
Cellular Respiration

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1. If the amount of succinate present is increased, then there will be a higher %Transmittance and more mitochondrial activity because the amount of succinate would reduce DCPIP at a faster rate due to a gain of electrons from succinate that will turn DCPIP colorless.
2. If the temperature is increased, then there will be an increase in reaction until the optimal temperature at 45⁰C, anything below the optimal temperature will cause fermentation to decrease because there isn’t enough free energy for reaction to occur spontaneously.
3. If an alternative sugar, in substitute of glucose, is mixed with 2% live yeast, then there will be a high volume of CO₂ and fermentation will occur with 10% Lactose + Lactaid because they are disaccharides.

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Glucose is most commonly used as an example to examine the reactions and pathways that occur because it is the energy source for most cellular activity. The metabolism of glucose can occur in either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. () The first step of aerobic respiration is glycolysis in which occurs in the cytosol. Glucose is broken down to form pyruvate, and 2 ATP. After glycolysis, if oxygen is present, aerobic reactions will proceed and go through the TCA cycle, where it occurs in mitochondria. The conversion of succinate to fumarate took place in the citric acid cycle, where the reaction reduced FAD to FADH₂ that produced free electrons that enter the Electron Transport Chain. By using DCPIP, an alternate electron acceptor, the reaction of the dye was monitored through its color change. DCPIP is blue in its oxidized form and colorless in its reduce state form. To determine the …show more content…

At 0 ⁰C (ice), the volume of CO₂ produced is .5mL. Test tube 2 was placed in room temperature (22.5 ⁰C); the volume of CO₂ produced is 2.5mL. Furthermore, test tube 3, placed at 45⁰C, produced 6.5 mL of CO₂. Test tube 4, was placed in a temperature of 60⁰C, had a 4.5 mL of CO₂ production. Lastly, test tube 5, was placed in 100⁰C (boiled yeast) environment which led to have a total of .75 mL of CO₂ production.
The data in figure 3 shows the effect of alternate carbohydrate sources on fermentation, all incubated at 45⁰C. Test tube 6, galactose, had a .5 mL of CO₂ production. Test tube 7, Sucrose, produced 8 mL of CO₂ and test tube 8, fructose, produced 5.5 mL of CO₂. In addition, test tube 9 had a 7mL production of CO₂. Test tube 9, lactose, had 0 mL production of CO₂. Lastly, test tube 11, lactose +Lactaid produced 7 mL of CO₂.

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