School currently has cell phones banned in class. Although most teachers think that cell phones are a distraction, cell phones should be allowed in class because students feel anxious without their phones, there are many educational uses, and allowing phones is more convenient.
Hmm, phones in the classroom! What do you think? That is a debate between billions of people in the world today. Children all over the world have phones, but they can not have them out during school hours. Cell phones are important to so many kids and adults. These devices have been around for so long, and many people can not live without them. All around the school campus, students are miserable without their phones. In the world today, about three-fourths of the U.S. population have phones. A cell phone is an important thing to some people. Without cell phones, kids wouldn't have access to their social media accounts like Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. So take this into consideration, even if it is in one class, students should be allowed to get on their cell phones during school hours.
Students shouldn’t be allowed to have phones in school because students can easily use them to cheat on tests and quizzes. According to U.S. News “More than one third of teens with cell phones admit to having stored information on them to look at during a test or texting friends about answers.” (Miners, “More than”). Many people already use phones to cheat now even when phones aren’t allowed, so allowing phones to be present in the classroom will give students easier opportunities to cheat. Cheating is also unfair to the students who study and work hard to make grades. So phones not being allowed in classrooms is a better choice so students will study and learn instead of just cheating using their phone.
Should teachers let students have their phone in class? Many don't, currently most teachers do not let students use their devices during class time. In addition Cell Phones have become increasingly popular. According to the Huffington post “Millions more will join the ranks of smartphone users in the years ahead, as the remainder of the 92 percent of American adults who own cell phones upgrade their devices” this article illustrates that many people own cell phones and many more will soon. And most teachers view them as a distraction to the learning environment. However that is incorrect, Cell phones should be allowed in class because they are educational, can be used as tools, and in that could improve their learning. The teachers should let students use their cellphones during class because they can use it for a resource, an emergency, and for overall happiness.
Picture this, there has been a school lockdown, the suspect cut the landlines so no one could call the police for a rescue. However, the suspect was captured by the police much faster than he imagined. The last scene wouldn’t have happened if it was one decade ago, because cell phones were not popular in schools then. When it comes to cell phones, some people think they should not be permitted in schools, and other people think they should be permitted in schools. I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons: Cell phones are an efficient way to communicate when emergencies occur in school; cell phones can be a great tool for learning during school hours; and the current prohibitive rules on cell phones are merely fruitless
People all around the world have many electronic devices, and there are abundant amounts of freedom that come with them. There are so many different technologies to choose from, but one that seems to be quite common among people of all ages, are cell phones. Such technology is great for many uses, but it is not always appropriate in certain settings. The principal at my school has adopted a new policy that bans the use of cell phones during school hours. I support my principal’s decision. Cell phones can be distractions in many ways to students during school. They can cause conflicts between fellow students and between students and teachers. Allowing cell phones during school hours also basically gives students permission to not pay
Many teachers believe that cell phones don’t belong in a classroom because there are several disadvantages. An example maybe a student who uses a cell phone in class has no intension in listening or paying attention to the teacher. This student has a short attention span who cares about socializing more than his/her education. Cell phones can be very disruptive; they can invade people’s privacy and can also be used as harassment or bullying. The usage of cell phones is creating a huge problem particularly when they are used in school.
people’s attention, which makes it hard for students to learn. Also if it goes off in class it can
Many places in society are setting policies on digital device. The principal at my school has also set policies on banning cell phones in school. Students should not be permitted to use cell phones in school. Using cell phones during school allows students to cheat. Students will be more distracted by cell phones and pay less attention to the teacher and to the lesson. Students have a higher chance of getting in trouble if they use cell phones in school rather than if they are not allowed to use digital devices in school.
When people talk about cell phones in classrooms, people can be very split. People say that it can distract students and fellow classmates, with text messaging and video games so present with our day and age. But, what I believe is that with new and upcoming age of technology, Cellphones are going to be much more relevant in the world we live in. This is the reason students should be allowed to use this tool in places like the classroom.
In this generation, cell phones are the center of everyone’s focus, but are they really necessary? I believe cell phones should not be allowed in school. We are only in school for half of the day, we should be able to go without our phones for that short amount of time. Besides, cell phones create a distraction during school. They are used for cheating, bullying, they also disturb the learning for other students. I’ll explain why.
Cell Phones: Many American youth now have cell phones that they carry with them everywhere .Should cell phones be allowed at school ?Many teachers and students claim that phones are distracting while many parents and students insist that phones are necessary. Write a persuasive essay explaining your position on the issue.